You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"I don't know how Wen Na is doing recently." Thinking that he hadn't been to see her for so long, Meng Haoran decided to go there anyway, and told the second daughter of his decision. After getting their approval, Meng Haoran set off for the Urahara store.

At this time, Edwina was playing a game console at the Urahara store, which was obtained from Urahara Kisuke.

"Oh, why doesn't Big Brother Meng come to me, it's boring to death." Edwina is a bit boring, and she basically hasn't been out this week.

At this moment, a strange fluctuation was felt by Edwina. Her original innocent face changed in an instant. "This is... the breath of the Void King. It will appear in this world like this. What a mess, now I am not its opponent yet, what should I do?" As a clone of the Spirit King, she knows the strength of the Void King, and she is not its opponent at all.

Although she was an old opponent, she still couldn't guess how the Void King suddenly came to this world.

Is it for me?Or is there another purpose?

Even knowing that she might not be an opponent, Edwina still planned to take a look, so regardless of whether she would be exposed, she directly resorted to the instant step of death and disappeared.

"Eh? She is the god of death? Why didn't she find it before." When Edwina was leaving, Kisuke Urahara discovered her Reiatsu, and was instantly surprised. He thought the other party was just ordinary.

What on earth is she going to do? Urahara Kisuke thought this way and went out the most. There was also a black cat with him, Yeichi, their realm couldn't feel the virtual king that had arrived.

Meng Haoran was on the way to the Puyuan store, but a black voice suddenly blocked him, and then six figures walked out of it.

"Is this the present world? Aura is so thin." The head frowned slightly. "Go, find the guy Di Lie said, I want to see what kind of character he is, so Di Lie respects him. "

"Yes, Wang." The other five people disappeared instantly.Jiangsu Literature Network

Meng Haoran looked at the middle-aged man in front of him speechlessly. He had already determined that the man should be the other one of the three kings of the virtual circle, but why did he come to me? Could something have happened?

Besides, I can't see it here, and I'm drunk.

This is also because Meng Haoran's hidden skills are too good. If he doesn't want to be exposed, he is an extremely ordinary human being in the eyes of others. It is precisely because of this that the Spirit King clone has never found Meng Haoran's identity.

It was the same now, the new King Xu stood in front of Meng Haoran, but thought that Meng Haoran was an ordinary person and couldn't see him, so he ignored Meng Haoran.

But it's okay. Before you can figure out what's coming, you can pretend that you don't know it, and let them look for it. Then thinking about Meng Haoran, she walked to the Puyuan store without seeing anything.

"Big Brother Meng! Why are you here? No, he can't see me now." But it was too unwilling. When Meng Haoran was about to leave, he found Edwina actually appeared in his eyes.

She was too self-righteous, but she didn't carefully observe Meng Haoran's eyes, otherwise she would definitely find the smile in Meng Haoran's eyes.

"En? Where is the king-level powerhouse from? Is he the one I'm looking for?" Edwina's arrival attracted the attention of the big man, and Edwina also looked at him solemnly.

There are few powerful kings, especially here in the present world, making the big man subconsciously think that what he meets is the person he is looking for.

At this time Edwina was dressed as a death god, her face was blocked by a layer of mist, she couldn't see clearly, she looked like a man.

I have to say that Edwina's hiding methods are still good, even the Xuwang did not find her true identity.

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