You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The next day, Meng Haoran opened his eyes, and immediately felt his body.

"Didn't it mean that you have become a body of good fortune? So no feeling." Meng Haoran carefully experienced for a long time and did not find any changes in his body.

Suddenly Meng Haoran slapped his forehead, "Forget, the usefulness of the body of good fortune is reflected in the understanding of the rules of good fortune, and it is in the wrong direction." He quickly comprehend the rules of good fortune.

This time I finally found a change, dear, never thought it would be so easy to comprehend the rules. This speed is almost a hundred times faster than that of a body without good fortune. It would take him dozens of hundreds of years to achieve 7 stars by comprehending the rules. But now he finds that he will be able to achieve 7 stars beyond this world in just one year.

"It's worth it, it's worth it. Fortunately, I chose good luck." Meng Haoran smiled happily. Having this kind of system in this world is really his biggest gain.

Originally it is impossible for the body of good fortune to be born in this 7-star world. It simply does not have the ability to accommodate the body of good fortune. Even if it is born by chance, it will only be the result of the destruction of the world. Only the world of 9 stars has such a slight possibility. The body of good fortune.

The reason why Meng Haoran was able to achieve the body of creation has nothing to do with him, because his own potential is too high, it is possible to achieve the body of creation, plus the understanding of the way of creation, and finally because of the particularity of this world, The soul power was developed, and this made his body of good fortune.

The most important thing is that he is not a person in this world, and even if the body of good fortune is achieved, the world will not be destroyed.

Although Meng Haoran wanted to keep practicing, but he temporarily stopped practicing because he promised someone to take her to play yesterday.

After having breakfast in a hurry, he told the three of Broken Bee to take care of the house, and was not allowed to follow him, so they left in the eyes of the three of them.

"You finally came, I thought you weren't coming?" Meng Haoran saw the figure standing in front of the Urahara store from afar.

"Haha, isn't it early? Have you been waiting here for a long time?"

"Not anymore, but the people here are really boring." The fact is because they don’t know her specific identity, Urahara and the others don’t talk to her. The most important thing is that every time they face her, there is always a subconscious. The feeling of being short, this feeling let them subconsciously spare her.

In fact, this was because the realm of the avatar of the Spirit King was king-level after all, and he was still an authentic god of death, so there was a natural coercion to non-king-level people. Of course, this had something to do with her control power not being as strong as Meng Haoran.

"Let me go! I will take you to have fun today." Meng Haoran said and took her hand naturally.

The avatar of the Spirit King was taken aback, and then smiled. This feeling is not bad. Others have always treated her respectfully and respectfully. They dare not neglect her because of her strength and status. They have a great sense of distance. Let her feel lonely.

Moreover, her own coercion made other people afraid to be so close to him, so she felt a different feeling when she encountered Meng Haoran, and she naturally got closer to Meng Haoran.5599 novel

This is also because Meng Haoran's life level is similar to hers, which makes Meng Haoran have enough low spirit to do this. If other people do this, I am afraid that they will feel uncomfortable all over immediately, as if they have done something heinous.

On this day, Meng Haoran took Edwina to play in Korza Town, shopping malls, amusement parks, and parks as long as they could be played.

During the period, they also exchanged names, and learned that their names were Edwina, but they called each other by Brother Meng and Wenna. Judging from the address, they knew that their relationship had progressed again.

In a cafe, Meng Haoran and Edwina are sitting opposite each other, Edwina is drinking coffee happily.

"It's bitter, but then it's so sweet. Is this the so-called coffee? It's really a good thing." Edwina was in a very good mood at this time. With the company of Meng Haoran, her elder brother, she had experienced a long-lost experience. Happiness, this happiness is never experienced in the Spirit Palace,

Friends?Is he my first friend?It is a human being. Human life is very short. If he dies, who can I play with me?

By the way, I am the Spirit King!After he died, I asked him to come to the Spirit Palace to accompany me, so that I would have one more playmate.

Thinking of this, Edwina's eyes flashed with a smile.

"How about it, are you happy to play today?" Meng Haoran asked, thinking of Edwina's curious baby asking him about it and she couldn't help smiling. Edwina's cuteness made Meng Haoran completely treat Edwina. Meng Haoran cherished the feeling of being like a brother and sister when Wen Na was an ignorant sister.

"Yeen, I'm so happy, this is the first time I am so happy, can you still play with me in the future?" After speaking, he looked at Meng Haoran expectantly. After Meng Haoran nodded, he jumped up excitedly, and then in Meng Haoran. A kiss came on his left face.

Looking at Edwina, who was completely unconscious, Meng Haoran touched his face of being taken advantage of, and was actually assaulted.

For some reason, staying with Edwina Meng Haoran felt the usual peace and forgetting the troubles. Edwina’s laughter and smiling face made Meng Haoran never get bored, as long as she could keep this smile. Meng Haoran felt very happy.

A day’s play did not make Meng Haoran and Edwina feel tired and satisfied. At the suggestion of Edwina, Meng Haoran and Edwina will go to the bar to have a look at night, do a dance or something. It is rarely said in such occasions.

Modern nights are not like ancient times. Compared to daytimes, they are also less lively. Countless people who like nightlife are alive at this time. The lights, wine and green, and the different atmosphere make people more excited.

"Music Bar" is a very common name, and the destination of Meng Haoran and Edwina is here, because the melodious music coming from inside attracts Meng Haoran.

When Meng Haoran walked in, I realized that this place was not as simple as he had imagined. There were no fewer than a thousand people gathered. It seems that today is special. People's faces are very excited. They all look expectantly at the stage, seeming to be waiting. What's going on.

"Come out, come out, the dance king is out." A loud cry sounded.

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