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"It's coming!" Meng Haoran was condensed, and the attention was completely concentrated. He did not let a trace of abnormalities. Of course, the surface is still incorporated into his body.

If Meng Haoran guess, the crystal is not aware of a feeling of inheritance but the soul of the tree of life, and the purpose is the body of Meng Haoran.

When the crystal was in the body, Meng Haoran felt a constant hit about the way of conflicting, so that Meng Haoran almost unconsciously addicted in it, he had to say that this sentiment is far from Meng Haoran, even if you know that it is not for you. At the time, Meng Haoran was also attracted to some hearts.

"It is a big sum first to give me a sweet, paralyzed me, then I don't pay attention to the attack?" Meng Haoran people guess a seven or eight eight, but Meng Haoran is destined to make the other party.

Next, Meng Haoran deliberately in the sense of intention of the trees of life, and generally, Meng Haoran should be completely unconscious, nothing to prevent, and is the tree of life. Good time.

The tree of life is also cautious. If Meng Haoran is a heavy fan, but observes a period of time, it also uses the words to test Meng Haoran, until it is completely confirmed that Meng Haoran entered the cultivation state to show the .

"Ha ha ha, let you be a party to create a group of groups, oh, the first creation of the gods? This is also a letter, but one thing I said is true, I am indeed creation. And there is still no loss of the gain, but I am not the 7th universe, I really didn't think that the old guy ago left behind, so that the inheritance of this universe retained, I will take everything about you today. In this case, I am a common god of the two universe, and after it can ... "

Meng Haoran also heard the self-speaking self-speaking tree, and the heart is also shocked. It didn't expect that the truth of things is like this.

Creating the world can still be used as two universe, is this kind of universe? That way, becoming the only creation of the world. It is impossible to grow, I am afraid that the power you will reach this world is at any time. You can break through 9 stars. The true life is endless.

And so much, destroying God can improve this, but why did they do this? Still, they don't know if there is this?

When Meng Haoran had to solve, the tree of life finally had a move, it directly entered the spirit of Meng Haoran, and began to slowly erodor Meng Haoran.

"Well!? How do you?"

"Do you want to say why I am awake so soon? That's because I have been awake from the beginning, do you think that I will believe in you, thank you for so many years, is it? The old age dementia? "Meng Haoran was reluctant to ridicule.

In the spirit of life, the tree of life is also turned into an old old man. At this time, he was surprisingly looked at Meng Haoran. He did not think that in his opinion, it was almost a no-lost plan, and he was a fulfillment before implementing this plan. After the face of such a big temptation. It is also impressed by him.

If you change it, it is a great possibility of other people, and a lot of the realizes of the gods. It is too big. After all, it is getting harder and harder, especially the extent, especially the eight stars. In the future, it is very uncomfortable, so it is very uncomfortable, so in the face of such a big enhancement opportunity, no matter who will be banned. Confusion, even if it is discovered, it will be ridiculous, and finally In the circle.

But who makes him meet Meng Haoran? Although all generations of creation gods are all good, but in Meng Haoran is just a good thing. Meng Haoran, who is used to all kinds of good things, is not particularly care, so he is destined to be a tragedy.

The only estimate of the tree of life is that the bait it provides is far from the value of Meng Haoran. It doesn't seem to be as high as he thinks, so that everything will not be possible.

If the reason, if Meng Haoran really tried, the tree of life will first take a lot of the spirit of Meng Haoran in the case of not borrowing Meng Haoran. The biggest consumption of Meng Haoran is a good fortune, let Meng Haoran. The vitality is big, and finally everything is a chapter. After all, this is Meng Haoran's spiritual sea. It is the home of Meng Haoran. It is the big fair, the ten nine is the tree of life. This is also a general new Jin Jin. Creating the world.

For Meng Haoran, the old man of life is changed several times. Finally, it revealed a kind expression: "Dai Xiang! All of this is actually misunderstood, I am just because of curiosity. I am leaving right away, you look like this. "Said that you want to leave.

"Leave!? Hey, don't go." Meng Haoran won't give the other party at all, and the heart is noted to keep the other party.

In the spirit of the sea, Meng Haoran can change the ground, and the heart will turn down the spirit of the spirit of the ancient arena, completely block the route of the tree of life, can only fight with Meng Haoran.

Seeing that the life of the life, the tree of life is also decisive to the suicide attack to Meng Haoran. It is completely desperate to consume his soul. After all, he also understands that he is not added here, and Meng Haoran is occupied, you can source Continuous additional strength, if you don't won Meng Haoran in the first time, he will die.

The tree of life has not yet completely desperate, although the plan fails, but he still has a 5-year hope victory. After all, the other party is just a newcomer that has just become a goddess, it has become a few years. Where can I compare with him.

However, the tree of life is destined to fail, Meng Haoran is not a general person, but the combat power is now destroying God and strong existence, plus the characteristics of the soul is not usually, the tree and Meng Haoran is simply in the ovary stone, just a stalemate It's completely collapsed for a while, and even the power of your hand is not.

Meng Haoran did not give each other's opportunities, directly let the trees of life, and completely disappear in this world.

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