Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 617, you finally came.

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"Yes, it is really enough." Meng Haoran admitted the role of the holy water, so that Taylor exposed a smile, obviously because it was affirmed.

However, Taylor did not know that the calm Meng Haoran in the surface was not calm, and it was a very unchaul, like the waves and the sky.

This so-called holy water is mostly consisting of pure energy. It is no wonder that people can fill their belly. After all, the reason is to eat is just to supplement the body's energy, and supplemental energy is better than this holy water? ? Eat also decomposes impurities, after all, most of them can directly absorb energy, but drink this holy water is more convenient, that is, simple and easy to absorb.

It is said that the holy water is a liquid. If it turns into a solid, it is not similar to the spiritual stone and the magic world of the magic world.

Taylor's planet holy water has become daily necessities, then how much is the energy of the planet? What is the so-called holy water? The tree of life is not simple, or the original God of the initial generation can't be underestimated! One energy base!

The short film of the filth of Meng Haoran turns thousands of thoughts, but they did not show it. Now they think about it, everything will be known to the place.

After the dialogue of Meng Haoran and Taylor became a bit of incorporated, but simple Taylor did not find that Meng Haoran is not right.

Meng Haoran has a lot to talk and Taylor, most of the time is some things in Taylor, and Meng Haoran responds from time to time. Although Meng Haoran is not on this, but also learned from Taylor's words. Many of the trees about life, such as life trees are generally in a sleeping state, and will enter a duty period every millennium. At that time, the bleak is more comparable, as if the energy supply is general, but the downturn is only 10 years, so it is easy to pass, so Taylor is just a stroke.

Meng Hao, I also know why Taylor knows that he became a creation of God, and did not think that he became such a great benefit after the death of the world, and there was so many times.

"Since the tree of life claims to be a creation of God, then why wait for me to become a world, the world has changed these changes?" Meng Haoran doubts, I feel that this is absolutely hidden.

The time is slow, Meng Haoran and Taylor are not ordinary people, so they don't feel tired. If they are hungry, they will completely solve the problem, so they don't have to eat. When it is very simple and boring, I have Taylor, Otherwise, Meng Haoran is really a little worried that you can't stay.

Although it is on the store, the environment is also good, there is no environmental tide Shi, the temperature is not suitable, so Meng Haoran is still sleeping very comfortable, especially if there is any fragrance, it is more mood.

Taylor's sleeping position is very good, and she actually has a habit of telling a dream, so that Meng Haoran is very unexpected, it is really unimaginable to imagine a sister who doesn't have a slighteborg, how can a race?

"Maybe only such a special environment is so reasonable! Their world is similar to the legendary Datong world, when the quarter of the quarry is probably not much better than civilians." Meng Haoran can only think so.

The next few days have a very calm past, and there is no accident in the way, and finally came to the destination, Taylor's planet, is called the planet of the Star of Life.

In addition to life of life, Meng Haoran is also a little shocking in the heart of this planet. It is completely violated, it is a planet, but in Meng Haoran, it is like a huge life, like a sleeping magic, It is possible to agitate the universe of the universe at any time.

"This power is far exceeding the level of the creation of the world! It is really the first generation of creation God, but although the surface is a vibrant, it is always a feeling of approaching the decay. I feel wrong, still ... "Meng Haoran did not send silently followed Taylor.

The spacecraft quickly landed in a forest, and a large group of hunters of the spacecraft was not waiting for it, it was curious to show Meng Haoran.

It can be seen that they don't know the identity of Meng Haoran. Because it is not kind to Meng Haoran's eyes, it is just simple curious, curiously why the great life tree will let the queen go back.

Meng Haoran was not very popular, but the quater was received by heroic treatment, which made Taylor very proud, but it didn't forget his mission, so good, farewell to the outside. How about the world, with Meng Haoran embark on the road to the center of the Star, the tree of life.

When Meng Haoran's foot is in contact with this earth, Meng Haoran has already felt an old will be rapidly awake, and Meng Haoran felt that he was already in the dark, but the other party did not show anything. Meng Haoran is not intended, and it is necessary to see it immediately.

Meng Haoran is not very worried that the other party will cause any threat to him. His strength is better than destroying God. It is not worthy of him, and he can't say him. There is a threat to his existence.

"You finally came, the inheritor of the creation of the world!"

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