You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Okay, let me play next." Kurapika said confidently, and according to the original book he won this game.

However, Meng Haoran was a little impatient, he didn't want to waste time, and said, "Let Qi Ya go up! This opponent will make you angry."

"What! Let Qi Ya go." Kurapika looked at Meng Haoran in surprise, what does it mean that the opponent will make me angry.

Qi Ya, who was called by his name, was also taken aback. Although he didn't see the opponent's face, he also felt that the opponent's strength should not be as good as Kurapika, so he didn't mean to play.

"Uncle, why?" So everyone looked at Meng Haoran.

Meng Haoran said with a mysterious face: "You'll find out later, or you can't believe in Qi Ya."

In the end, Qi Ya played instead of Kurapika, and it was obvious that Meng Haoran was still listening.

On the ring, everyone could see the true form of the prisoner, and everyone else understood the meaning of Meng Haoran's words at this time.

"That's it, spider!" Kurapika was a little excited, but he could barely control it because he didn't face it directly.

I saw the prisoner this time, with blue skin all over, and the striking spider tattoo on his body added a touch of aura.

The spider tattoo is really one of the signs of Kurapika’s enemies, the Mirage Brigade. Kurapika’s hatred of the Phantom Brigade has reached a certain level. Even if you see an ordinary spider, your mood will change drastically.

"Uncle, how did you know?" Xiaojie said curiously, but Meng Haoran still looked mysterious and did not answer.

"My suggestion is to have a life-and-death duel. Until one party dies or concedes defeat, but even if you admit defeat halfway, don't let yourself go and I will let you go." The prisoner suggested, looking at Qi Ya, such a kid with a defiant face. , I can definitely win.

"Okay! I mean the same, if I am more likely to lose than the others?" Qi Ya said with a relaxed face, not at all intimidated by the so-called life and death duel. Although he was only 12 years old, he killed the person. I am afraid there are more prisoners than the other party, which is simply not what ordinary people can imagine.

As a member of the assassin family, Qi Ya began to cultivate assassins shortly after he was born. The structure of his body has long been different from ordinary people. He has reached the pinnacle of ordinary people. He just needs to learn to read and become the next one. Super master.

Speaking of this time, the prisoner looks fierce and vicious, but it really looks like that. In fact, it is a straw bag, and it is a little more powerful than ordinary people. The others are deliberately pretending to be powerful, and they encountered Qi Ya, a genuine killer. , The prototype will be revealed immediately.

"What, is this guy an idiot? Why did he agree so directly." Seeing Qi Ya's relaxed expression, he was shocked.

Xiaojie and the others were also a little dazed. For the first time they found out that they need to know Qi Ya again. This baby is too domineering. The most exaggerated is Leo Li, the boss with an open mouth, looking at Qi Ya like an alien. , Why are children so strange now?

"Let's start then!" Before the prisoner was relieved from shock, Qi Ya stretched out his right hand and went to listen to the book website

There was a creaking sound, the bones changed, and an originally immature-looking palm turned into a terrifying murder weapon, with prominent blue veins, and the nails grew a few centimeters abruptly, pointed, and looked a bit sharp.

What's the matter with this kid?Is it a monster?However, just this one stunned, Qi Ya's figure disappeared from his eyes.

"Puff, puff," a heartbeat sounded from behind him, and the prisoner turned around but found Qi Ya actually appeared behind him, holding a heart in his hand, still beating.

At this time, Qi Ya was completely different from usual, his eyes were indifferent, and he couldn't see the emotion of being a human being, giving people a gloomy feeling.

Is this the real him?Except for Meng Haoran, everyone looked at this in horror. The so-called authorities were obsessed with bystanders. Except for the prisoners on the stage, they did not feel anything. Everyone knew what Qi Ya did at that moment. He directly took out the prisoners. The prisoner is dead now, but he hasn't realized it yet.

So everyone felt the hairs standing up, and the eyes looking at Qi Ya were scared. No one thought that such a cute little boy could be such a terrifying existence, killing people without blinking!

Where does the heart in his hand come from, and why does it feel familiar.

"Not bad! The heart is gone and so calm." At the moment when he said this, Qi Ya's aura once again became that ordinary boy, but no one saw him as an ordinary person.

After hearing Qiya's words, the prisoner felt bad. The weakness of his body without his heart appeared. He looked desperately at the heart in Qiya's hand, "Give heart...return me...return..." Slowly fell down, and there was no more sound.

Speaking of which, this baby was also pitted by Meng Haoran. If Meng Haoran hadn't let Qi Ya go first, he wouldn't have died so fast.

People are dead. Naturally, Meng Haoran and the others won the match. The prisoners didn't dare to raise objections or joking. At this time, they were too late to run, so where would they dare to stay with these evil stars.

"Yeah! So handsome! Qi Ya." When Qi Ya thought that his posture was seen by Xiao Jie, Xiao Jie would be alienated and a little sad at him, he did not expect Xiao Jie to say these words. He didn't care about his identity. At this moment, Qi Ya's heart was full of touch, Xiaojie, you are my friend.

Other people such as Kurapika and Leoli subconsciously alienated Qi Ya, and obviously they couldn’t accept it for a while. This is a long-lasting human love. Although they will eventually become friends with Qi Ya, it is because of this that they are Qi Ya's position in his heart is far from being comparable to that of Little Jebi, even dispensable.

"Boy, that's not bad! The solution is neat, but a bit inelegant." Meng Haoran said.

Qi Ya discovered that the expression in Meng Haoran's eyes had not changed the slightest from before. On the contrary, he had a kind of elder's concern, and he also had a trace of identification with Meng Haoran in his heart.

After passing here, Meng Haoran and the others began to move forward, unlike the original, they don't need to enter the closed room.

After walking for about 10 minutes, I arrived at another room.

"Two options, one is for 5 people to take a long and simple road, and the other is for 3 people to take a short and simple road. The long road takes at least 45 hours, and the short one is only 3 minutes."

I didn't say anything, but decided to choose 5 people. They had plenty of time this time.

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