Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 299 The Price of Kneeling

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!After choosing the 5-person passage, only one of the two doors slowly opened, revealing a deep passage.

"Fortunately, we still have plenty of time, otherwise someone has to stay." Leoli said, but he felt very grateful in his heart. Others did not say at least if that was the case, his chance of being stayed. Very big, Qi Ya and Meng Haoran are absolutely inferior to each other, and the remaining Xiaojie and Kurapika are not weak. I think he is the weakest among the five.

Xiaojie also showed a smile. He didn't want to see the picture of his companions being mutilated. If there was really no way, he might stay voluntarily.

"Speaking of which, the difference between the two roads is too big! The time is more than ten times the same." Kurapika said.

Because there is no worry about the original work, Xiaojie did not think of a shortcut this time, breaking the wall and entering the short circuit directly from the long road, and Meng Haoran did not remind him, anyway, he was idle, just to see what the long road was. how is it.

At the very beginning, some light was still visible, but as it continued to deepen, in the end, it turned into pitch black. There was nothing at all, and it became difficult to distinguish the direction.

"Go this way." Xiaojie walked in the front and led the way. As a wild boy, he had already practiced all night vision skills.

After walking for about 2 hours, Meng Haoran has already understood why the two roads take so much time. If the short circuit is a straight line to the end, then the long road is constantly curved and descending in a spiral. Increase the distance indirectly.

But even though the road was a little difficult to walk, it was not difficult for Meng Haoran and the others. With the determination that they must pass the Hunter's exam, their speed did not drop at all, but they went faster and faster.

"It's really hungry and tired! Who designed this road? It's too cheating." At this time, 40 hours have passed. They walked for 35 hours without stopping, resting for about five hours. But still tired and became a dog.

what the hell!The road is a little longer and there are no other tests at all. Meng Haoran is also a little unhappy. In fact, the reason why he chose not to enter the short circuit directly at the beginning, except for nothing to do, just want to see if there are any other tests, who Knowing that this was the result, but he was almost gone, so he had to stick to it.

Of course, although he looks tired, in fact, Meng Haoran's body is not fatigued at all. He just keeps repeating the same actions, which makes his heart a little tired.

"Hold on a little longer and it's almost there." Meng Haoran already felt that the exit was not far away.

After listening to Meng Haoran's words, other people didn't ask him why he knew, but speeded up silently again.

An hour later, a bright light appeared in front of everyone, Xiaojie and others could not help showing long-lost smiles, and finally arrived.

The child’s nature made Xiaojie speed up again, and Qi Ya did not show weakness to keep up.

"It's finally here, I've had enough." Leoli complained, but there was a bright smile on his face. Looking at his happy running companion, he felt very fulfilled. What a blessing!If I met them, I wouldn't even be able to get here without them!

With a clear childish voice of "goal", Xiaojie and Qi Ya almost rushed out of the passage at the same time, and it was time that the originally quiet end was revived by the arrival of Xiaojie and others.

"Is it finally here? But why has it been so long, what trouble is it?" Hisuo looked at Meng Haoran thoughtfully.

And Xiaojie's brother, the head of the nail man whose head was full of nails, shook happierly.Tsinghua Novel

"There have been so many people who have passed, they are so strong." Xiaojie looked at Hisuo and the others and couldn't help being surprised. 1 As expected, none of the people who can come to take the exam are simple characters.

Meng Haoran was planning to take a rest, but found a person walking towards him angrily.

Dongba??He actually got here, and it seemed that he had arrived quite early.

"Meng Haoran, you actually did something like that to me in the Tower of Trick, I won't let you go." Dongba said that when he found a secret grid to enter the Tower of Trick, Meng Haoran suddenly appeared in the sky. The thing that kicked him flying.

No one's eyes were attracted here, but they all looked good at the show.

"Did I do to you? Why don't I remember." Meng Haoran said with a look of surprise, but he didn't remember what he did to Dongba, didn't he just grab his place?It's so serious, the face is green, it's not your chrysanthemum.

"What, you still don't admit it, isn't it because you attacked me when I was about to enter the tower, and made me almost fall under the tower to die." The fact is that Meng Haoran didn't control his strength at the time, and tried a little harder. Almost kicked Dongba under the tower.

So it turned out that Meng Haoran understood what was going on after a little thought, but he didn't care much, so what?Even killing you is a simple matter. Meng Haoran has never put a guy like Dongba in his eyes.

The three kings looked at Dongba with admiration, and they weren't looking for death like that!It's not easy to mess with someone, but to mess with him.

"So what do you want to do?" Meng Haoran said blankly.

"I want you..." Before the death word came out, Dongba couldn't help feeling a chill, and swallowed what he had to say, "Apologize, and kneel down to apologize."

Kneeling to apologize, Meng Haoran became angry when he heard this, what, what, he dared to make me kneel.

Just when Dongba thought Meng Haoran would compromise, Meng Haoran started, and everyone saw a white light flashing, and then

"Ah! You...what did you do to me." Dongba was already disabled at this time. His legs had already said goodbye to him. Not far from him, he had a pair of short bloody legs. Lying there quietly.

"Guru" almost everyone has a itchy throat, which is too cruel.

What a fast speed, what a ruthless method.

"En? What's wrong with you, why did you kneel down suddenly." Meng Haoran said with a surprised look, as if he hadn't done anything just now.

"" Dongba couldn't bear the blow, coupled with the severe pain, he passed out.

With a cold snort, Meng Haoran found a corner and began to close his eyes to rest up, but after that, everyone included him on the list of innocence.

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