Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 279: Where is the sacred?

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The meeting of the two powerhouses made the atmosphere look dignified, and the imposing collision made the sky become hazy.

"Very well, you are the person Di Lie said. Introduce yourself to the lion madness, and Di Lie is one of the three virtual kings." The middle-aged man introduced himself.

Edwina's complexion hidden under the mist changed, what the hell?Who is the person Di Lie is talking about?Inexplicably.

It seems that he has admitted the wrong person, is he here to find someone when he comes to this world?

"Did you forget me? Don't you know my appearance, little lion." Edwina's neutral voice sounded, making Meng Haoran stunned. I'll go, if I don't know you are Edwina I really thought you were a man.

"This voice, this dress, is the Spirit King?" Lion Kuang found out that the Death God in front of him was not the enemy of their Void Kings?How could she be here? Could it be that she was also looking for the human king, who has already joined forces with the death god?No, it should be impossible. Didn't Di Lie say that the human has already sworn!He can't lie to me.

Speaking of it, the reason why the lion mad came here today is because he learned about Meng Haoran from Di Lie. Meng Haoran will become the same existence as the virtual king in the future, so naturally he has to tell the other two about this. After he knew it, he became interested in Meng Haoran, and wanted to see if Meng Haoran really had that strength, so he brought his own guard team.

He didn't expect to be so coincidental that he met his old opponent Ling Wang soon after he came out. At this time, he had completely confirmed the identity of the other party, and the unique Rei Pressure that belonged to the Spirit King could not be faked.

"I didn't expect to meet you here, how about it, do you want to fight?" Lion Kuang's eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Meng Haoran looked at all this openly from the side, but at this moment, his mind was a little confused. In his eyes, the elder of the Spirit Palace was actually the Spirit King. Is there any mistake? The Spirit King is actually a female, and she is so weak, that's right. Just weak.

In Meng Haoran’s perception, the strength of the spirit king in front of him has just reached the king level. If it is really the spirit king, it must be stronger. Otherwise, how to suppress the other three elders to become the spirit king is unscientific. !

Meng Haoran did not expect that the Spirit King in front of him belonged to the existence of the Spirit King clone, and the strength was naturally incomparable to the deity.

"Hit, here? You are not afraid of the gates of hell." Edwina's tone was a little ridiculous, not to mention that she is now a clone and can't beat the opponent at all. Here, if the current world is destroyed because of the battle, the loss is not so big. How many innocent people will die.Of course, the most important thing is that these king-levels have a characteristic. If they really cause great damage to the world, the gate of hell will appear, and they will also have a lot of trouble at that time.

It is precisely because of this characteristic that she will come here, because she can't fight in this world.

The lion mad on the opposite side was also dumbfounded. He also remembered that this is the king level now, no matter how he shoots, there is no problem. It won’t work if he is above the king level. Of course it’s okay if he uses the power below the king level, but that’s fine Meaning, there must be no one on both sides.

Meng Haoran was a little surprised to hear that, what about this world, could it be said that their battle would cause the gate of hell, why didn't he fight like this?

Silence, the two sides fell into silence again, no one spoke, Lion Kuang was waiting for news of Meng Haoran from his subordinates, while Edwina was curious about his actions and wanted to stay and see.118 novel

Meng Haoran is not leaving at this time, nor is it not going to go, a bit tangled, let's go!The person he is looking for is here, don't go!What kind of a thing is he here alone, you must know that he is now considered by both sides to be an ordinary person.

Just when Meng Haoran was hesitant, two figures rushed over from a distance.

"I can't go now." It was Urahara Kisuke and Yeichi who came.

As soon as Urahara Kisuke came, he was confused by the strangeness in front of him. Is the unclear god of death above Edwina?And who is the middle-aged man facing her. Although he can't feel the momentum, there is a shudder in his soul, as if he feels something terrible..

Ye Yi also saw Meng Haoran, looking at this man who had turned upside down in the Soul World with complicated eyes.

The arrival of the two did not attract the attention of both sides. For people of their level, Urahara's strength was too insignificant, just like an ant, and the giant would never pay attention to the ant under his feet.

It would have been fine if this were the case, but the next sentence of Urahara Kisuke stabbed a hornet's nest."Meng Haoran, you are here too!"

"Meng Haoran!!" Lion Kuang cast his gaze when he heard these three words. Knowing that the name of the person he was looking for was Meng Haoran, he immediately locked Meng Haoran.

At this time Edwina also changed her face and turned her gaze to Meng Haoran. Could it be that...?

With an embarrassing smile, Meng Haoran didn't intend to hide it, and stood up directly, and then the breath of the king-level realm was released. "Yes, I think the person you are looking for is me."

As soon as this remark came out, Lion Kuang’s eyes lit up, and it really shouldn’t be underestimated. I couldn’t find it even if it was hidden. He couldn’t help but look up and down Meng Haoran, and finally came to a conclusion that he didn’t even believe in it. It was unfathomable. Ruoyouruuowu's breath actually reminded him of Xuhuang.

"How is it possible, Brother Meng is actually..." Edwina was surprised to cover her mouth with her hand, and her voice became as crisp as before.

"Neither did I expect that you are the Spirit King! I concealed my strength for the good of everyone." Meng Haoran did not lie, he was indeed wrong.

At this time, Kisuke Urahara and Yeichi were petrified. They heard that the god of death is actually the spirit king, and if they heard it correctly, the spirit king in their eyes is the cute girl Meng Haoran brought to them to stay with them!They fully peaked their three views.

If she is the Spirit King, who is Ling who can stand against her, Xu Wang?

Now they were completely eye-opened, the legendary characters actually appeared here, and even more surprising is that the attitudes of both sides towards Meng Haoran were actually equal.

Where is Meng Haoran sacred?Yeichi and Urahara Kisuke once again felt Meng Haoran's mystery.

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