You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!In the end, there were 28 candidates who passed the third exam, originally 29, but Dongba could not take the next exam because of the loss of both legs.

After three rounds of screening, the remaining 28 candidates are strong players that should not be underestimated. They all have their own unique skills. The strength of the candidates this year can be said to be quite strong. The remaining 28 candidates are basically in the past. The exam can occupy the top 3, even Meng Haoran and others are unprecedented.

Outside the Tower of Trick, the candidates breathed the long-lost fresh air and looked at the surrounding green wild environment, feeling very comfortable.

"Congratulations to all the candidates who passed the third test. Next, only the fourth test is left, and the final test." A suit, glasses, and glasses look very sharp. This is the first time I appeared in front of everyone. The examiner of the third exam had only heard the sound before.

"There are two more games." The candidates were a little excited, and they regained their spirits, and they looked shining with confidence. After three games, they are afraid of you two.

"The fourth test will be held on the island of Saibi Pao over there." The examiner pointed to an island that was vaguely not far away.

"Then, hurry up" snapped his fingers, and saw a big bald man with a dark yellow figure, pushing a cart with a box in it.

"Next, please come and draw lots"


"What is decided by drawing lots?"

"The hunter and the hunted" examiner showed a cold smile, and everyone was surprised by what he said.

"There are 28 digital cards in it, which means that you have your exam numbers written on them, so you will draw one in the order of leaving the tower. Next, please be the first."

Although I didn't understand what was going on, I still followed what the examiner said. The examinees rushed to the box one after another to draw a card.

"Everyone is done! Then please remove the film sticking to the card." Everyone did the same, and then went to cover up their number plates, but it was actually useless. The rest were all Among the elites, the memory of the elites will not be bad, even if they are not deliberately, they will subconsciously remember everyone's number plates. You can't hide them.

"The numbers that you have drawn just now have been stored in this box, so you can destroy the cards at will. The object to be hunted is the number plate on the prey..." The examiner began to explain the rules.

"What! It turned out not to kill each other." Someone said, looking very confident.

The target number plate is three points, your own number plate is also three points, and the others are 1 point. As long as you collect 6 points, you will pass the test.

Although it seems that 14 people should pass this time, in fact, the number of people who passed will definitely be less than this number.

Riding on the boat provided by the Hunter Association, the candidates came to the island of the competition, and then disembarked one after another. Of course, in order to prevent the exam from ending all at once, one had to wait 2 minutes after the other to go down. There will be some advantages, but not great.

Because they have their own prey, basically everyone is separated this time, and Meng Haoran is no exception.

"Xiaojie, your goal is Hisuo, but I believe you can succeed." Meng Haoran encouraged before leaving.

Hisoso, I think he won't be a killer in my face!Walking on the road, Meng Haoran thought, but he was not very sure, because his appearance Xiaojie had not yet been regarded by Hisoso as a prepared apple.

Of course, Meng Haoran was also very relieved that when something happened, he could reach the spot in an instant, anyway Xiaojie couldn't die.Read and read novels

"Illumi? I didn't expect that my target would be him." Meng Haoran looked at the number plate in his hand, a little troubled.

Meng Haoran was not in a hurry to find her prey, but looked at the scenery like a tourist.

"Is this primitive island really a long time? Ye Chao is over 1 meter." Because there is no human change, the island is very well preserved.

During the time when Meng Haoran had nothing to do, the atmosphere of fighting came from time to time on the island, which can be described as a bit thrilling. Everyone is a warrior, cautious, for fear of being overcast if one is not careful.

Candidates do everything for their prey. Poisons, assassinations, etc. are commonplace.


Basically, everyone is prey in the early days. After all, it is easier to deal with only one than three. Of course, it is not without exception. The three kings are strong when they see people, and they don’t care at all. Is it his prey?

"Eh!" Meng Haoran suddenly felt something and smiled, not expecting someone to hit me.

If nothing happened, it seemed like nothing was discovered.

A hundred meters away from Meng Haoran, a bald-headed ninja hid deeply. "It's really unlucky. I didn't expect that my prey was him. This is a ruthless character. I might not be an opponent in a head-on fight." Meng Haoran's tricks came to mind. The breath that the tower shot was completely invisible.

This person is Hanzo, who succeeded in becoming an official hunter in the original work. His strength is still very strong. In the final exam, he easily abused Xiaojie. If he didn't want to hurt Xiaojie, Xiaojie would never pass the level so easily.

Observed Meng Haoran carefully and found that Meng Haoran didn't seem to find himself, and Hanzo carefully narrowed the distance between Meng Haoran and Meng Haoran.

50 meters, 30 meters, 20 meters,

"Can't get close anymore, he will definitely find it when he gets closer, just this distance." Hanzo held his breath 10 meters away, waiting for the opportunity to shoot.

"It's now." Hanzo rushed to Meng Haoran suddenly, and then approached Meng Haoran instantly.

"Successful." The hand is only 10 centimeters away from Meng Haoran's number plate, and he is about to succeed, but...

"When did you find it?" Hanzo said bitterly, at this moment one of his hands was caught by Meng Haoran, unable to move.

"When? I knew it from the beginning." Meng Haoran said with a smile, but this smile seemed so terrifying to Hanzo.

It was actually at the beginning, so everything before that was deliberate?What a terrifying guy, he still has this power. I didn't expect him to have such a powerful power besides speed.

but?Not finished yet?

In Meng Haoran's surprised eyes, Hanzo's "bang" turned into smoke and disappeared.

"Ninjutsu? Interesting." Meng Haoran looked at Hanzo who reappeared in the distance. He hadn't seen it for a long time, and forgot that he was a ninja.

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