You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"This is...?" Meng Haoran looked at the scene in front of him with some doubts, remembering that he should be sleeping at home, why did he come here in a blink of an eye?With his own strength, no one should be able to bring himself here without knowing it?

By the way, it looks familiar here. It exists in the palace of the universe, isn't it my soul world?

"Hehe, master, you are here." When Meng Haoran knew it, Haoyue appeared in front of him.

"What the hell is going on? How could I suddenly appear here?" Meng Haoran asked. Generally speaking, except for special phases, such as the completion of liberation or between life and death, death cannot enter the soul world.

"The master has been comprehending the power of rules for a while, right? It's time to liberate for the third time. Today I call you for this."

Meng Haoran was taken aback, and then he was overjoyed. Although he had understood the rules and his strength had completely reached the king level, it was not much better than the emperor level, but if he could be liberated again, his strength would skyrocket again, let alone 7. Stars, at least reach the point of invincibility under 7 stars.

"What should I do?" Meng Haoran asked, a little impatient.

"The so-called third liberation, that is, Wang Jie, the gap with the previous one is unreasonable. If it is said that the first solution is the initial threshold for entering the strong, and the Jie is to officially become the strong, then Wang Jie is to become the overlord of the party. In this world, only when it reaches the king level will the world’s will see it face-to-face, thus gaining the blessing of the power of rules and evolving life."

"Below the king level is not comparable to the king level. Of course, this is a special situation for the master. Generally speaking, after understanding the king's solution, he will be gifted by the will of the world to obtain the corresponding abilities and accompanying rules. The master has already understood the rules first, so the ability of this king solution cannot be automatically generated."

"Can't be generated automatically? What does that mean?" Meng Haoran was a little puzzled, feeling a little bit bad.

"It means that if the master doesn't comprehend the ability, this ability will never appear, but" Haoyue curled her lips and said in a peculiar tone.

"What? There is such a thing, why didn't you tell me earlier!" Meng Haoran was dumbfounded, saying that he had no abilities, but it was wrong!How can inability be called liberation?"Should it be more than that?"

"The master is smart. If you really don't have the ability, the master who can understand the rules autonomously will not be worse than the defective products. In fact, as long as it is the rules of the autonomous understanding, the ability of Wang Jie can be chosen later. But only one chance."

Meng Haoran quickly asked about the causes and consequences, and only then understood the benefits of the power of autonomously comprehending rules. Because it is the power of autonomously comprehending rules, his Zanpaku Knife is more malleable and will not be forced to give abilities, but selected according to its characteristics. Give a few directions, and then let the master choose which ability he wants.

Of course, according to the potential of the Zhanpakuknife owner, the number of directions to choose varies, generally around three.

"Because the master's talent is very high, so this time the master has 5 directions to choose from, namely, plunder, kill, return to nothing, good fortune, and consolidation."

"Pillaging, killing, returning to nothing, good fortune, and consolidation! What are the specific effects?" Choose one of five, why not have all five?Meng Haoran thought greedily, otherwise he wouldn't have to bother to choose.90 look at the novel

"Pillaging: Under certain conditions, you can plunder one thing from the opponent, which can be talents and skills."

"Killing: Enter the killing state, immune to all control abilities, each successful killing will have a short-term increase in strength and recover a certain amount of injury."

"Return to Nothing: You can only use it 3 times at a time. Each time you use it, you can specify a world to turn into nothingness, but the world's star rating cannot be higher than the user's, and each time you use it, you lose one star."

"Good Fortune: The body of good fortune is achieved, and it is extremely fast in understanding the rules of good fortune."

"Consolidation: After a short period of time was spent on luck, it caused one's character to explode and obtain various chances, but then it would be bad luck."

After hearing Haoyue's introduction of the five abilities, Meng Haoran took a deep breath, and I went, each of them was so bad that Meng Haoran didn't know how to choose.

With plunder, as long as you seize the opportunity, you will be able to acquire various abilities in the future, and you can easily become an all-rounder; with killing, your combat effectiveness will be greatly increased, a weapon to deal with group attacks!

Going to nothing, everything is going to nothing, it is equivalent to the ultimate killer, destroying the world or not, it is simply nuclear weapons!However, even if it can only be used 3 times, the side effects are still so great that it will not be used until death is a case of death. Besides, Meng Haoran is not the kind of person who can destroy the world.

Although it is very simple to say that good fortune makes the body of good fortune, it is actually the most fierce. The comprehension of the power of rules is extremely difficult, let alone the power of good fortune, becoming the body of good fortune is like comprehending. The rules of good fortune opened a cheat device, which will benefit greatly in the future.

Consolidation is also a forceful force. It can be regarded as a necessary killer for the protagonist. When in a dangerous situation, the user's ability to keep it can make a comeback.

After thinking about it for a long time, Meng Haoran finally gave up killing, returning to nothing and consolidating. Although killing was good, it was not as good as the others. After all, it only increased some group warfare capabilities; those who are not strong but have too many restrictions, add their own strength. As long as you reach the pinnacle of which star, you will be invincible at which star, not at all.

Meng Haoran has been entangled in plundering and good fortune for a long time. To be honest, Meng Haoran wants to choose to plunder, because as long as he finds the existence with the power of good fortune and uses plunder, he can have the body of good fortune, but the body of good fortune is so precious, can he meet it? One question, can't wait!On the other hand, after becoming a body of good fortune, the difficulty of comprehending the power of good fortune is greatly reduced. After that, only by comprehending the power of good fortune to a certain level can you create your own abilities, which is more powerful than plundering, but it is just a flower. There is a lot of time.

"Just choose good luck." Meng Haoran finally made a decision, and he thought that he could still comprehend the fourth liberation, and maybe he still had the opportunity to choose the same ability.


"It's decided!" Meng Haoran nodded fiercely, and then lost consciousness.

Outside, Meng Haoran's body changed unconsciously.

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