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In the sky, Sha Lu is because of the reasons of self-sufficiency, when he once again appeared in front of everyone, it was a piece of Focus, like a refugee in Africa, making people can't help but laugh.

Saru has locked Meng Haoran in the first time, although there is no view of your own eyes, but he knows that the situation just happens because Meng Haoran.

The atmosphere has become a bit nervous, although Saru seems to have some wolf, but there is nothing to fall, but it has risen a lot, and the momentum is completely locked. Meng Haoran, but the rest of the wave is also awkward. I don't dare to act rash, as if you will be in the same thunder.

For the meaning of Shalu Meng Hao, there is no attention to his momentum lock, but instead, it is a strive to Trusque, and see the other party, and see Southern Walking is a little unchanged, but also a treatment Light, Ketnx's blink of an eye, I feel my own hurt, half of the movement, Malaysia, back to Meng Haoran.

This process Saru is completely seen in the eyes. He is more embarrassing to Meng Haoran, and you can explain the terrible of each other.

Until Turkock stationed to Sun Wukong, Meng Haoran looked up to look at Sha Lu.

The eyes are in contact, and Shalu is a surprise. It is a pair of eyes. At that moment, Sha Lu seems to see the evil change transformation of the universe star, it will fall into it, so that he can react very quickly, direct swing Opened the contact of the line of sight, which slowed down, but even if so, his back is actually wet.

For the first time, Sha Lu felt fear, although he still didn't know that this feeling was called fear, but he could not show his arrogance in front of Meng Haoran, but he was carefully destroyed, and it was a change in his heart. Even he cannot find out.

"Who are you?" Saru knows some information from Meng Haoran from the memory, but he still asked, he wants a answer that is enough to let him feel at ease.

"Who are I? Isn't your memory?" Meng Haoran did not have a positive answer, but asked a question, asked Shalu expression.

Shalu quickly adjusted back, exported again, still is that sentence "Who are you?"

Two sentences are the same, but the representative is completely different.

This turn of the turn of Meng Haoran is a bit surprised. He didn't think that the guys in Sha Lu were still a bit of brain, not the kind of rib to only know the battle.

He understood that Saru would be so strange, it is because the instinct feels the huge gap between the two sides, even if the other person is not realized, but his actions have aware of everything.

Good perception! Meng Haoran crusited.

"You didn't know the qualifications?" Although Shalu But Meng Haoran still did not tell him what he did, a slightly hidden speech was slightly used, so that Shalu recovered his original Zhang, from his influence.

Sure enough in the words of Meng Haoran, Sha Lu hidden feeling that his shackles were opened, and the usual one was restored, and Meng Haoran did not have the strange feel.

"I didn't know the qualifications? Kid you too mad, you think you are, I am the strongest existence of Shalu, the universe, are you not a small earth savior? Meng Haoran, I don't know your strength. Doesn't it be strong? "Shalu language has some mad.

"This is not right! It seems that you still know me." Meng Haoran calmly calmly, but such a tone is to make Shalu feel more harder.

Shalu made the expression of the speech, but suddenly the finger moved, belonging to the continuous wave of Flissa, and the turbulents were directly exploded and the target Meng Haoran.

"Actually sneak attack?" Meng Haoran passed a variety of different color, and then he was attacking.

"This is ..." I thought that Meng Haoran was unpractically counterattached, but he would have to avoid these attacks, but what he saw is that Meng Haoran has not moved all. His attack will directly penetrate the body of Meng Haoran, as if Meng Haoran is a Like a shadow.

Meng Haoran is of course impossible. Saru deny this possibility, then the second possibility is that Meng Haoran is fast, even he can't see, although this explanation is the most likely, but Shalu is absolutely unable I believe, if I believe, it is not to say that Meng Haoran is completely above him. This is he absolutely I can't admit. He always think that he is the first of the universe, no one can defeat him, he is the strongest .

So, since it is not fast, what is going on? Is it a strange ability? Sha Lu suddenly recalled the previous "reverse", and the heart was faintly with an answer, and immediately believed this answer, and it was a jealous of Meng Haoran, but it was still confident. He believes that this ability is limited, not invincible, and that limit is probably the intensity of attacks, as long as you do your best, you will definitely.

Meng Haoran looked at Sha Lu's eye changing, and finally the eyes that had already seen you were speechless. What did you do in your brain?

Meng Haoran believe that the other party is impossible to guess what is going on, because the other's level is too low, Shaulu has no mistakes, Meng Haoran is not the speed of relying on, although the speed can also achieve the same effect. .

Meng Haoran relies on the ability to destroy God Batus, which is called the dollar, which is completely different under this ability, as long as the other party can't upgrade only attacks to Meng Haoran All attacks are not attacking.

The so-called submissions can actually be explained in the radio frequency in real life, and different frequencies are unmanned calls, and the dysfunction is used in this principle, and there are various frequencies, but also constantly changed, to attack The other party must play the same frequency as the other party's contact, which requires terror computing power, and the speed of change, it is not the current Saru, they can understand.

To make the battle of the dollar, you must meet 2 conditions.

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