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Meng Haoran nodded slightly against Ji Snow, and he greet.

As the sword witch of the lion king, it was the kind of fighting power, the main force of the double lion king organs, of course, is aware of Meng Haoran, and he also sent someone to send some Meng Haoran's information, asked them to see Meng Haoran definitely to maintain friendship, don't be sinned.

At this time, I saw the real people, and Ji Snow is naturally be careful. I don't know how to face Meng Haoran, I always feel a kind of suppression, let her consciously hide their own nature.

"Snowfish, do you know him?" Not just Xiaoyuha, others are also curious to look at Ji Snow, which is a little curious about her soared Meng Haoran.

Ji Snow men nodded: "It is not to know. Today, I still see the real people. However, my big name I have long known."

"Oh? He is so famous? I have never heard of it." Xiayuha is confused, knowing that she is the most summary of the news in the class, basically the school does not know.

"You don't know that he is normal, he is not our school, and it is also known as recent, plus deep, knowing that he is also a special person." said.

"It turned out to be like this." Xiaoyu Saudi has a sudden expression.

Meng Haoran opened at this time. "I know that my existence may not be a good thing, but only! If you need help, you can come to me, holding it, you can help people. Lei Feng."

Who is Lei Feng? Everyone didn't know, but not hindering her meaning of Meng Haoran, most of them have a good impression on Meng Haoran.

"You are so good?" is very doubtful.

Meng Haoran did not pay attention to her, but turned his gaze to Ye Xiaoyin, thinking that it is not to give her uncle Ye Yuxian, let him give up the so-called angel plan.

It is true that the world is really an angel, but it should not be the product of this world. It is the traces left in other higher worlds. If you have possible words, Meng Hao, I really want to see how the real angel is.

"Big Brother!" Ye Haoxia Tong looked at Meng Haoran's spring breeze, I didn't know how to generate a very close feeling, sweet called a sentence.

"Okay, you will not be able to bully you, or if you want to be bullied, or want you to do something you don't want to be polite, tell me, I will help you flattened." Meng Haoran said with a smile, but Ye Xiaoxia The sound is a strong warmth, caught the corner of the clothes, shy "hmmm".

"Wow! Even envious, Xia Yong, have you more handsome brother."

"However, it is Xia Yun, I think it is normal, who makes our Xia Yun so kind, so cute?"

"That is, that is."

Side of the students constantly playing, so that Ye Xiaoxia sound head is not from the lowest low, some twisted uneasy feet.

This is youth! Meng Haoran saw that this scene couldn't help but feel, he was also in this age. There is such a group of friends who can have no more trouble, it is really very happy that time!

Meng Haoran's mind has emerged in the scene of the school in the school, as well as after the system after the system, suddenly felt very nostalum.

Because most of them don't know what Meng Haoran is really the true origin, there is no scruple, and it is more complete to die, but Meng Haoran does not hate this feeling, but feel extraordinarily relaxation.

Looking at the fire of his own students. Hot Meng Haoran, Take a corner.

Happy time is always very fast, as a result, the crowd found that a class has been over.

"Al, time is so fast, this is studying, classmates, get out of class."

"Yeah! I'm going to school, I really have time today? Probably because of the reason for the handsome guys!"

"It is really tired, let's go, let us eat."


The classmates left three or two two and two, and the scene suddenly became quiet.

Looking at the youthful girl who walked away, Meng Haoran's envy in the eyes of the eyes, this animation world is good! This morning, and the physical education class is actually on the afternoon. When I am so cool, I am so cool.

I remembered the student career that had been replaced outside the speech class, Meng Haoran is also drunk.

After school, the surrounding students have gradually get more, see Meng Haoran this handsome guy also finger points, this time, a man who is very familiar with Meng Hao, is the ancient city.

"Sand! Snow Raisi has Xia Yong." Xiaogu City directly ignored Meng Haoran.

"Brother!" "Director !!"

"Hey, kid, you are too rude! Didn't you see this teacher?" Said that the old man said, the dissatisfaction is unable to cover up.

Xiaogu City smiled and said: "The teacher is good! There is also this ..."

"Oh, it seems that you forgot me! I remember that we have seen it." Meng Haoran browed and said.

"Oh! You are that ..." Xia Gu City also felt that Meng Haoran had a bit familiar, but it didn't think it.

"Big Brother, I have just seen it once!" Xiaoxisha suddenly opened a lot of alleviation.

After that, Meng Haoran did not investigate what he forgot his forgotten, after all, said in the end, it has said a few words.

Xiaogu City is to pick up his sister and Snow Raishi, after a few words, the three left.

"I have something in the school, I don't have you."

"Are you going home?" Meng Haoru asked.

Ye Shi Xia Yun shook his head and said: "I have to go to the church.

"Church! Ok, anything else, I have something well, you will be with you, you are not safe." Meng Haoran thought of the kitten of the church, and the sage of the sage there.

Meng Haoran did not wait until Ye Ye Xia Yong responded first, and the direction is the church, and the Ye Xiaoxia's eye flashed a slightly color, and he followed.

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