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Meng Haoran was awakened by the feeling of itching on his face. He opened his eyes and found his eyes to see him. The little tongue continued in his tian, and it was very good.

Hand hugged the little guy from below, Meng Haoran used his fingers to tease the little guy forehead "is naughty."

Although the creation is wisdom, but similar to this kind of origin, it is only necessary to practice if there is no such thing as a contract, only the contract will begin to grow, but because of its own reasons are not very Fast, so now the creation is the intelligence of 1 year old.

Looking at the creation of yourself, Meng Haoran guess it is looking for himself, very good, this is not afraid of being turned away, it seems that it still knows that he is the most pro.

"Is it a third day?" Estimated time, Meng Haoran did not find that this is really long, but sleep well, restored, even now he feels that his strength is more subtle than before. enhance.

I yawned and yawn, holding a little guy Meng Haoran got out of the room, but this is a little stupid, and the living room is already full of people.

Meng Haoran came out and cast his eyes on him. It can be seen is that they are curious, some are awesome, and some of the beads turn do not stop what is going on.

"Hey, you are good!" Meng Haoran returned to the moment, and he wanted to know that they may know that they will have the trouble brought by the call, but he will not have too much care, and a slap is Let everyone in the living room feel some highly desperate.

Meng Haoran greed greeted, everyone is a automatic standing, no matter what I think in my heart, I'm exposed on the face.

"Hello, I am from Randel, who is affiliated to the lion."

"I am Philip from the chaotic field."

"I am xxx from xxx"


One of them started to introduce themselves, and they are not small. At least they are the power of the upper number of this world. I don't know how they are so happy. Is it in my face, Meng Haoran thought.

In fact, Meng Haoran is really no mistake. These come from different forces, even some or hostile, the reason you can wait for Meng Haoran here to give him a face, as for this to give him a face, it is because they The intelligence of Mong Haoran's mysterious, strength is even better than the true ancestors, he has not carefully acts, so that it is not good for Meng Haoran.

Of course, there is still a little bit of this. When they came to Meng Haoran, when the little guy sent a look, I would like to force Meng Haoran woke up. As for the candidate, of course, Ji Liusi. With so many people, but when the little guy is still there, it seems to realize what it has, just so much, then they have a teacher.

What is the distingness of the little guy, although this is just random, it has been leaking, directly letting these guys who have the genus, the beasts are alive, others are even more magical, almost walk into the devil.

After that, they knew that the little guys were not simple, even more than the true ancestors, this is honest, and this is homework here.

It is also because they see Meng Haoran will be so respectful. After all, Meng Haoran's strength is that he has a small guy.

After the introduction, he also said his own intentions, and the great victory was found that Meng Haoran wanted to see, or if Meng Haoran joined their organization, and of course, there is also a very straightforward question of Meng Haoran.

For Meng Haoran, which only wants to see, the direct refusal of joining the organization, as for the question, the case is a vague word, in general, the attitude is not salty.

"Well, I have seen it now. You can go, my family is too small, too poor, and I can't get so many people." Meng Haoran directly underdeveloped, let them face each other, so they are really unwilling.

The last suit is stationed at the exchange of other people's dependence, and the old man holds a hand of Meng Haoran and then said: "In fact, we still have a question, I don't know how the horror moment of the world suddenly appeared 3 days ago. Winning. "

"Oh, you are telling that! You have not guess, that is my momentum, I can't control it, how can you find trouble, don't make an explosive momentum." Meng Haoran did not deny, but laughed. .

Meng Haoran came out, thoroughly admitted that he was the invincible strong, and everyone in the game was a tightening, although there was already guess, Meng Haoran really admitted that another thing is.

These days have passed, they also find that the momentum of the time can be covered by the world, so I can infer the power of the strength owner, I am afraid it is far beyond the true ancestor, and if they still have an idea, think this is What experacience, or a thing that is drumped by the magic array, but I really didn't think that this is really a person's momentum.

It is too hard to imagine, how can there be a creature, and Meng Haoran suddenly raised, and there is no trace. This is even more exciting.

After a short silence, everyone looked more about Meng Haoran, becoming more awesome, if it is really like Meng Haoran, Meng Haoran is completely qualified to ignore them, even behind them, so Meng Haoran There is nothing wrong with the attitude.


The guests sent away from visiting, the living room was rejected, leaving only the two of Meng Haoran and Jiulu, of course, but also add a little guy.

"Is it really you? At this time, Ji Liule couldn't help but ask, at the time, she was very clear, that kind of imperial momentum made her memories, she looked at the momentum It is difficult to think that thinking is stiff.

"Of course, in addition to a little problem, I have a big shock." Some tone is somewhat ridiculous.

"Deceptive!" Ji Liule listened to Meng Haoran said that at least him is a little momentum. When you install your mouth, it is a bit proud of the taste, but I can't believe in Meng Haoran.

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