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The speed of the Nangui in the Nangui or Mikaki is still very fast. I have just passed this for less than 2 days. The information about Xiandu Muji has been sent.

The intelligence is very detailed, including her experience in these years and the situation in character, friends.

Meng Haoran nodded and gave her Nangong to send an information. Soroned a sigh of relief, after all, said that it is an intelligence. In fact, there is a time in the fairy wood, the situation is just a blank, no matter how they check it. use.

"Okay, trouble you, grace, please drink a cup." Meng Haoran put the information and said to the Nangong.

Looking at the Jiusi, who went to yourself, the Nanguang, the low voice of the Nangong, "is not sincerity?" The tea is still his own!

"Oh, let me talk about it, how can I have sincerity?" Meng Haoran officed.

Seeing Meng Haoran interface, the eyes of the Nangong, the eyes of the Nangong, knowing that it is good to be good, sinking for a moment, said: "You are a gratitude of my hand, so, I will arrange a task to investigate. One thing, very simple, if you promise, I will give you the information will. "

"What is the investigation?" Meng Haoran didn't want to promise, who knows what is specific, but since it has already said that it is not good to repent, just look good, "You first gave me a look at the specific situation, if true I will see it as simple as you say. "

"That's okay!" Nangong was a little disappointed, but it was not directly refused to reject, and it was only an accident, so it was still very fast.

That night, Meng Haoran got the information, and after reading, he decided on the spot, because this task can get a qualified maid.

Nangui, Moon, I can promise, I am very happy, but I didn't find that Meng Haoran saw her eyes and did not know that she was about to lose a maid.


Here is a laboratory hidden in the underground, and all high-end instruments have, from the high energy response from time to time, you can know that it is not simple.

Meng Haoran's figure appeared here, but did not cause any reaction, as if there is something such as the monitor here.

Meng Haoran stood in front of a cultivating tank, and the cultivating tank is a systemic red. Naked girl, closed eyes, no movement, seemed to lose life.

"Asia Selati" Meng Haoran said softly, and this name is the name of the girl in front of the trough.

Asia Selati, the artificial life, the pure people of the home and beast, the genus is the "rododaktylos". Because there is no vampire's infinite negative force, it is gradually swallowed his life, and it is used as a weapon user.

I was originally this time, it was the time when the winner's right arm event broke out, but because of Meng Haoran exists, this matter was delayed in indefinitely, there is no way to see how these artificial life can't beat Meng Haoran Now I have so long to get such a more mature product, and the genus is not particularly strong, and Nearly more than 10,000 invincible careers is really no way.

"You are me later, but you need to modify the program before this." Meng Haoran began his work.

Meng Haoran took out a similar U disk, and found a host in the laboratory directly plugged forward. The instant laboratory sounded a red alarm, but only a short 1 second was restored.

The host's screen is displayed on the screen "system has been Raiders, please reach the next instruction."

Meng Haoran exposed smile: "Copy all information about this experiment, store it, and finally replace the highest prose for the test body into me."

After the words, the screen is another code character constantly flicker. After a while, it turns into "the task is completed, waiting for the next step indication." A few words.

"Open the culture tank, awake the test body, and finally start the self-destruction procedure, grace, after 30 minutes."

"Command Accept." The screen appeared on the screen for a 30-minute countdown.

After doing this, Meng Haoran pulled the similar U disk, and went to the cultivation slot, and at this time the cultures were slow open.

When Meng Haoran returned, the cultivation trough was completely opened, under the eyes of Meng Haoran, the eyes of Asia Sylitti opened slowly.

Ashymatiuli's eyes and Meng Haoran's eyes on the eyes, her eyes were flashing, and finally, it seems to be confirmed, and it is always close to Meng Haoran, and Zhang said: "The master, what is the command."

"You said that I am your master, then the master's order is not all you must be executed." Meng Haoru asked, he would want to know, how much role is this owner.

"Yes, the owner's order is everything in Aresa Tariti!" Asia Titti said, as always.

"You come out first." Meng Haoran was very satisfied with the answer of Ares Thali, but still planned.

Next, after Silaish Tariyi came out, Meng Haoran began a variety of orders against Athtuti, and the details were inconvenient. Anyway, Meng Haoran was very happy, of course, the order of Aresi Ti is also meticulous execution, the last result is of course Meng Haoran very satisfied.

With Ayas Talli, Meng Haoran left the laboratory, and after a few minutes, the explosion here caused the attention of the surrounding, and it was a noisy, and all this didn't care what Meng Haoran.

When I returned home, Meng Haoran introduced the Asia Tuti to Jiulu Le, Ji Liule was very exclusive, but after learning the tragic experience of Asia Tuti, Ji Liule is It has changed attitude soon, and it is cold and cold.

However, Ayeish Talei is completely unreacted to Jiululu, and now her own self-study has not been developed completely, and it is about to have to be the same as ordinary people for a while.

The next day, when I saw the one-handed black tea in the South Palace, I showed an envious expression when I was so black tea. She actually wanted to have such a maid, as for why they see Yasua Lui is a maid, that is of course because Meng Haoran is very unbelved to make the maid of Ayese Tale.

"What are you doing yesterday? I am letting you investigate, not let you go to destroy."

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