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The service of the restaurant. The service is very good, soon, I will clean the Meng Haoran, and then hand it to Meng Haoran, respectfully standing.

"You come! I am not familiar with it here, casual, this time I ask." Meng Haoran directly handed the menu to the .

has not been passed, but it is quick to pick up, it seems that it is expected to be expected, especially when Meng Haoran, please also flicker in the eyes.

"So, give me a copy, this, this ... there is this." does not seem to want Meng Haoran to know what she is specific, but the waiter to the next side constantly pointed to the menu.

Service. The service was originally a smile. Later, it did showed a very strange expression. After the Saki is finished, the waiter said: "What are you sure?"

"OK, how is it uncertain? Do you still think that I can't afford it." The tone of the is somewhat evil.

"So please wait." The service. The operator left, but in the end, he looked at Meng Haoran's eyes actually had a harmonic.

Meng Haoran, of course, found this, but it is not very concerned, it is not a blood, and money is just a group of numbers.

"That, I am afraid that you are not enough, so you will not mind, should you mind?" Said the

Meng Haoran is of course a gentleman's style, and the big hand is speaking, "It doesn't matter, as long as you are happy, money is not a problem."

The money is of course not a problem. Even when Meng Haoran said, she remembered that she was going to bring the player today, but he was not worried, because when someone would help him pay.

When Meng Haoran thought about it, a black man who was not far from the restaurant couldn't help but have a bad feeling.

The restaurant is not slow, and a big table of dishes is placed on a table, because the dishes are a bit, even the table is somewhat.

"This is what you said." Meng Haoran looked at the mouth of the mouth of the dish of 10 people to eat, twitch, although there is already expected, but really put it in front of meng Haoran I can't help but speechless.

"Yeah! This is a little bit." is a slap in the style of the university, so that Meng Haoran is more speechless, dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water, anyway, not paying it, I don't have it? "

Meng Haoran's movement is obviously a little strange, so more and more people often look at Meng Haoran, they will certainly don't think that the can eat so much, then, when I think that Meng Haoran is not a food, it is a defeated family, to Meng Haoran Despised eyes.

What is it for beauty? Meng Haoran read such a message from their gaze.

However, since things have become a foregone, Meng Haoran is not going to say more, silently picking up chopsticks slowly eating, as for why there will be chopsticks, this is not more to say more.

There is no situation in the opposite Maki, and I have a delicious thing that she is very difficult to eat, and I have forgotten the existence of Meng Haoran.

After 1 hour,

The food on the table disappeared only one-third. This is still a bit of the reason for Meng Haoran, and he has a little more reason. He has a narrow look at Meng Haoran. She is satisfied with the look, she is still very satisfied with the current situation.

"Service. The service is checked." Meng Haoran shouted, and the waiter came over very quickly.

"Mr., a total of 102 million Dan, but because you have some points, it is 1 million Dan." Service. The service said that he also took the bill to Meng Haoran.

What is the concept of 1 million Dan, is probably equivalent to the salary of the , is really not ordinary people, it is no wonder that the .

"Well" Meng Haoran nodded and said: "Can you pack it!"

"Package!?" Not only the waiter, as long as people who have heard this sentence are stunned, the meaning of packaging is understanding, that is, there is something to eat outside, but this is generally happening. In those who are particularly poor, people who can come here, people who can come here, obviously don't do it, obviously fall!

This time, I even felt a bit of fire. Spicy, watching the weird eyes around the people, I can't hate it under the table.

Really, isn't it a pit? Do you make this? Oh, it is very money to say. has increased greatly to Meng Haoran, after all, in her influence, Ming Haoran is completely unlimited.

"Why can't you do it?" As if not realized what he said, Meng Hao continued.

"Oh! Yes, you can, are you going to pack?" The waiter responded to the way, in fact, although this kind of thing is rarely encountered, it will generally have a plan, so Meng Haoran is still satisfying.

"Then put the rest of the package, send it to XXXX." Meng Haoran reported an address.

"There seems to be a blessing. Some people said that this said that other people also reacted, suddenly turned to Meng Haoran, it turned out that he was such an idea, and it was really a waste of these things. The hospital is also good.

The surrounding people instantly reveal the look of Meng Haoran, and it is completely different from the desido, such people are dedicated to them.

The is also a bit shame. I actually misunderstood him, and the

"I didn't bring money." Just when the atmosphere turned, Meng Haoran suddenly said such a word, so that everyone stayed again.

"What?" The waiter did not dare to believe.

"But my account is still paid," Meng Haoran said, "seeing no, the guy of the black clothes outside, is the one, you call him, I believe he will pay for me. "

Service. The service will listen to Meng Haoran, and finally the quirk is also a face, because the other party is really willing to pay for Meng Haoran, but also a pair of Meng Haoran pays is very honored.


"Hey, do you not deliberate?" On the way home, Mikaki couldn't help but ask.

"Deliberate, what is deliberate?" Meng Haoran was confused.

Seeing Meng Haoran stupid, there is no way to , can only let go of your dissatisfaction.

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