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The soul of life has made the most pure fragments, scattered in the nautical sea of ​​Meng Haoran, and everything will be received by Meng Haoran. It can be said that this is more precious than inheritance. Inheriting is only some feelings, but Now Meng Haoran has also accepted his memory.

Quick elimination of memories that are not useful, Meng Haoran stores the help of themselves, and encounters the situation in the future. You can use them at any time.

I have to say that Meng Haoran is the biggest winner of this battle. It is basically no strength to get what they want, but the trees of life are all lost.

The memory of the tree of life is in the past, the so-called life tree is actually the creation of the 4th universe. It is a genius that he will come to the 7th universe, but this baby is also a genius. He actually thought of being swallowedant to create the gods to become a way to become a world, and he died numerous years, and finally, the chance to determine the success was great, which put the target in the 7th universe of the power. I plan to change the ground.

It is a pity that he misses his strength, and the final counterattack of the creation of the seventh universe is a few, and finally, it has to be a tree species here, and the precipitation of time is formed. This planet.

Originally, he would have been going to die until death, but recently Meng Haoran became a creation of God, but he made him the attention of Meng Haoran. It is intended to finally fight, this is the origin of these things.

"I have to say that your estimation is true! It seems that you are really a genius." Meng Haoran has already felt that his power to create the gods, and it is almost twice as much as before. In an instant, the memory of the tree of life, Meng Haoran knew that he really became the creation of the two universe, so that the speed of the creation of the creation will be doubled, it is a good congratulatory.

Waiting for Meng Haoran checked his harvest, he was awakened by the vibration of the side. It turned out that the tree of life of the soul has begun to wither. The truncation of the tree of life has also disappeared, this planet It is already an income countdown.

The sky is dim, and the signs of various end days have appeared, and the animals become anxious, as if there is a big disaster is coming, the destroyed breath appears in this peace planet.

The elf looks at everything around, I don't know what happened. After discovering the absence of the tree of life, it is a frightened look, muttering "," the life of life The world is not saved. "

The Elf Queen Thaler also found that he was in place, but he didn't come to think about what happened. However, she felt that all this and Meng Hao fell off his system. He ran up toward the tree of life. She didn't know why she. I will want to go there, but I feel that there is hope that her mind has emerged in the mind.

"Although the process is somewhat twists, the result is not changed, I will realize my promise, so that such a group of cute guys is not good, I am generally very tolerant for beautiful things." Meng Haoran It is intended to be a planet crash. Although this planet is nothing to do with him, it is a pity that it is a pity that it is a pity that the beautiful elves will be annihilated, so I plan to pay according to the agreement. Lower them.

The time is now too late to let them transfer directly to other planets, so Meng Haoran intends to save the planet with his own way, and this method may also be more suitable for them.

"Let me see how magical is created." Meng Haoran muttered and began to move.

The whole planet saw a shock-free ray to exist from the position of the tree of life, as in the same trend, it usually spread to the entire planet.

In an instant that is illuminated by the rays, all creatures feel that their hearts have been clear, becoming flat, as if everything in front of you can't affect them.

"God's power! It is God who saves us!"

"Ah! It is a great god, we have saved."

"Good warmth."

Almost all of the creatures think about the direction of Meng Haoran, a short instant, the whole planet, from the universal city, and pray for hope that the world will return to the future.

And Meng Haoran did not let everyone down, under the illumination of this rays, all the gradually recovered before the life trees are still appearance, and the chaos gradually calm, as if everything is like an illusion.

About 10 minutes, the world has once again become the world familiar to the elves, but they don't know that the world has changed a lot, there is no existence of the trees of life, and this planet can not keep peace in the future. It is difficult to say, After all, there is no life tree means that they need to find a way to solve it, and this will stop making mistakes, and the tree of life can be suppressed, but they can't do it.

"There is still the last step, since the tree of life is already withered, then make another good." Meng Haoran has a light group, which is the most purely creation, but also the print of his own, It is equivalent to his child, it has the potential to grow into a true creative, but it will grow to have their own consciousness after many years, and now I can act with instinct.

The Riga slowly integrated into the wilted tree, then the tree of life is like a dead wood, and the yellow leaves are quickly turned into crystal. Ying's green, and constantly grow new branches and branches Meng Haoran's power is much stronger than the original life tree, so the tree of life at this time is even more vital than before, and it has also restored the function of absorbing the universe energy. Everything has entered the right track.

It is a strong vitality that Taylor arrives, and the tree that is more thick than before, and Meng Haoran next to the tree of life.

"What happened?" Meng Haoran found that Taylor did not care, and Taylor opened him, he had to turn his attention.

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