Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 624, Bayi Tower to Sun Wuki

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Said a thousand, in fact, in addition to the opening of the opening ceremony before the start of the game, he didn't pay attention to this game, after all, Tai Children.

It is Mamma to see those games, saying that she is still a little interest in the martial arts this time, although she will not be in person, but I like it, but because of her own strength is also a master under the influence of Meng Haoran, completely watching Clearing a battle, so there will be no view of the shadow, so that the game is equivalent to watching the block, it is more interesting to her.

As for what Meng Haoran did what time did this time? In addition to boring, I watched the resurrection of the magist brothers, looking at the resurrection of the magist brothers, and looked at the energy progress of the energy of the magic. When you die again, Meng Haoran has a kind of impulse that I will give it to it.

"It seems that the energy of more than 100 million combat will not be obvious to it! It will only be said to be 1 percent, I can only say it." Meng Haoran is sorry, but also knows this is normal, I know that in the original Chinese Buur, it is absorbed into the energy of the four super 2 (Sun Wuki, Berga, Dabli, Sun Wukong).

Because the first martial arts in the world, the strong island can hear the cheers, this wonderful fighting scene is much stronger than that, everyone has a strong dream, and this dream There is an opportunity to achieve here. What kind of blood is boiling under the world's attention, what kind of blood is boiled, the fist to meat is attractive, not just a man, the beautiful women are also cheering for their favorite players.

Even Meng Haoran did not expect that this martial art will finally contribute to the marriage of hundreds of new people, it is simply comparable to the blind date.

The audience of the strong island is so excited. It is also the same, and they pay attention to this competition through various terminals. Although it is better to experience it, they are not excited, but they can't get themselves. protagonist.

This martial art will be grand compared to the Olympic Games in the past, it is a prosperous world.


"Finally, only the last 10,000 combat power is over, and the days from the burst wakeful." Time is so fast, and came to the last time.

A dark room, Babi Di's eyes are full of evil, muttered: "Bouo, my Bouo, I am waking up! After waking up, I will help me rule this universe, I, great magician Babi Di's talent is the most exclusive existence in the universe, you talk about it! Dabla. "

"Yes! Bababi," Bababi's back, there is a huge M symbol of the red skin man in a forehead, this person is the magic world of the devil, Wang Daba, the power of the battle, is more than 2, It will also use various magicals. It was not Bababi to recover, but I didn't know what Babii used him to control him, and now it is Bababi's first.

"Is it found to be the identity of those people? Are they really a legendary Super Saiyan?"

"Yes, adults."

"That's good, the energy of the Super Saiyan should be released, ah ... I really can't wait, but I have to bear, pat."


Under the attention, the game is finally started. The first game is high energy, Begitta's Sun Wukong rice, two people have become changing 2, and Sun Wuki is also in the influence of Meng Haoran Practice, after all, the global waves have already got up, and the future of the military is better than the scholar. Kiki does not force him to learn hard, so his current strength is better than the original. cut.

Bergi Tower is not more to say, and Sun Wukong is always better than him, and Meng Haoran him can't touch the existence. He is more hard than the original practice, almost in addition to cultivation is eating, sleep, sleep, The strength does not upgrade.

"Cut, isn't Kakarote? But if you don't have to try it, take you to try my strength, anyway, I will still be a war with Kararot." Bergata looked at Sun Wuki. There is no consciousness, and Sun Wukong is not his opponent at his heart.

"Uncle Behagi Tita is not very much, I am also very strong now, the loss is still not necessarily?" Sun Wukong said sincerely, he said the truth.

Bergiita did not respond, but it hooks his hand to indicate that Sun Wukong is attacked.

Sun Wuki is no longer talking, directly transforming into a super 1, yellow flame package is full of body, turned into a golden light, and the battle will be launched.

At the scene, the audience will finally open the eyes, although it can see the real battle scene almost no, but the collision of two rays in the sky, and the depression vibration from the air allows them to feel this power. What is powerful, this power has been refreshed again and again, and the original person can be so strong.

When Bergiita and Sun Wuki fight, Babiedi was only laughed because it was a bit amazing in the energy progress in the giant egg of the Buy, almost a minute of 0.1%, as soon as possible. A 5% down is completely no problem, and finally the seal is properly released.

I have already made Bababi, and finally, when the two people were raised to exceed 2, he was even more stunned, almost dared to believe in the victims, but they were excited, because they The brighter the brush of the Buy, the faster the seal is released.

Babiedi did not see that his Didara's eyes behind him were somewhat serious, because Didara found that the two Saiyan people he had, it would be unwind.

"I didn't think that you can further turn into this gesture. It seems that I have read you! Sun Wuki." Berga is very angry, it is completely unpredictable, you can fight with him. In this way, even the next generation of Sun Wukong can't overcome this with absolute advantage, this is very annoyed.

"So I will make my uncle Begita, and improve only Dad and you." In fact, only the eyes of Sun Wuki also have the same Saiya's Baggi Tower and his father is an opponent. As for the Meng Haoran gap. It was ignored by him.

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