Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 618 does not reliably inheritance

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In front of the trees of huge life, starting from the first sentence of the tree of life, the surrounding time seems to become slow, Taylor, who came from Meng Haoran, is already fixed, which is obviously in an abnormal state. If you look at it, you will find not only her body surface, even the activity of the body has stopped, as if time is fixed.

Meng Haoran rose to half air, watching the tree of life in front of him. He also appeared a pair of wise eyes in front of him. Meng Haoran did not have an impact, or said that the power could not affected him.

From the eyes of life trees, Zhong Meng Haoran did not see any malicious, even feel very close, but this did not let him relax, because all of this can be disguised, not, no one knows that it will happen what is the matter.

"I am coming." Li Long Haoran said such a sentence, and then closed again, but in fact, he didn't know what to say. It is the other party to find him, say anything to accept the real inheritance, Meng Haoran or Hold the attitude.

"I know you have a lot of don't understand, the child, let me tell you all this." The sound is not transmitted with sound waves, but in a more special way, by changing the creation The vibration frequency, which can be seen that the other party's intelligence is close to the source.

"In fact, I am the first to create God is a wrong statement." The tree of life said, let Meng Haoran brow a hop, the expression changes.

The tree of life seems to have not seen Meng Haoran's expression, continue to tell:

"I am the first place to condense with the final power before the death of the world. It is the crystallization of the first creation of the world. It contains all his sentiment, and a consciousness, it is for expectations. A certain day after it can be resurrected. "

"However, look now, you have already known, because some reasons, the position of Creating God will not recognize my only awareness, so I lost the position of the Great God, did not get the universe Acknowledging that this is almost gone of my resurrection, I can only have this posture to continue, this is the reason why you can inherit it normally in the future ... "

According to the tree of life, it is unable to move, and so long has taken all the principal power, so that you will be thoroughly died, this time I find Meng Haoran, I want Meng Haoran to take this after his death. Policy is protected.

Strictly said that it is the core of this planet, so when it is dead, the planet will enter the countdown, no power from the universe, this planet will slowly wither, in order to give this star The latter road, so it finds Meng Haoran, and the accomplishment of Meng Haoran can easily solve this thing.

As a return, the tree of life will fully inherit all the feelings of creation to Meng Haoran.

It sounds normal, the tree of life is also a kindness, in order to be selfless dedication, plus Meng Haoran feels the life of the tree from life, and has entered the final stage, it is still very reasonable.

However, Meng Haoran is a lot of doubts, and the tree of life is really concerned about these ordinary life? As a living in the ancient existence, it witnessed the death of the stars, the rise and fall of the universe, I am afraid that I have long been seen in the life and death of ordinary life; and even if it is true, it is only necessary to tell the elves. We can't find a suitable planet to continue to survive? Finally, Meng Haoran heard the tree of life to completely passed all the way to create the way to himself, it was not believed, and the tree of life is really selfless.

Meng Haoran always felt some violations, it was certain that the tree of life must be concealing information, or that is very important.

"I promised your condition, but how long does it starther inherit?" Meng Haoran said very natural.

"Of course, the faster it, the better, you can start immediately." The tree of life is very eager.

This time, Meng Haoran is really confirmed that the tree of life is changing, Nima! It is really a fool, you will die after the inherit, have you dying soon? This is also too anxious! From the perspective of Meng Haoran, although the life of life has entered the countdown, it is actually at least a few hundred years. It is really a hurry to die.

"Well!" What should I do. "Meng Haoran showed a difficult excitement, as if there was no abnormalities at all, let the trees who have some hesitation of life completely rest assured.

"You are there, there is no movement there, wait for you to completely let go of your heart, otherwise, you will be inherited. Everything is given to me, maybe some abnormalities, but it is normal, you can rest assured Ok, "The tone of the tree of life is also excited.

Do you completely let go of your heart? Everything is given to you? Meng Haoran is so stupid in his heart. It's really awkward, I'm not letting you slaughter after you completely let go of your mind. This can be cheated with children.

Meng Haoran is a great plan to do it in accordance with the tree of life, but it is already ready to fight at any time. As long as it is a bit wrong, it will dry the life of life. Although the inheritance is very lure. It is no help to now, but it is not to give up, he is going to exceed the existence of this universe.

The most important thing is that Meng Haoran is very safe to the system, does not believe how life is, now it is easy to get two possibilities, one is that the other party did not lie to him, really gave him, The same words are very happy, but the probability is very low; the second is that the other party has a picture, such as the wary, what is parasitic, this is completely unbearable, Meng Haoran is absolutely not allowed.

Looking at Meng Haoran, according to what he said, the trees of life showed the ecstasy of the ecstasy, I really want to implement my own plan, but Yu Guang discovered Taylor, so it used to use Taylor to remove Taylor. A layer of junctions on the surroundings, preventing someone from disturbing.

After doing this, the eyes disappeared, and the trees of the life in front of Meng Haoran are slowly moving, and then only one of the huge crystals that exudes the silver white appear from the tree of life, crystal sump The goal is going straight to Ben Mao Hao.

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