Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 613 Creating the People

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The closed-door Meng Haoran didn't know that he made a change in the world of Dragon Ball far away. Especially after he became the creation of this universe, the impact of the universe also reached the top. Peak.

Originally, this seventh universe did not have the existence of the world. Something is lacking. People living in this universe are far more than destroying. After all, destroy God is still in place. No, there is only people to practice the body, and I don't know how to practice the realm of the soul. The combat power of the people who practice created is far more than the way to practice the destruction, that is, the power of the gas exceeds creation, this is After all, it is not strong.

But the power of creating should be more destroyed on the defense, and even the power of creation can be used to use the universe's power, as long as it is prepared to fully kill the tremendous cultural destruction, it is normal, and in the creation of God is not In the case of this, these are impossible things, but also caused most people to practice gas, for pure combat power, the way to destroy.

When Meng Haoran became a moment of Creating the world, the rules of the universe had a subtle change, and the words that were cultivated to create, and the power was also large, which changed the family of those who creative cultivation of those generations. There is a sign of reunion.

Especially when Meng Haoran creates a lot of understanding, this gap is more obvious when it is more obvious, and now, the way to practice the way is significantly more simple than destruction, although short Time can't see anything, but after the time of the time, this difference will be like a volcano, and it cannot stop.

One corner of the universe, here is a green life planet, 90% is a forest, only a small number of lakes supply water, away from the center of the universe, a peaceful color.

In the center of this planet, a big tree, a big tree, like a core of rooting in the planet, is very tall, beyond the common sense, as long as it can see it in this planet, plus its planet The center, which provides a direction for the living here, but this is just a little bit of its role, and it really has much larger than this.

This tree is called the old people of this planet, the most fundamental role of the big tree of life is to absorb the cosmo creation of energy to nourish this star ball, so that the planet has been extremely strong in life, disasters and abdominal, planet The life of the original people is like a paradise.

Because of its sufficient resources, there are many battle here. All the year round is in peace, and the Aboriginal people do not advocate the cultivation of destruction, but they have a unique closure of the creation, but the gas is not created. God is in place, the things they practice are very simple, what is okay to make a house, the battle is complete, and this situation has changed.

Under the trees, a graceful voice is holding ten pairs of prayers. I saw her body shape and human beings. The only difference is the feet of the pointed ear, the elf, she is the elves, and still The Elf Queen has survived the existence of 500 years. In the long life in the long life, it seems to be almost the same as the young woman from 30 years old.

Not only that, maybe the elves itself is self-contained, her skin light. White, white, tender seems to take the water, combined with the gold proportion, and because of the simple and pure to the extreme Overaight, anyone will be surprised by people, a good one with 7 points, pure 3 points, charming.

However, there is no one in this beautiful, this woman, the woman, the end of the mouth, the expression, although this is very deep in her body.

"The tree of great life! Your people Taylor-Si Ji, for this time, I hope to get your opinion, what happened, our ..."

Taylor-Sijiaqi, that is, the name of the Queen of this Elf, she uses a gentle tone to tell the strange matters that have happened during this time, of course, it is strange, don't say anything bad, and the opposite is a good thing, because they practice At a certain day, there was a lot of all accelerated. For the understanding of the way of conflict, it seems that each tribal practice of this road has varying degrees, and the speed is 2 times faster than before. And the change is even more than a hundred times, that is, the effect of several days of practice is even, it is incredible.

Originally, this change said that this change is a good thing for the elves, but the Elf family does not think so, but some fear, long-term constant make them very uncomfortable for this change, as if there is What big things must happen, there must be an abnormality, this is their idea, and this reason they don't know, so let the female emperor ask the tree of life.

The tree of life is of his own will, this is unquestionable, and as the existence of hundreds of thousands of years, its wisdom far exceeds the scope of ordinary people, is a wise man, the Elves believes that there is nothing is it. I don't know, there is an important thing that there is an important thing to ask for advice.

Taylor Sijiaqi explained that after his own problem, he began to wait for the tree of life. According to the general situation, the tree of life will always respond for a while, as if thinking is general, but this time is obvious, However, Taylor-Sijiaqi dialect just in less than 10 seconds, and the tree of life has changed, and a small volatility is passed out from the tree of life, and links its Queen's spirit.

The Queen is slightly smashed, then the look is respectful to make a listening posture, but the outside is silent, at this time, it seems to have a beautiful picture.

Cang Ya's voice of the infinite wisdom is thinking of the Queen's mind. "Don't panic, this change I also guessed, that is, the great creator, the creation of the gods has been returned, practice creation The reason why the speed change is here, as a creative trend, I hope you can ... "

After a long time, Taylor-Sijiaqi left the tree of life, no one knows what the tree of life is finally talking to her, but several days later, Taylor-Si Jiaqi left this her mother star, I don't know where I went? .

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