Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 289 Meng Haoran vs. Hisuo

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Sure enough, he is very strong!" Hisuo looked at Meng Haoran thoughtfully. The card in Meng Haoran's hand was the one he just shot. The purpose was to try Meng Haoran's strength on the one hand, and because Meng Haoran played. Cut off his action.

The exam continued, and as it progressed, the surrounding fog became thicker and thicker. In the end, the visibility was basically no more than 2 meters, which can be described as blind.

If you can't see, you can only rely on your hearing and your own judgment, plus the danger that may come at any time. At this time, everyone's nerves are tightened and their attention is improved, for fear of losing the big team.

People are gregarious animals, so although the number of people may not necessarily reduce the risk, it is still better to go to places with large numbers of people, that is, to gather in the front row.

At the beginning, no accidents happened, but as the distance between the candidates got farther and farther, a sense of killing was gradually forming.

Behind, "Ah..." a scream of screams, the danger of nature finally appeared, I saw a giant tortoise with strawberries on its back appeared in front of everyone, eating the candidates one by one, the scene was very frightening.

The examinee in the middle did not pay attention to their feet, stepped on a mushroom-like plant, and then the mushroom plant sprayed out a bunch of gas, and instantly became confused in the air, and then the examinees screamed and fell.

"What?" A group of beautiful butterflies appeared in front of them, the atmosphere was weird, and the examinees fell down one by one as if they suddenly lost consciousness.

Things like this happened in various places, and the number of candidates dropped by half in an instant.

What hypnotic discs, deceptive crows, and lazy frogs are constantly reaping the heads of the Reaper. In order to keep up with the front row, the candidates can easily get caught. These strange animals and plants are One after another super god.

Only a small number of strong people who followed the examiner were not affected by these.

Somewhere far behind the examiner, Hisuo stood there calmly, surrounded by 7 or 8 candidates who looked bad.

"From last year, I thought you were not worthy to be a hunter"

"As long as you swear not to take the hunter exam, we will let you go"

"Okay! As long as you pass the exam this year, you don't need to participate in the future." When they thought that Hisoso would not agree, Hisoso suddenly spoke.

"Entrance? Don't be fooled by dreams. Look at this fog, you can't tell where it is connected, and it's impossible to find the leading troops."

"In other words, you and we are the losers who are left behind." It was the young man with the nunchaku that Ye Ge spoke.

A group of people who really couldn't figure out the situation had no idea how terrifying Hisoso was.Meng Haoran stood behind a tree not far away watching this scene with interest, and then, it was Hisoso who would kill them in a flash!

Sure enough, as soon as Meng Haoran's thought came up, he heard a series of screams, and Xisuo started his hands. With his superior strength, he did not even use his ability to read and turned the opposite group of people.

At this time, Kurapika and Leoli looked surprised at Hisoso, their hairs standing up, and the cold sweat had wet their backs unknowingly.

They clearly know how far their strength is from Hisuo, even Hiso's movements are very difficult to see clearly.

He was about to leave, but it was too late. Hisuo had found them and walked towards them, not slow, but Leoli and Kurapika felt tremendous pressure.

The two glanced at each other, one after another made preparations for battle, and looked at Hisuo vigilantly.

"Are you guys also participating? Examiner's game." Hisuo said, and the killing just now was just a game for him.

The two felt even more horrified when they heard this. Hisuo was really not a human being, so they planned to run separately as long as Hisoso started.

"Ale, you are still here!" Meng Haoran appeared before their eyes when they were running into the limelight.Hot search novel

The appearance of Meng Haoran made Leioli and Kurapika breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed that Meng Haoran came to ease things, and they did not realize that they subconsciously regarded Meng Haoran as a powerful person comparable to Hisuo.

"You go first! Leave it to me here." Return Leoli's suitcase to the original owner.

"Can you do it?" Leoli took the suitcase and looked at Meng Haoran with some hesitation.

Meng Haoran just waved his hand and stood opposite Hisuo.

"This is..." Kurapika on the side was taken aback, keenly sensed that Meng Haoran's aura had changed, and then directly pulled Leioli back, "Go! He doesn't need our help, we just stay burden."

"But..." Leo Li stopped talking, and finally chose to believe in Meng Haoran.

That breath, how can there be such a strong killing aura, it may be the strongest in my memory, even those guys can't match it, Meng Haoran, where is it sacred?

It was precisely because he felt the aura of Meng Haoran that Kurapika chose to leave.

"People are gone, let's start!" Meng Haoran said while looking at Hisuo who was obviously a little excited.

"Haha..." With a burst of laughter, Hisuo looked at Meng Haoran enthusiastically, "I didn't expect to encounter such a delicious, ripe apple! It really makes me can't wait." Hisuo naturally doesn't care about the two weak. After feeling the breath of Meng Haoran's body, he fell into ecstasy, and set the target on Meng Haoran's body, letting Leoli and Kurapika leave because he didn't want to disturb them.

His obsession is to fight the strong. He specially joined the Phantom Brigade to compete with its captain. In the original book, it is to train Xiaojie who can fight himself and give him many times. Help is a very contradictory person.

Now that he met Meng Haoran, he had a new goal at once. He didn't even care about the exam. Although he hadn't played against Meng Haoran yet, he had already judged that Meng Haoran was very strong, and his killing aura was still above him. , So trembling with excitement.

"Then I'm not welcome," Hisuo said, his eyes changed, and instantly became extremely cold, and then directly culled.

His weapon is a playing card, and under his power of thought, a card that could not even be broken by wood becomes extremely hard.

There was a whistling sound, and Hisuo's cards were all within reach.

But Meng Haoran sneered, and when he was still silent for less than one hundredth of a second during the movement, he slashed with his right palm like a knife.

The intersection of the "Zheng" hand and the card made the sound of metal intersection.

The surprise in Hiso's eyes flashed by, what a strong body.

Hiso's hand came back, and moved a distance back. When he held one in the air, there were 4 more cards. "Shoo!" Yinguang pointed at Meng Haoran.

Not only that, Hiso's body that had retreated stopped at this moment, and again culled in front of Meng Haoran, forming an attack with almost no time interval before and after the cards he shot.


"What" Hisuo's hands and cards passed through Meng Haoran's body. Meng Haoran had already left at a super fast speed in that short moment, and all he had hit was afterimages.

"You are too slow." Meng Haoran's voice sounded from behind Hisuo.

Hisou felt bad, and his body instinctively turned forward, but it was too late and was kicked tens of meters away.

"Oh! Ability to read?" Meng Haoran thought to Hisuo, who had stood up and was not seriously injured. He clearly felt that Hiso's defense had increased a lot just now.

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