You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!What happened next was just as Xiaojie expected, when a sudden storm hit the ship.

The sky was dim, with lightning and thunder, and the boat Meng Haoran was riding on was like a flat boat in the sea, swaying from side to side, in danger of destruction at any time.

With the arrival of the storm, the people on the boat were tested by nature, and most of them were eliminated on the boat because of the storm. I really can't stand this harsh environment.

Only a few, such as Meng Haoran and others, and Kurapika.Leoli finally persisted.

"Really, these crew members are too bad." The captain said disdainfully, walking to the cabin where the person taking the test was.

Opened the door and found a mess, and all fell in pain, "The whole army is destroyed! It's so ugly, this kind of stuff wants to take the hunter exam, it's really laughable"

"Hai, give you this herb, it will make you more comfortable after chewing." At this time, as long as Xiaojie is so kind to help others.

Seeing Xiaojie's actions, the captain showed a slight smile, and he was indeed the son of that man.

At the same time, the captain found Kurapika, who was calmly reading a book in a hammock, and Leo Li, who was sitting on a chair and biting an apple.

"So sour apple!" The two guys didn't feel the storm at all.

"So that's the case, it seems that this year is still something to watch." The captain couldn't help thinking, and his eyes turned to Meng Haoran again.

The four guys who were with Xiaojie shouldn't be underestimated!

Obviously how could this level affect Meng Haoran and others?

In the ship's operating room, the captain gathered Meng Haoran and other people who did not fall due to the storm.

"Seven of you, please sign up first!"

"My name is Xiaojie" raises his hand like a child

"I'm Coolapika", "My name is Leoli", "Meng Haoran", "Di Lie", "Lion Crazy" and "Tianhu"

Although it was a little unclear, they all reported their names.

After listening to the captain, he didn't care about everyone's attitude, so he started to ask: "Why are you guys so hunters?"

At this time, Leo Li will stand up and say why the captain is not the examiner and tell you Yunyun, but Meng Haoran is one step ahead.

"Hehe, if I didn't guess wrong, this is also part of the exam!" Meng Haoran seemed to be smiling, and he blocked Leoli's mouth.


"I didn't expect you to observe carefully when you arrived." The captain confessed directly. "Yes, the test has started from the moment you boarded the ship, except for the seven of you who have already lost the election. You can't handle that level of guys. , No matter what, you won’t pass the hunter exam later, now answer my question,"

This time, Xiaojie was the first to speak, "My dad is a hunter. I want to know what the hunter job that can make my dad so obsessed with, and he came out of Whale Island."

"Whale Island? It really is Jin's son." This day finally arrived.

Next, the three kings answered the same, because it was more convenient to have a hunter, and it was Meng Haoran's turn.

"Me? It's probably because it's fun! Another thing is that I promised someone to take care of this guy." Said Pico

Then Kurapika and Leo Li respectively stated their reasons. Like the original, the team started a duel. Finally, they were moved by Xiaojie's behavior and temporarily resolved the misunderstanding, so the friendship between the three began.

After that, Xiaojie left Meng Haoran's team and mixed with Kurapika and Leoli. Apart from finding Meng Haoran from time to time, he seemed to have become another team with Kurapika and Leoli.

After the storm, the ship successfully arrived at the port of the test site.

But this test site is also the most formal test site from time to time. It takes a series of tests before going to the final test site.

The hunter exam is not a modern college entrance examination. It is necessary to ensure that certain people achieve a certain result. It is very difficult for hunters to start. It is normal for no one to pass an exam. Hunters are better off. If you fail to meet the requirements, you will pass the exam every time. None is acceptable.

Because of Xiaojie's relationship, the captain gave a hint of the correct route, so unlike most people, they took the correct route from the beginning.

Meng Haoran and other four people did not change the plot, so relying on Xiaojie, he passed the retest easily and was taken to the official examination room by the monster who was responsible for leading the way.

During the period, Leoli and Kurapika only treated Meng Haoran and others as ordinary people. However, because Meng Haoran and the others did not put down their bodies and deliberately contact them, the relationship between the two parties only stayed in comparison. Passers-by are slightly better at the stage.

The official test site was the underground of a building. When Meng Haoran and others arrived, there were already hundreds of people waiting here.

As soon as Meng Haoran and the others came, everyone's eyes were looked at. Unlike before, the people who can come here are the real elites of mankind, and their eyes are not so pressured. If ordinary people can't even bear it.

"It feels like the atmosphere is weird!" Leoli also felt it was wrong.

"It's obviously different from the candidates I met in the port and town. All of them must be experts in a certain field." Kurapika was surprised and realized the difficulty of the Hunter exam.

"That..." Only Xiaojie was still heartless, and wanted to say hello but no one answered him. "I feel that everyone is nervous afterwards?" Can you not be nervous?This is an exam.

"Here you are, please take the number plate. Please be sure to hang it on your chest, and be careful not to lose it." A man in a suit with a short stature and an all-green head began to distribute the number plates. He is an internal member of the Hunter Association .

Leoli is 403, and so on, it is already 409 by Meng Haoran.

"Are there more than 400 people here?" Kurapika muttered to himself.

"Are you all new faces?" Here comes the guy who claims to be the rookie killer Dongba.

I saw a middle-aged man who looked very kind, walked over to Xiaojie, and then talked familiarly about some exams, such as the situation of some examinees. He seemed to be a really good person.

Just when Dongba was chatting with Xiaojie and the others, a loud noise suddenly came from the crowd.

I saw a man wearing a cloak and looking awkward looking at his arm with horror. His arm was turning into blood-red petals and disappearing, and the beauty revealed bloody horror.

"Ah...ah" his hand was completely scrapped in the exclamation.

"Oh, this is unbelievable. The hand turns into petals and disappears. There are no blindfolds and no tricks. Be careful, you have to apologize when you hit someone!" A redhead, dressed as a clown, made a cold voice. Telling this matter, this person is Hisuo, an extremely terrifying guy, who just disappeared because of being hit.

Everyone is far away from Hisuo subconsciously, obviously not wanting to mess with this guy.

"He is Xisuo the West Magic. The guy who failed the test because he killed the examiner in the last exam." Dongba said with a careful look, obviously very worried.

"How can this happen, can such a guy continue to take the test?" Xiaojie was a little repulsive to Hisuo.

"Hunter exams do not distinguish between right and evil. As long as they pass the test, they can be hunters." Dongba said, causing Leoli and others to ponder.

"It doesn't matter whether it is right or wrong, it's interesting." The three kings also had a slight interest in hunters, and this system was very popular with them.

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