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It is not the right idea if you try to try it, and Shalu is holding such an idea, and immediately acts.

Moving like Thunder is to describe this time, even in the eyes of Sun Wukong, Shaul's movement is also turned into the residual shadow, with the unimaginable speed close to Meng Haoran, you can imagine that Shalud is now How fast.

It is necessary to know that it can be seen and you can reach that speed is completely two concepts. For example, an ordinary person is just a few meters, the fastest athlete, which is more than ten meters, human beings can see The speed of the sports car is hundreds of meters per second, but it is impossible to achieve the same reason.

So when Sun Wukong can only see Sha Lu's residual shadow, you can imagine how it is shocking in his heart.

"Is this true strength?" Sun Wuran muttered, the eyes were first lost, then they were firm, he is a person who is not afraid of challenge, the opposite of such powerful Shaul can arouse his Challenge, he believes that as long as he will give him the time, he can make it so strong, even more, he has not forgotten that Meng Haoran said that the Saiyan people entering the Super Saiyan just start.

In addition to Sun Wukong, it has just entered the super 2 realm. Others are completely invisible. In their eyes, Shalu moved to be transient, just instantly From the high altitude of kilometers to Meng Haoran.

"Be careful!" Take a look at Sha Lu's fist will be implemented to Meng Haoran, and everyone is not exclaimed.

However, their concerns are obviously redundant, and they also saw it completely subverting their common sense, I saw that Meng Haoran was maintained at the original action, no change, and his face of Shalu's fists is Penetrate his body.

"Fake?" Sha Lu did not feel any touch came from his fist, and he had an idea, but his eyes of the eyes saw Meng Haoran smiled, and then Meng Haoran slowly lifted, grab His shoulder of his punch.

The touch from the shoulders is directly let Sha Lu, that feels that Meng Haoran, who is in front of you is absolutely not illusory, but true, but his fist passes through the other party. What is going on.

There is no similar, Meng Haoran moved again, the foot slowly lifted, which is the speed of ordinary people, and the masters such as Saru seem slow until it is very slow.

From Meng Haoran's movement, it is easy to see Meng Haoran, Meng Hao wants to kick him.

Sha Lu realized that Meng Haoran's intentions, the body's consciousness wanted to avoid, but found that he could not move, his shoulders came to a huge force, fixed him in the original, he could not make effective avoidance.

On the side of Saru, I want to gather your strength to play Meng Haoran's hand, and once again broke out a momentum.

In the end, Sha Lu succeeded, but also failed, success is because he finally got rid of Meng Haoran, but failed because it was not because his strength was escaped, but because of the last Meng Haoran lonely, the feet of Meng Haoran Then, it is straight, and the Shalu is kicked directly, causing Shalu flight to a few kilometers.

When Shalu was finally stopped, he can see that he violently breathed, and his body was unconscious, it was obviously a powerful blow.

Feel the pain coming from the top of the sixth, Sharu, in the eyes of Meng Haoran, is full of fear, this is the first time he felt that he was completely suppressed, but he still pressed, he didn't understand why he would It is not completely attacked by Meng Haoran.

Is our strength gap really so big? Not he is illusory, but his speed I can't see it? This thoughts lived, just in the minds of Sha Lu, let him be there at a time, and the eyes are somewhat awkward.

"It's so powerful, it is not a grade, it is really a big brother."

"Indeed, his mysterious and powerful look at the head."

"Sha Lu is so unbearable in front of him?"


This situation now lets Sun Wukong and other audiences. Shatu, which is almost unable to defeat, but it is so helpless in front of Meng Haoran, so that it is to think that even Meng Haoran is also in Shalu. They exhausted, they feel too big, this kind of drop, let them feel some unreal.

According to reason, Shalu is only kicked, it is slightly injured, and it is not possible to represent Meng Haoran to completely stronger Shalu. After all, Teju is also injured in Sha Lu, and he is not only a punch. But Meng Haoran's performance is really strange, so everyone has subconsciously identified that Shalu is not a level of Meng Haoran, of course, this is also the truth!

Meng Haoran see Saru is so simple, it is a bit lost confidence, and it is also a boring, and some don't want to continue to bully him. After all, their strength gap is bigger than the surface, even if Meng Haoran is thinking about one thought. You can completely destroy the murder.

Just as Meng Haoran decided that the speed of the speed of the speed and saved the Sand Luo, Shaul did happened, a change that made Meng Haoran showed a surprised color, but also Meng Haoran intends to give Shauli time.

I saw that Shalu's eye pupil at this time has disappeared, and the breath of the breath on his body is so low, it seems to have been a great pain.

Not only do so Shalu's body surface begins to show the radiance of intermittent, and this is getting brighter.

In the gods of everyone, Sha Lu's form began to change. First of all, he started a causality, and then unexpectedly appeared a pair of wings similar to the dragon wings, and his body became huge. It actually grows a unicorn in my head. It is a larger flame around his body. It is not the general flame, but due to extreme high concentration air energy and air. Wipe Anasting generated.

When Shalu's final form is fixed, he has completely can't see his previous shadow, it is completely a different species, and the breath is even more shocking. Even Sun Wukong is unable to Belt the Yu Wei of its momentum.

"Executive, I finally evolved into a pool! Hahaha ..."

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