Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 284 The Storm Is Coming

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"So big! This is the lord of the swamp"

"I haven't seen you in twenty years"

"I know, it was Xiaojie's father at that time!"

"It really is a father and son!"

A group of people surrounded the lord of the swamp who was caught by Xiaojie. You said a word to me, and expressed amazement at Xiaojie's behavior.

Xiaojie was filled with a happy smile at this time, but Mitte's face was a bit ugly. She didn't expect Xiaojie to actually complete this task.

She was a little swayed as to whether she would really let Xiaojie take the exam.

Xiaojie was a tendon and didn't see his Aunt Mitte's complicated psychology, and his heart had already flown to Hunter's test.

"I heard about Xiaojie from other people. I think you are right." Meng Haoran said suddenly, standing next to Mitte.

Mitt did not expect Meng Haoran to say such things for a moment: "That's right! He is so young."

"However, since he has promised, he can't go back. As an elder, he must set an example in front of children. If you go back, then he may learn how to be an untrustworthy person and become Is such a person what you want to see? Besides, if he wants to go like this, you can stop him for a while. He will leave in the end. It's better to let him try." Meng Haoran said with a turn.

Hearing this, Mitte fell into deep thought, and had to say that Meng Haoran’s words made sense. Although he couldn’t make Xiaojie a person like his father, and partly because he was too young, she didn’t want Xiaojie to be bad either. So there is nothing for a while.Do you really want him to go?

Meng Haoran saw that she was already a little moved, and took out the last straw. "If you are not at ease, I can help you take care of him temporarily. In fact, I am also going to take the hunter's exam. There are three others with me. My partner, let’s not say anything else, we can definitely guarantee Xiaojie’s safety.

"You want to take the test too?" Aunt Mitte looked at Meng Haoran suspiciously, not to mention that he didn't believe it. You must know that those who can participate in the Hunter Test are the strongest among ordinary people, and Meng Haoran doesn't look like it at all.

Meng Haoran didn't explain, she picked up a fist-sized stone on the ground and shook her hand.

"Ah!" Mitte exclaimed. It turned out that the stone in Meng Haoran's hand had been crushed into powder.

"If that's the case, don't worry!" Meng Haoran said with a faint smile, giving Mi Te a strong confidence.

His complexion changed a bit, and Mitte finally made a decision and bowed to Meng Haoran: "That's please."

"It's nothing, in fact I like children."

After that, Meng Haoran went to find a companion to leave with an excuse, and stayed at Xiaojie's house again at night, waiting to take the test with Xiaojie.

It is worth mentioning that 30,000 are not ordinary people. They have more or less obtained some information, and they all know about the hunter exam, but they have no ability to miss.

I was a little strange about what hunter test Meng Haoran was going to take, but because I had to leave here to find clues elsewhere, I planned to go there with Meng Haoran temporarily.

Meng Haoran didn’t tell them that they could learn the ability to read by passing the exam, but only talked about the benefits of becoming a hunter. In half-truth, perhaps it’s better to be a hunter to find a way to learn the ability to read, so the three of them were determined to be with Meng Haoran. Go for a hunter's license.I love novel network

However, Meng Haoran is still very confused about taking the exam with Xiaojie.

Xiaojie has recently become an attribute with Meng Haoran. It is not just that he can feel the danger of people and whether he is unfavorable to him or something. He is close to Meng Haoran, but he feels normal to the Three Kings, and he is even a little unwilling to fight with him. They contact.

Time flies, and it is finally the day to board the ship. Meng Haoran took Xiaojie and his 5 people and left with Mi Te.

"Come on!" At the port, a large group of people watching Xiaojie grow up cheered him off, and Xiaojie also shouted in response.

"I will definitely become the number one hunter in the world, and after becoming the number one hunter in the world, I will definitely come back." He shouted out his goal.

"Is it the number one hunter in the world? If you didn't have me, you might be it!" Meng Haoran murmured.

"Is it the number one hunter in the world? It's really underestimated. Every year, millions of highly skilled people take part in the hunter test, but there are only a handful of people who can pass it. This is not something you can easily brag about! Little devil"

At this time, the nearby masters had gathered on the boat. Although they were all masters in the eyes of ordinary people, they all thought that Xiaojie was a little arrogant after hearing Xiaojie's words.

Xiaojie didn't reply, but made up his mind that he must pass the test successfully.

"Hey, is there anything weird about those two people?" Di Lie said to Meng Haoran. What Meng Haoran was watching just now was another important character in the original book, Kurapika and Leoli, one of which is a survivor of the extinct Kuluta tribe. In addition, because he was unable to save his friend's life when he was young, the young man who decided to go to medicine, although he seemed to miss his uncle.

"Nothing!" Meng Haoran said lightly, and withdrew his gaze.

Meng Haoran and the Three Kings and Xiaojie formed a group. In the eyes of others, except for Di Lie and Lion Kuang, they are relatively ordinary, but no one came to trouble them. After all, the test has not started yet, of course Meng Haoran is Knowing that the test had already started the moment they got on the ship.

The captain of this ship is the tester for the initial test. If he is not satisfied, he will be disqualified for the test.

The captain is an old drunkard with a red nose. He always holds a wine bottle on his body. He and Xiaojie's father are old acquaintances, because Xiaojie's father also made this boat 20 years ago.

"The storm is coming." Xiaojie looked at the seagulls that kept calling in the sky.

"How did you know?" Di Lie asked in a strange tone. In fact, he felt the storm coming with his calm and powerful perception.

"The seagulls said that." Xiaojie replied, and then took a deep breath. "And it's still a super storm."

Without waiting for Dilie's reaction, he began to yell on the boat.

"It's true, I know it by smell."

At this time, the captain also saw Xiaojie's strange behavior, and finally looked at Xiaojie's face and remembered something, and gave the order to escape.Obviously believed him.

"That kid..."

"It's a keen feeling."

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