Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 612 recognizes the ability to cross

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Meng Haoran's breathing gradually became more, and finally almost close and not, and the light ball in front of him began to make a light, but it was a soft light, this is like life, slow Put Meng Haoran gave the package, and finally the light ball disappeared, and Meng Haoran was put on a soft gloss.

There is no sound in the closed room, Meng Haoran is sitting in the center of the center. It is always moving, and the eyes are slightly closed as if they have been sleeping. If the glout is hidden, it gives people an incredible feeling.

However, hidden behind the peace, Meng Haoran is indeed a big event in an earth-shattering, and the spirit is different from the outside, and the spirit is here, where his thinking is more clear, it is usually unreasonable. As long as there is a answer between a thought.

So what is Meng Haoran now doing? The answer is very simple. He has entered the use ability to understand the state of accelerating the ball. When he is completely dissipated, he will end this comprehension, and this time is approximately more than a minute.

As for the ability of Meng Haoran, what is the ability to understand, this is already planning in his head when he seeing the ability to accelerate the ball, that is, using this to understand that he is crossing the Sao World comprehension, can also be seen as it is One ability is not.

In the SAO World, I opened the door to the foreign world in the SAO World, I realized some mystery about crossing, but I was really completely controlled, but I could succeed for a while, and I have to comprehend this ability. The higher level does not say what he can realize now, so this ability comprehensively understands the time when the ball is coming.

What is the ability to enhance your ability? What is the ability to cross this name? Therefore, Meng Haoran has chosen this capability, and now his choice is not wrong.

Related to the ability to understand the accelerator, Meng Haoran is quickly enhanced for the universe, time and space understanding, understanding the mystery of his realm, the next moment, his heritage has increased, and the understanding of some things The degree even can be comparable to the Jiuxing strong, it can be said to be a crazy.

It is necessary to make it hard. If Meng Haoran has adjusted his body and spirit to the most. The state of the peak is, I am afraid that today will not go smoothly, although there is no special feeling, but Meng Haoran knows what he can understand. It must be an impact of dragging itself.

After 10 minutes, when Meng Haoran was completely extinguished, his eyes opened, and his eyes were in the middle of the stars, showing a strange trait, and it is disadvantaged by it. Visual fluctuations, it is a temperament that has a certain level of time and space.

Take a breath, Meng Haoran slowly slowed the god, the singular temperament on the body also disappeared, turned into a special sunshine boy.

"Sure enough, it is chosen. This ability comprehensively understands that the ball is really worthy of its role. I didn't expect to achieve this level." Meng Haoran blinks, obviously satisfied with this closure.

Although the closure of this closure is only a short ten minutes, Meng Haoran gets more than the closed customs decades, and the meaning is extraordinary.

First, with the ability to understand the acceleration ball, Meng Haoran is completely mastered through this ability. From then on, it will never passively cross, and you can take the initiative to cross, and it is also in the leader in the main army.

"I really didn't think of this ability so soon, it seems that my luck is really good, and this is one of the three rewards." Thinking of this task other 2 rewards, Meng Haoran can't help but smile, It is grateful for Tarnx, who doesn't know how it is now.

Originally, Meng Haoran is expected to have a simple world search after I have realized this ability. I can't locate the world, but the most basic crossing, but now, because of the deepening of time and space, Meng Haoran has mastered the ability of world positioning, As long as there are some special information about the relevant world, he can position its world. If the distance is not too far, it can go straight into its world.

According to the distance from the world and itself, the information needed is also different, the more information that is needed, the more information needs.

As for the present, Meng Haoran has been directly positioned to the world that has entered the world, and then enter it, that is, he wants to go back to the fire, the world is completely ok.

Ending the ability to comprehend, Meng Haoran is only a little meditation, and then entered the second round of closed customs. After all, it just only returned to the Queen Date, and now it needs to consolidate it, plus some things, his current realm is fundamentally Do not understand, you can also perform related references, touch. Some higher levels of realm can be revealed.

Not much time, the closed room once again entered the silence, Meng Haoran also entered the practice of the old jealousy, and the two ear did not smell the window.

With the closure of Meng Haoran, the outside is quiet, and people also know that Meng Haoran has once again entered the closed room. It is a lot of behavior. But after all, I still have a long time to make a sense of headache.

Time is the slow lapse, what should people do on the earth, the progress of civilization is gradually progressing, and there is no special thing happening, and peace is a bit tired.

At the time of the earth, the corner of the universe is a little gentle cloud, and an invisible darkness is stupid. Stupid, it is possible to mally.

A ridiculous planet, can not be said to be ridiculous, it is still there in some lives, but only a few days ago, a group of unhappy passengers, with the Thunder's situation, completely destroyed, except for microorganisms, other As long as you can see it, there is only these alien guests.

"Hahaha, finally found it, the land of the magist brothers, as long as you want to solve the seal my Bababi can restore the father's glory, rule this universe, become the real space of the universe." A figure The short, the hair is sparse, and the long and some kind of dwarf do not meet the episode of the earth. It is like a lottery, and in his not far away, it looks at all, and the scene is very big.

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