Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 283: The Lord of the Swamp

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The four of Meng Haoran were not ordinary people, so it was very easy to rush to the road. Maybe it was because they felt that they were not easy to mess with. The wild beasts that used to haunt the forest subconsciously avoided them until the end. No danger was encountered.

The forest is not as big as expected, so it came out in about 2 hours.

"Finally came out." Out of the forest, I saw a small country road. The smoke in the distance showed that this place was not a barren place.

The air in this world is still very good, and the verdant green makes Meng Haoran feel the beauty of nature, and the sense of discomfort that has just come into this world has also been eliminated.

Of course, this is only for Meng Haoran personally. The other three are different. As the virtual kings, they have long lost the sense of the environment. They carry the dark virtual circle all the year round, making them feel uncomfortable with everything here. This kind of desire for destruction, fortunately everyone knows the temperance, and has suppressed the instinctive desire for destruction.

"I feel the breath of the soul, the souls here seem to be very pure." Di Lie said, the instinct of being a virtual still has not disappeared.

Meng Haoran didn't talk, but thoughtfully, because the evolution direction of this world is different?Unlike the world of Reaper, although the world of full-time hunters also has some technology, the mainstream of development is its own excavation. Many places in this world still maintain the most primitive everything. Many strange creatures live in this world. Humans are not. The only overlord.

In Meng Haoran’s memory, the world described by full-time hunters is only a small part of this world, and there are more places to be explored. The hunters say that the world outside is the dark continent, where the real powerhouse is. Where it exists.

There are various "alien humans" living there, and Warcraft is believed to be originally produced outside.According to the records of ancient books and relics, every time humans set foot on the ground, huge disasters will befall the world. Therefore, the Five Continents in modern times concluded an inviolable treaty more than 200 years ago.If you want to cross the border to go to the dark continent, you need to negotiate with the sub-racial "leader" summoned by the gatekeeper.The world where Xiaojie and others live is located on the huge lake Mobius in the center of the Dark Continent. According to statistics, 149 humans have sailed to the outer continent, but only 28 survived and returned.It is said that the reason why mankind regards the Dark Continent as the incarnation of disasters is that all kinds of disasters will come once it has a relationship with the road. This seems to be the "leader" who allowed humans to take the local special from the new world as a punishment Bring back the species.

In the Dark Continent, a small Chimera Ant is at the lower level of the food chain, but in the world of the hunters, it is invincible and almost ruled the Hunter Continent. This shows the danger of the Dark Continent.

In Meng Haoran's memory, he knew only a little bit about the Dark Continent, and the original work was just a mention, but since he came to this world, he had to pay attention to it.

Fortunately, the mission does not seem to require going to the Dark Continent, so there is no need to worry too much.

After traveling for about half an hour again, Meng Haoran and others finally reached a place similar to a small town.

All kinds of cries rang in the ears of Meng Haoran and others, but most of them were aquatic products and some daily necessities.

"Well, let's separate here first, let's find out the news separately! We will gather here in 3 hours." The four separated.

Seeing a direction at random, Meng Haoran walked in that direction.

Hope is the place I know, after all, the protagonist of the original book of the world is only a small part of it.

As Meng Haoran walked around and watched the small town, he found that the people here were basically ordinary people, even a slightly stronger one did not exist, and their faces were full of smiles, and they did not seem to be a poor area.

Walked boringly, and got some information through their conversation.

At this moment, a conversation caught his attention

"Is that guy Xiaojie fishing for the lord of the swamp again today?" Xiaojie?Is it the protagonist.Dance God e-book

"Ah...Well, it has been fishing for a week, and I have been there without giving up"

"I heard that you have agreed with him that if he catches the lord of the swamp, he will take the hunter's exam?"

Without continuing to listen, Meng Haoran has thoroughly confirmed this time that this should be the protagonist’s hometown, Whale Island, and isn’t this scene the most open part of the story?

Meng Haoran followed the voice and saw a familiar figure, it was Xiaojie’s Aunt Mitte. In the original book, he didn’t want Xiaojie to take the hunter test because it was too dangerous to bear Xiaojie’s pleading. He made an agreement with Xiaojie that was almost impossible for ordinary people to complete. As long as Xiaojie used a fishing rod to lob the King of the Marsh, he would be allowed to take the hunter exam.

And the lord of the swamp is the big guy who can't be caught by five adults together, and it's impossible for Xiaojie and a child to catch it.

Of course, Xiaojie as the protagonist is also singular. In the end, he actually completed the impossible task. Aunt Mitte also had to compromise. From then on, Xiaojie embarked on a father-hunting journey to take the hunter exam.

"Excuse me, please?" Meng Haoran walked to Mitte's side very politely.

"Ah...Okay, what do you want?" Although it was strange what the stranger Meng Haoran wanted to do with her, Meng Haoran's appearance added a lot of impression points to him, so Mitte decided to communicate with Meng Haoran.

Meng Haoran showed a gentle smile and said, "I am a traveler who travels here from afar. I am a little interested in what you said about the Lord of the Swamp. I wonder if you can take me to a place where the Lord of the Swamp is located? If it’s inconvenient, you can just point the way."

Maybe Meng Haoran doesn't look like a bad guy, so Mitte actually agreed to take Meng Haoran to Xiaojie's fishing place.

As a result, under his leadership, Meng Haoran came to a small lake, and from a distance, he reached Xiaojie, who was wearing a hood and a green outfit, staring at the lake intently.

At this time, Xiaojie looked like he was about 10 years old, and he was not distracted by the arrival of Meng Haoran and others. His face was firm, as if he merged with nature, and he looked like a different landscape.

Meng Haoran stopped Mitte and Xiaojie's greetings, and under his puzzled expression, he became a little solemn: "Hush, it seems that something amazing is about to happen, let's just wait a bit."

Mitt thought that Meng Haoran was lying, but Meng Haoran didn't seem to be joking. He believed him temporarily and waited.

When he was impatient, Xiaojie's hook moved, and the lake began to ripple.

At this time, Xiaojie's expression changed, and he squeezed the fishing rod tightly with both hands "It's now".

The hook seemed to be holding a big fish, and he couldn't pull it up suddenly, but Xiaojie's eyes showed surprise and used all his strength.

In the end, he went around under the uncle behind him, and with the help of the power of the tree, he finally caught the lord of the swamp that he had always wanted to catch.

With an extremely happy smile on his face, Xiaojie discovered the two of Meng Haoran.

"Auntie Mitte! Look, look, I succeeded, now I can take the hunter exam!"

"Ah...Well" Mitte was in a daze at this time, but still nodded reluctantly.

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