You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Meng Haoran’s shot was really shocking. How could humans be so fierce, Meng Haoran looked like a little white face, even a hidden master couldn’t beat so many people with a wave of his hand?

Nodasha has not met a master for so many years, but the strongest person he has encountered is only around the tenth, and it took a lot of effort. You can beat people with a wave of hands, and the connection is useless. , Noda Society does not regard Meng Haoran as a ghost.

The other onlookers were also constantly rubbing their eyes at the moment, thinking that there was an illusion, you are kidding me, sure you are not making a movie.

"This is too fake! Couldn't all the security guards be bought out?" A crowd of onlookers whispered, still scanning back and forth between Meng Haoran and the security guards, hoping to find any flaws.

Meng Haoran slowly approached Nodasha, and every time he took Nodasha, his heart jumped. She was already scared to the extreme, and he didn't care about losing face and began to retreat. At this time, the Nodasha who was still watching the good show brought him. The beautiful woman of's also showed fear in her eyes, and the omnipotent Grand Master Noda was actually scared like this.

Nodasha’s retreat did not prevent him from narrowing the distance between him and Meng Haoran, because after a dozen steps back, he found that he could no longer retreat, his body was already close to the wall, and his body was trembling, but he held back his fear. "What do you want to do, here is a big crowd. If you do anything, you will be sanctioned by the law. You'd better not mistake yourself. The big deal is that I will admit it this time and let you go." I'm not as scared as before.

Yes, he must not dare to do anything to me. What happened just now should be something I didn't know. After today, I will make him look good and my father will definitely help me.

Meng Haoran stood still 2 meters away from Notianshe, and squinted at him, still thinking of revenge, the resentment in Yetianshe's eyes did not escape Meng Haoran's capture.

Meng Haoran laughed too, just because he was not satisfied and fearless!Although I subconsciously wanted to keep a low profile, it didn’t mean I would endure other people’s provocations. If Meng Haoran was only planning to crippling Nodasha in the first place, his mind had changed when Nodasha ordered the bodyguards to take action. Now, Nodasha has already been sentenced to death for his family.

That is to say, when I met myself, if the other people, Nodasha would not succeed, and just now Meng Haoran used a little rule of power to invade Nodasha’s mind and saw some very interesting things. Such scumbags really do not exist. It’s necessary, and doing so on your own can be regarded as a detriment to the people, a merit.

"Oh, you really think so." Although a decision has been made, Meng Haoran still wants to tease him.

Meng Haoran’s words made Noda She’s eyes bright, thinking that Meng Haoran was going to be subdued, and immediately relieved. He is really a coward, but it’s okay. He is really a bit weird. Let others deal with him. This little beauty is still mine, and a smile appeared on his face thinking of the beauty.

Noda She was about to say something on the scene, but what he didn't expect was that Meng Haoran made a move, and he appeared in front of him instantly, and then slapped his left cheek with swelling.

Meng Haoran controlled his strength this time, so there was no situation in which Notiansha was blown by a slap.

However, it’s not like this in the eyes of other unsuspecting people. Although Meng Haoran has shown some methods just now, no one believes that Meng Haoran will actually do something against Noda. After all, Noda’s backstage is really true. It's too big, this one-third of acre of land in Korza Town is exactly what the emperor said is the imperial edict.Qishuw

Too many people have suffered in their hands, and in the eyes of the onlookers, Meng Haoran could not get any benefits.

" dare to beat me, you are dead, no one can save you now" Nodasha felt the scorching hotness from his face, looking crazy, losing his reason and forgetting his own situation.

"It seems that you are not awake yet! I'll help you wake up for free!" During the speech, under everyone's stunned eyes, bow left and right, and the sound of "Papa" sounded regardless, accompanied by the screams of Noda Society. 1 Minutes later, a Noda company that didn't even know him was released.

He clapped his hands unfinishedly, and Meng Haoran was very satisfied with his masterpiece. The symmetrical left and right, it is really a work of art. It seems that this baby has a talent for making materials, and he could not help but look at Nodasha with strange eyes.

The crowd of onlookers swallowed their mouths and spit. It was too cruel. This is a rhythm to be completely destroyed!

That's right, after Meng Haoran's whole thing, Nodasha is already venting more and less air, and his eyes look a little dull.

"Big Brother Meng, why is it so troublesome? Just kill him directly?" Herribel asked a little strangely, feeling a little puzzled about Meng Haoran's extravagant actions. Being a sham killing has already been incorporated into her. Instinct, in her consciousness, as long as it is an enemy, it will be ruthlessly killed directly, or the kind with no soul left.

At that time, Smashing Bee knew better about the human world and rolled his eyes at Hribel, it turned out that it was hard to change his nature.

Hribel didn't deliberately conceal what he said. In addition, everyone had been shocked by Meng Haoran's ferocity, and they all dared not make a sound, so everyone heard this sentence clearly.

Everyone couldn't help looking at Helibel with horrified eyes. He was so beautiful and thought so poisonous that he wanted to kill people at every turn. Originally thought Meng Haoran was fierce enough, but I didn’t expect that there is something more fierce here. People who are interesting with Broken Bee are glad that they have not implemented the plan and can't afford it!

Well, the broken bee is lying down.

Just when Meng Haoran was thinking about how to kill Nodasha without knowing it, there was a sound of footsteps, and then hundreds of people in security uniforms came running, headed by a middleman in a suit. The young man is the manager here.

"Let go of Young Master!" With a loud roar, the momentum was really bluffing.

It turned out that the building was operated by a monitor, and the situation here had been reported long ago. Seeing that Meng Haoran was about to commit a ruthless hand, he mobilized nearly half of the people to rescue him.

"What if you don't let it go?" Meng Haoran didn't flinch, looking confident and confident.

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