Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 625 Chapter Dongjie Wang Shen

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Although Sun Wuki is more tough, but the heart is also secretly surprised. I thought I had already arrived in front of Behai Tower. I didn't think of the strength or a little bit. It's okay, it's a little bit, don't look at the two sides! Sound is colored, but carefully observed that Sun Wuki has been pantastic, but Bergi Tower is like a dead, but it is just a little wolf.

Sun Wuki has self-knowledge, knowing that in the power, he and the gap between Bergi Tower are not big, but it is far less than in combat experience. Even if the Saiyan's instinct can make him combat experience is not harmonious than the old warrior, but Shangbeijita is still a gap in the man who is going to conquer the planet. Just now, Beggi Tower is not serious, even some great ideas, as long as he is serious, Sun Wu Wu is undoubtedly of.

"Good kid, I almost have your way. I will not be in your hand." Beggetta did not see the things that Sun Kung Wan should conceal, and the eyes flashed a trace of dignity. The momentum is also slightly changed, and it becomes more and more unspeakable.

In the face of the sudden changes in Begitta, Sun Wuki can only be a bitter laugh, then it is hard and scalp, although it knows a lot of possibilities, but his blood does not allow him to admit it, then don't fight I know what it is best?

In the eyes of Sun Wuki, Bergiita is also a slight appreciation of Sun Kung, and then thinks that the other party is Kartrot's son. He actually has an envy of emotions, but this emotion has appeared It was used by him.

The battle will open again. This time, Beggetta, stable, really accounted for the upper wind, in the fierce moment, a slight sale, a slightly selling, Sun Wukong, Sun Wuku, finally captured by Bejita. Opportunity, I came to a combo, laid the victory.

Sun Wu Wu looked on the ground lost its combat ability, and this game has also entered the end of the end.

In the cheers of everyone, the first game was over.

In the player, I saw a group of people who had just fighting, and they got a lot of eyes, and the eyes of the confidence became a lot, obviously scared.

"Saiyan, when is it so powerful?" A young language that killed Matt styles was full, this person is tracking Bababi's east king.

The king of the world, a universe. A total of large, east, south, west, north of the king of the king, in the universe, the status is second only to the destruction of God, and their combat power is over 1 to over 2. It is wrong, but they are in the battle with the magic bun Europe, the big, south, west, and northern four kings will be killed, the east of the king of the world is the youngest, the strength is the most Weak, just being seriously injured, saving life.

And the east king knows that Bababi wants to contact the seal of Bu ", so that it reproduces the people to stop him, as for why this time the martialo will play probably the same purpose as the original However, he already knew his planned soup after this battle.

I saw such a high-end battle, Bababi's two little did not dare to use the energy extractor in the battle, with their strength, not being second, and then, because Babii has a foresight, it will collect energy. The system is installed under the field, so they don't need to be dangerous, now their idea is to play early, after playing back, the East Town Wang God is only waiting for them to go straight, or simply catch them Forced.

However, no matter how the East Royal Wang God is to be born, because this is Meng Haoran's will.

"Adults, do you want to contact them." The side of the East Royal King is his follow-up and guard, Jiebit, a warrior with any hurt and instant mobile capabilities, is a rare talent, especially his moments move I don't have to feel that someone else can go to the universe, and I don't know what the principle is.

"Well, wait for it to see you." The Dongjie Wang Shen sinked a film, a high-hearted look, it seems that even the strength of the Saiyan is also high. I can't see ordinary people! I don't know if someone else can't look at it. No matter what you got, only you are strong, if you are not strong enough, others will not be too important to you, top more because of your identity surface I respect some.

For the existence of the East Dynasty, Meng Haoran has been discovered, but because the other party has not destroyed his own plan, he is not good, and as he went, in fact, Meng Haoran can't understand, as a king God, the status of the universe is just more than him and the low of Bruce, actually mixed, even the guard is only one, which makes him couldn't help but think of the old man of the big Wang Xing, although this old man There is no world, but in other aspects, they are strong, such as strength, such as wealth.

Warrior seating area,

"Come, eat, go on the meal." Sun Wuyi airized a Dan Hao, which made a Meng Haoran, which made Sun Wuki, and he didn't look at Baggiita.

"No, Dad, I feel about 10 minutes. I can restore." Sun Wuki is somewhat surprised. It is a few days to return to the injury to the injury, but it seems that there is a battle for a while. The power affects himself, let him recover the speed of the speed.

"Really?" Sun Wukong also looked at Sun Wuki, I didn't know the true and false of Sun Wuhan.

"It's true, don't you find it?" At this time, a voice sounded, talking about Bike.

"What is found?" Sun Wukong and Sun Wuki looked at each other, and the Begita, which didn't stay away, was erected.

Bik's speechless looks at Sun Wukong, and finally, I still say that I am not the same as other places. In addition to those special effects known, there are some effects that have not been discovered, one is all from it. For a while, the injury on the body will recover much faster than before, and the recovery of the continuous recovery is more than 10 times before. "

"How could it be !?" Sun Wukong shouted in this day, obviously unable to digest this news.

"How is it impossible? I have to know that the guy is created. What is the guy can't do?" Bike said somewhat awkward.

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