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Although Shalu has been aware of nothing, but did not wait for him to solve the solution, Bulkus has rushed up, and the other people are different. The Turkock from the end of the world is hate to the bones. It is necessary to talk to Shalu, and even if you don't want to say.

The battle is open, and Shalu is surprised to find that Bulkus's play is a bit crazy. It is like a mad dog. It is not so, the style of Turkock has changed, it is very powerful. The next moment will become abnormal, just like a mental patient, people can't start.

Since the rhythm of the battle is too fast, Sha Lu has not pays attention to the vision of Benx's eyes, and it doesn't know that in fact, it is really neuropathy in the face, and Bulkus can convert personality in the battle. Resulting in a variety of combat styles, it has enabled the enemy to not predict his next step.

Shalu is not there to be with Trutkus, but the last time they are too far away, Bulkz even can't touch his side, so Sha Lu is also Hantuki There is no much impact on Susp.

"This kind of play, slightly!" Meng Haoran looked at Tuguz, which constantly converted personality, was also drunk, it seems that only the tutor did not have a holiday! This mind has been strong enough to convert personality at any time! No wonder it seems to have no feelings before, it is the main personality.

For the play of Turkock, Saru has no way, which can only be constantly adapted in battle, but this adaptation process is a little can't see, he There are some scratches in time, and it is clear that when the other party has to attack, the other party will fight the eye, even the oil, it makes him a halo steering, and finally anger is getting higher and higher.

"You're enough! Is he a man?" Finally, after the nth, Shalu can't never, burst out of the mouth.

With his explosion, the following people are also facing each other. In fact, they also see that Budnick is somewhat, although they can't see it, but Trutkus's play, it is true that they all feel some Creepy, but they also see the intentions of the unpacked southern Southern Southern Southern, but also speaking with Trutkus is speculative. When they and Trinks meet again, Tenkkus is already able to control. Your own quarter, so they don't have the opportunity to see the other side of Britkes.

Meng Haoran cheated Trust, and of course, Bulkus usually controlled. Only when they really fight, I would like to use the powerful power, I really don't say, this way is not bad, at least Looking at Shalu is suffering, it is similar to the strength of both parties, but Sha Lu is still a gray face.

"Turkox may use this multi-change to disrupt the other party's play! It's amazing." The only thing is that Sun Wukong, he doesn't think there is anything wrong with the emotional business, but Nanxi is very admired.

Sun Wukong's words, if anyone else is thinking, and finally it is nodded, and Meng Haoran is also drunk.

In the air, it is not ashamed of Shalu's breath. It is better to say that it is because of this change of Sha Lu, let Ktronus make his play, feel comfortable, feel I have a big strength, and there is a lot of speed. Of course, this is just his mental illusion.

Shalu continued to fall into the siege of Turkock, as if you can see a beautiful Britkes, a beast Britkes, already a demon version of Britkes in the genuine Ttroke I appeared behind.

After 3 minutes, Shalu is already completely nothing, or there is no idle talking under the violent offensive of Britkes.

Shalu's patience has reached the limit. After you can't grasp one empty gear, he screamed, and the momentum of the body rose again, and he looked at the attacking Turk.

"Boom" is completely different, this is the absolute force gap, everyone thinks that Shalu will be attacked, or at least one level is strong, but this time it is Turkix is ​​played directly to the ground. , I took out a big pit of a square.

"What happened, how did he be a little?"

"His gas? Actually changed much more than just now, is there any hidden strength?"


Shalu's outbreak made the hearts of everyone, but he didn't surprise Meng Hao, which didn't surprise the color of the color. In the words of Meng Haoran, I don't want to defeat Shalu! It turned out that he had already expected it.

"Hey ..." Turkish is not light, I originally want to stand and fight again, but in the end, I still stand soft, I didn't stand up, and I still spit a silent, some can't look at the wind. God looked at his Sha Lu, Bulkus also understood that his battle is over, and finally, it is still some of the other part, but it is also to make the other person to make such a wrote that it is also earned, unconsciously laugh. come out.

Saru is originally seen in Turki, but not all the strength, but Turkiks's smile is so evil in him, thinking of his wolf, sand Lugei once again climbed to the peak.

"Go to death!" Sha Lu's daddy, waving his hands in the direction of Ttroke, countless energy, rapid Mercedes, and the open-handed eyes, you have to take Trusque.

"Be careful!"

"Quick escape!"

They reminded that they have not been there. Turkish did not avoid the power. When everyone can't bear to see Trusque, Meng Haoran finally shot.

"Inverse!" That is a word, but it is really a magical word, like the pronunciation of the gods, the truth in the world, in the eyes of everyone, those who can listen to the measures of energy-bombing methods, the turn of 180 degrees, anti Come over attacking its owner Shalu.

Saru is not thinking about what is going on, only have to play a defense action, which is bombed by a series of energy, especially if he uses his own power to make yourself, let him in the heart of blood.

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