Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 626 Who are you talking about?

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It is silent to mention that Meng Haoran Sun Wukong and others are also silent. Meng Haoran brings themselves. I don't know how much, my mysterious can not see the head, if it is really his words, it is very acceptable.

"Sure enough, it is Meng Big Brother." Sun Wuhan is relatively simple, and there is no more thinking.

However, other people are different, they are a look of appearance, thinking about what Meng Haoran is coming, many people think that Meng Haoran hangs the final body Shaul is a cold, it is too terrible, clearly Ordinary, I don't see how to practice, how can I be so strong? There is also since they first meet, Meng Haoran has always been the handsome face that is invisible to change, which also makes them curious.

Just when the dragon ball soldiers thought about Meng Haoran, the East Royal Wang Shen finally came to their sight with his followed Jebit.

Sun Wukong's first feeling is not right, from the route from the East Royal King, I can know that he is rushing to himself, so he turned his gaze to the east of the king of the east, examining each other, he can feel the other body hidden Weak power, although it is not more than him, but it is far more than Flizza, and he dares to defeat the other party before he has not broken through the super 2.

So what is this one is here? Just for the game, if it is like that, it is simple, but Sun Wukong's intuition tells him that there is nothing that he thinks, and there will be something will happen.

Of course, Sun Wukong did not open first, but waiting for the other party's actions. Maybe there is something more interesting to him. After all, there is always a high child, he only does itself comfort. Haple, although I don't want to admit it, there is no doubt that the global Meng Haoran has become the main heart of the dragon ball soldiers. As long as he is stable in everyone, even if it happens to bizarre.

Sun Wukong's move was also discovered by others. Everyone also looked at the East Royal King, turned his gaze to him.

"Well !?" The face of the Bike is slightly changed, and some are very surprised to look at the East Royal King, from the East Royal King, he feels a strange feeling, very familiar, but I can't think of it for a while, he Falling into a thinking.

The Dongjie Wang Shen stood in Sun Wukong, and the hand was standing, it was called a high-profile, he barely revealed a friendly smile and greeted "Hello, you are Sun Wukong! This is Sun Wukong Rice, your son, this is Bergi Tower, self-introduction I am the East Royal King, this is my follow Jiebit. "

"The East Town King!?" Everyone was shocked. They also learned about some gods from Sun Wukong. It is also known for the king of the king. The East Dynasty Wang is a high god.

Sun Wukong and other Saayans are only slightly surprised, but Bike is still different, see what the East Town Wang God seems to see any big character, especially the Bike who once as God, it has been completely understood What was the previous feeling, that is the gap between the dollar, belonging to the feeling of God, although he is not God, but after all, this is always this.

"Oh, then why do you want to find Kartrot?" Begita is not very respectful. In his opinion, the strength of the other party is more than himself, God's identity can be ignored.

Originally, Wang God is still more satisfied, but Bergata's words are not a taste, there is no mistake, I am a king of the world! ? Your attitude is too bad, don't put me in your eyes at all!

"Adult!" Seeing the East Royal Wang Shen expression is a bit wrong, Jiebi reminded a sentence.

Being this reminded of the East Trision, Wang Cai came back, knowing the strength of the other party, we must say that the overall situation is heavy, the expression is unchanged: "I am here to help me help me. Bababi resurrects the Magic Baro Plan. "

Next, the East Royal King has simplified the situation of Buo, he emphasizes the terrible of Bu (how big is there.

The East Royal Wang Shen said very excited, but did not find Sun Wukong's changes, Sun Wukong did not feel that the Buho is powerful, but in turn wants to see the brother, fight, for the prevention of it, not Special in the heart, the East Royal Wang god said that there are many of the Buur, the more you want to fight him, you can say that the East Dynasty Wang God is an appropriate, the battle factor in the Saaye people let their thoughts and Ordinary people are totally different.

When the Tongjie Wang Shen said, when I watched the look of Sun Wukong, I finally found a bit wrong. How did he think that Sun Wukong is excited? Is it a mistake? The East Dynasty Wang Shen is looking at the expression of the bike and discovery that their look is similar to what they want. It is clear that it is very strong to say to himself. How important is it.

"So what do we need?" Bike first stood up, it was obviously supporting the embarrassment of Buy, and wanted to have a force.

"It's very simple, caught the two hands in Bababi in the game, let them talk about Bababi Di." There is a good abacus for the East Royal King, this little thing is given to them. .

However, when he thought he would support,

"No! We can't do this." The first opposed is Sun Wuki.

"Why?" Dongjie Wang Shen said that some people also looked at Sun Wuki, but they knew that Sun Wukin said that there must be reason, waiting for Sun Wu Wu to give an answer.

"Where is it here?" Sun Wu Wu's expression was strange to ask.

"Of course, it is ..." Is it to say that Meng Haoran built strong Island? However, when his mind emerged from Meng Haoran, he understood the meaning of Sun Wuki. In the case of Meng Haoran, he did not have the courage, and the East Town Wang God is obviously more important. Especially his faintly knew that Meng Haoran's identity.

"It seems that you also think of it! The uncle is, or ask Men's uncle's attitude." Sun Wuki said.

Sun Wuki mentioned that Meng Haoran knows that everyone knows him, and it has nodded that this thing needs Meng Haoran to be the Lord.

At this time, the Tongjie Wangshen is completely confused, and I asked "Who are you talking about?"

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