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"Hahaha, can you be defeated me?" After the rebirth, Sha Lu was a little, and he looked at the eyes of Sun Wukong. Fortunately, he did not destroy his core cell. Otherwise, he is really dead. It is really dead, you must know that his strength is obvious to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong was silent for Sha Lu. He knew that he was no longer the opponent's opponent, just now, it was almost exhausted his gas. Now he can barely maintain the state of the super 2, and the battle must be obvious. Saru, which is more powerful than before.

However, when Sun Wuki turned his attention to Meng Haoran, the endless, the heart was relieved, and he was handed over to Meng Da.

In the eyes of Sha Lu, Sun Wukong has directly restored to the most common Saiyan state, and it is not intended to continue to fight.

"How? Do you give up? So I have to destroy the earth." Sharu was a little angry, he did not find more Meng Haoran.

After Sun Wukong came back, people were looking at Meng Haoran. I hope that Meng Haoran can shoot, but Meng Haoran said, "Trusque, you."

"I ??" Turkikus has a little, but after seeing Meng Haoran nodded, he is more confused. He even more than 2 is not, let him go to the Shatu, which is significantly better than Super 2, is not to die. ?

Everyone is also such an idea, but I know that Meng Haoran is not the kind of person who makes them to die, although some can't understand, but also believe in Meng Haoran, just look at Meng Haoran, waiting for Meng Haoran explaining.

"I let you go with him, not to win him, but let you feel the experience of high-level battle, I will temporarily upgrade your strength to super 2, and it is almost like him If you don't have it. "Meng Haoran said slowly, but his words said that people who heard were widened.

Take the power of Tenx's power and Shaumbu, this is also? This ability to enhance others and is shocked, and can raise Trusque's power to super 2, that is, at least dozens of times the power of Benx, which is too heart-driven.

Meng Haoran with this ability is so strong, everyone is unable to imagine, such Meng Haoran, if it is really shot, Saru is not the end of being abused.

"I ... can I?" Bulkus heard that Meng Haoran had to increase the power to super 2, it is already excited, it is aware that it is temporarily, thinking that he wants to fight with Sha Lu, is a bloody boiling, He seems to be as long as his strength and Saru are almost, and he defeated Shalu's fortune is still very big.

In addition to Meng Haoran, no one is noticed, one side, it is already a lot of Bergi Tower to see the eyes of Ttrokese, and it is a breeze, and it is also a feather, and hidden very much. Deep hate.

At this time, Begitta feels that he is a clown, I don't know how wrote.

Why not let my strength increase to over 2, I am stronger than Bit South Rock. Bergi Tower shouted in his heart, but did not dare to say, for now Meng Haoran, he did not dare to say more. I was afraid that Meng Haoran found their dissatisfaction with their dissatisfaction.

Meng Haoran was easy to turn Trutkus when he became more than two states. Although it was already prepared, it was only ready, but it was really seen that the shock will be found. It is simply unable to speak.

When is it simple to improve the strength? If it is really simple, they still have to practice, let Meng Haoran help me have become a peerless master, ok! In the fantasy, they have neglected the consciousness of Meng Haoran to help them, and there is this strength to improve the promotion.

"Well, don't stay again, this strength is just temporary, you have to fight with Sha Lu." Meng Haoran made a sentence that was still in the fantasy Buli because of its strength.

temporary! ? Temporarily! As long as you experience this power, the practice is not a Ma Pingchuan! All people have emerged in my mind, and I don't pay attention to Truskus has already fighting Shalu, but when I think when Meng Haoran will help them upgrade, let them experience the strength of the higher realm. This is a lot of ways after this.

Meng Haoran is not a fool. From everyone's look, it is already a faint guess, but he doesn't want to help, it is already an excuse, this time, the reason why Trusque is actually because of the reasons for the task, I really thought that he was so noble?

The strength of the promotion of Benx is not difficult, but Meng Haoran injected a part of his strength into the body of Turkock, so that he forcibly breaking the bottleneck, turning into more than 2, and even as long as Meng Haoran thought of him It can make this temporary becomes permanent, but that, Meng Haoran will be weakened, because the words are equal to Trusque, the part of the force is always, so Meng Haoran is absolutely impossible.

Looking at the Turkox, Sha Lu, which has become super 2, Saru, but before, the clear Kugje should be so strong, it should not be changed to this state, but now What is going on? Does it say that he is induced?

I don't know how, there is a feeling of uniqueness in Sha Lu, as if it is eyeing.

Suddenly, Shalu's eyes saw Meng Haoran, and I thought about it, and immediately went to "That is Meng Haoran. Dr. Ginger does not want to provoke my mysterious guys, have always been a mystery."

Shalu's memory also has a record of Meng Haoran, but he turned over these memories, but found that he did not deepen not only to Meng Haoran, but it was more confused.

Carefully talked about Meng Haoran, Shalu found that he did not see anything, even I feel that Meng Haoran is an ordinary person, but this is impossible, obviously and memories are not in line with, Shalu is tight, starting Mong Haoran came.

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