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"What? You let me help you check a female voice called Xiandu wood." The office of Nangong, the Nanguang was surprised to watch Meng Haoran, seems to be a little impolored to Meng Haoran suddenly mentioned this name.

"How, the witch of the gap, even this thing can't do?" Meng Haoran said.

Seeing Meng Haoran has a little dissatisfied look, Nangong is a panic in the heart of the South Palace, and it is nothing wrong with it. It is busy: "Well! I will help you."

The Nanguo has settled attention to a good investigation of a good thing to investigate, why she would be concerned by Meng Haoran.

"Bangbang" knocked on the door, "Is there a lot of sauce?" Sound is a bit crisp.

The Nangong is obviously the identity of the people, and I looked like Meng Haoran who didn't move color. I said: "Come in."

After the "" door opened, a rich in cheongsam. Full of women came in, she first saw Meng Haoran, seems to be very curious, Mumbai, then said to Nangong, "Monso, I want to ask I can't see it. "

The female sports teacher, snow dish and the class of Sands in the Ministry of Middle School. The height is about 160cm. Good at martial arts and fairy, is the "Xiangu" in the four fist. Holding the national qualification to attack the official, rumors only destroy violent organizations, empty hands open the ground, release the beam of qigong waves from the hands, with many urban legendary female boxers, and Nangong Month is from the student era I know the old acquaintance, and the only one who can catch the Nangong and let her feel a headache.

"Tell the truth!" Nangong did not say good luck in the month, knowing the other party is in the scruples of Meng Haoran.


"He is Meng Haoran." Nangong is the month, then said.

"Meng Haoran !!" Obviously, the name is not aware of this name. Although I haven't seen Meng Haoran, I have already listened too much for Meng Haoran, and the legend of the legend is more than a vampire. It is good to exist, even the vision of these days is also caused.

It is actually him, and the is obvious at this time, it is a bit shocking, and the hook looks at Meng Haoran, and it is a bit quiet for a while.

"Even if I have a handsome, don't look at me in such a look! Or you have already seen it at first sight!" Meng Haoran laughed, and this made the gods, her face was slightly embarrassing, but Soon it quickly.

"You are Meng Haoran! There is no difference! It's a nose, two eyes, do you really have the legendary?" The is curious, have forgotten that he is here. .

"I don't know if you are strong, but I am really strong. I am really strong. Do you want to try it." Meng Haoran said with a different eye looked at the , especially concerned in her Cheongsam avel forg.

, Meng Haoran's eyes let her feel that she seems to be the same as it is.

"What are you doing?" Just when I didn't know what I didn't know, I didn't know her month, but she didn't find that the sound of the Nanguo's month is very different, but the girl is jealous!

"Ah ... Oh, there is nothing, it is the last task I have to talk to you later." The suddenly becomes serious.

"The last task?" Nangong, the brow, there was a mistake in Monk, and then said: "This is said to be better later. Now I will repart to you a task. The situation of the second, then tell him. "

"Xiandu Wood is numb! Tell him?" ..

"Yes, this is the case." Nangong said that the monarch is sure.

has not asked why, but Meng Haoran, who saw Meng Haoran, clearly, which should be Meng Haoran active requirements.

has the same doubts as the Nangong, but she didn't ask, but intended to find themselves.


From the office of Nangong, Meng Haoran follows the , nor is it followed, after all, their direction is the same.

"Hey, is there an empty, eat a meal together." suddenly.

"Eat?" Meng Haoran looked up his life, found that the sun was hanging in the sky, and the time was not just right, and the body of the ,,,,,,,,,, ! "

"Come with me, I know that a western restaurant nearby is very delicious."

On the road, the has been constantly changing the various problems of Meng Haoran. If there is any girlfriend, why is it so strong, from where, usually like to do something.

Meng Haoran is still not so awesome, the distance is not aware.

For the attitude towards yourself, Meng Haoran feels very much. Because, but a little headache, because the other's problems are too much, after answering a few questions, Meng Haoran has been silent, it is finally Let the .

Two times are speechless, and the scene is somewhat embarrassed.

Fortunately, it is not far from the place where the is said, it will come soon, otherwise the situation will become more embarrassing.

"DoubleroMantic" This is the name of this restaurant, Chinese translation is double romance, the name is still good, plus the environment and the location is not bad, no wonder business is so good, Meng Haoran is almost already in a seat. .

The two people have a good luck. It was not a good location. However, there is a table of relying on the window, just finished the table, and the two will make up.

"How! It is good! I often come here, but it is a bit expensive." Miyaki swayed his calf, became a beautiful scenery in the restaurant, attracted a lot of sight.

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