Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 653 Meng Haoran without a sense of crisis

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Meng Haoran just went home soon, I haven't had time to take a good rest, and the Nangong is looking for a door, and it is still in a hurry.

"What's wrong? This is anxious, let's sit down, and the tea, slowly say it." Meng Haoran is a look like Nangong, so that the Nanguang is staying in the month. If you don't know, you will do it. Meng Haoran has just drunk black tea.

Slightly slow, it seems that Meng Haoran said that there is also a reason. She really took a bite. I really feel that my mood is much smashed. She is coming to Meng Haoran is to understand what is going on before.

"Did you drink?" When the Nangong was about to say, Meng Haoran suddenly said such a sentence, so that the Nangong has been confused.

"How?" "I didn't realize it in Nangong, the month.

"That is my cup, I have just been there." Meng Haoran is a look that will come back to things.

"Ah! Ha ..." The Nanguang was petrified in the month, and the finger pointed to Meng Haoran's hairdressing.

The South Palace is cute to the extreme, so that Meng Hao can't help but laugh.

"You ... Hey!" The Nanguo has heard the laughter and then reacts to Meng Haoran. It is intentionally, and it will not hit one place. If you look at Meng Haoran, you must get angry.

Meng Haoran saw the situation, and quickly transferred the topic: "Open a joke, don't care, or talk about it, you have a hasty to come here."

Meng Hao said that the Nangong did not think of what the original intention of himself came here, the complexity became more complicated, and finally looked at Meng Haoran full of exploration, as if to see Meng Haoran.

"Just is you experimenting?" Although there is already a hundred percent of the grasp of the south, the South Palace is still asking.

"Yes! What happened, I am not reported to you? And there is no big movement, should there be no law?" Meng Haoran is innocent, but the heart is faintly guessed that the other's intentions, this time The movement is still scared.

The movement is not very big, it is already the island, I feel that it is still, and the South Palace doesn't know that this move is global, or it will be more shocked.

"What experimenses have you been doing?" Nangong finally couldn't help but ask. In the end, what is the experiment is so big, and even the movement of the 4th true ancestor is not so big.

"Nothing? Just summoning a young beast, Xin, is that only." Meng Haoran said a relaxed, and also attracted the eyes of the Nangong Month to the body.

At this time, the Nanguo has discovered Jiulu (the little guy in his arms, and the instant is attracted by the lovely look of the little guy, and the eyes are light.

"Wow, Kawaii!" The eyes of the Nangong Month were full of desires, and what is similar to the eyes before Ji Lai.

It seems to feel the crisis, Ji Lai Le took the little guy tightly, and the body retired a few steps, even turned it, and wanted to let the little guys left the sight of the South Palace.

Ji Liule's movement made Nangong a little awake a little, and then thought that Meng Haoran, summoned a young man, and the young beast was a small guy.

"Is it a vampire?" A pair of Nanguo first met Meng Haoran's appearance.

Meng Haoran put and wind. Sao Pose, then said: "Of course ... no!"

"No, how can I summon my beasts, and it's really a career." It's no wonder that Nangong is doubt, the little guy at this time is too deceptive, it is a little cute with a half-point battle. Well!

Besides, if the little guy is really a generous, then more or less should have magical reactions, but Nangong doesn't feel halfway in the little guy.

"Hey, how do you say that this is a trust in this world?" Meng Haoran is a bad expression, but the Nangong is even more thought to be honest. .

"Don't tell me, even if I can't manage you anyway." Nangong is dissatisfied with Meng Haoran, and I am sighing. "I don't care what you did, in short, you are a bit big, someone will come to find trouble. Don't blame I have no reminder. "

"It's a bit big, how big is it, isn't it just a little? When I put fireworks?" Meng Haoran still didn't know what happened outside, a look of appearance.

For Meng Haoran's response Nangong, the Nangong is stunned, and then looks closely to Meng Haoran's eyes, but it is found that Meng Haoran seems to be lying, he really doesn't know.

"Do you really don't know?"

"Really! I can't really be true, I swear with your name."

There is no mistake in Meng Haoran. The nagan palace has a whole, and everything happened outside the Meng Haoran experiment will tell Meng Haoran, saying that it is very careful.

"So, movement is really big!" Meng Hao then said that after the lack of saying, the heart is also a reaction to the beast, and finally the momentum is really unlike his business, it is not because of a little guy, think of this He can only be a bitter laugh.

But although these things happen, I really said that Meng Haoran is completely unfinished, so Meng Haoran is only slightly depressed. As for the next, someone wants to find him, then let them come, to It is impossible to have trouble.

"You only know!" Nangong didn't look at Meng Haoran in the month, but it was found that Meng Haoran was a look that it was full, this remembered that it was really Meng Haoran, then he really did not be afraid to pick up The trouble of the bottom, the brain, there is no way to take the other party, I feel that it is more and more.

"Is there anything? No words ..." Meng Haoran obviously wants to hurry, after all, he is really a bit tired today.

However, Nangong is really angry with Meng Haoran, what is it! I am so kind to care for you, and I don't buy it, I have to hurry.

"Why, no words, what happened, I can't do it here." Nanguang's temper is over, sitting directly on the couch, and a pair will not go.

Meng Haoran, I don't know how to sin, I can only stay here, and I have entered my room in my room.

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