You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Uncle, what do you see me doing?" Qi Ya looked at Meng Haoran suspiciously, did not feel the danger from Meng Haoran, and coupled with Xiaojie's relationship, did not immediately leave.

"Haha, are you there?" Meng Haoran did not look at Qi Ya just now, but was thinking about something, about Qi Ya's sister, so he went away a little bit.

Qi Ya's younger sister, Aluka, was imprisoned at home because of her ability to guard against the sky, and she was not more agreeable with other family members. This was really because Aluka's ability made them feel fear.

Aluka's ability can be referred to as "request" and "forced request" for short. He can satisfy almost all human desires and is known as a wishing machine. Of course, you must also agree to her three forced requests.

In Meng Haoran's view, Aluga's ability involves rules, and I am afraid that she herself is the concretization of the rules of the Hunter World.

Although her abilities are good, Meng Haoran did not pay attention to her at this time. In addition to her own Bengyu, the effect was not worse than her abilities, and because her abilities were uncertain, she had to agree to her request for three times. It's harsh.

In this world, only Qi Ya can allow Aluga to use the power for free.

But at that time, you can go and see the situation of her mobilization, which should help you understand the rules.

"Do you want to be friends with Xiaojie? I think you two are suitable. His cute character is just right for people like you." Meng Haoran asked with a smile.

"Friends?" Qi Ya first flashed a trace of desire, then his eyes dimmed, and he remembered what his brother said to himself: You are a born killer, it is impossible to have friends.

"Ah! I was wrong. You are now friends. After all, Xiaojie should have regarded you as a friend, so should you be the same?"

"Already a friend?"

"Well, Xiaojie will take that kind of person. I hope you can become friends for life. By the way, stick to what you think in your heart and follow your heart! Also, if someone does not let you be friends, you can come to me. , After all, I can barely be considered his guardian now." Meng Haoran didn't wait for Qi Ya's response before leaving for Leoli.

"According to my heart?" Yo Xi, I must be friends with Qi Ya. After Meng Haoran said that Qi Ya also strengthened his heart, showing a rare smile, and then ran to Xiaojie.

"Are you okay? Leo Li." Xiaojie's voice showed a trace of concern. He didn't want Leo Li to fail here, but he didn't have any way to help him, he could only rely on himself.

Leoli didn't answer, panting heavily, but he was a little depressed. He didn't expect the hunter test to be so difficult.

Am I going to quit like this?

"Need help?" Meng Haoran's voice came.

"Why, uncle, do you have a way?" Xiaojie looked at Meng Haoran expectantly, never thinking that Meng Haoran might lie.

Will he help me?Leoli also placed hope on Meng Haoran.

"It's very simple. In fact, you can do it. It's not far from the exit. It's about 20 kilometers away."

"Eh! How did you know?" Leo Li was a little ill, thinking Meng Haoran had any good ideas, but it was just that.

"You can only believe me, can't you? Also, are you willing to quit? You have a reason to be a hunter, don't you?" Meng Haoran said.

Yeah!Now that I have no choice, just trust him once, I must become a hunter.Love reading

After that, Leoli broke the boat, threw away the salute, and immediately started to run faster than before.

Looking at Leoli’s back, Xiaojie smiled, and then he was about to bring Leoli’s salute.

"Let me come, you go first!" Meng Haoran took the initiative to pick up Leo Li's gift box. For Meng Haoran, Leo Li still admires people like Leo Li. He is the most ordinary in the original work. , But it is precisely because of his ordinaryness that he manifests his commendable spirit.

"Thank you then." Xiaojie looked at Meng Haoran's relaxed look and relieved, and then left with Qi Ya.

In the end, all Meng Haoran and his team completed the first half of the test and arrived at the crisis-ridden Miele wetland.

The number of people participating in the test is also much less, and the ones who stayed are stronger.

Just when everyone was planning the next test,

"Don't be fooled by him. I am the real examiner. He is..." A young man who looked rather embarrassed, pulled a face ape that looked very similar to the examiner.

At this moment, everyone was confused by him and couldn't figure out who the examiner was, and the authentic examiner didn't explain it at this time, which made people even more confused about the mystery.

Although the appearance of the mysterious man made the candidates lose their sense for a while, and they didn't know who to believe, some people were still very calm.

For example, Hisuo, he has stretched out one hand, intending to attack the examiner and the mysterious man at the same time, and the real examiner can catch his attack. It's that simple. As for the unstoppable death, it is out of his consideration.

However, Meng Haoran took the lead.

"I think I know who is the fake." Meng Haoran stood up and said.

Everyone turned their gazes at Meng Haoran, very curious about how he distinguished the truth from the false, Hisuo also temporarily stopped his plan, and looked at Meng Haoran with interest.

"It is very simple to distinguish between true and false. As long as someone lies, it is false. The gentleman opposite, the human face in your hands is obviously alive, so you lie."

"How is it possible, how did you see it?" The mysterious man blurted out, showing his unbelievable eyes. Although he reacted later, it was too late and the truth became clear.

I went, I thought it would take a lot of effort, but I didn't expect this baby to be so easy to follow the Tao, IQ is flawed!Meng Haoran thought silently.

So people looked at the mysterious man and the ape unkindly, but two lights flashed, and they had two playing cards stuck in their bodies and died.

"That's it, they are fake, so there is no need to live." Hisao's cold voice came, making most of the people's complexion greatly changed.

What a fast speed, what a strong attack, what a cruel person.

"Well, now that my identity has been confirmed, the exam will continue, and now follow me to the second exam venue!" The examiner frowned, a bit uncomfortable with Hisso's random killing behavior, but I couldn't control it, so I started the next test myself.

With a different mind, I embarked on the road to the exam again.

No one saw it. I don’t know when a poker card appeared in Meng Haoran’s hand, “I’m not here to provoke you. You actually did it first. It seems that you have to teach you some lessons.” Hiso, who looked at nothing in the distance, settled note.

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