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"Meng Da Ge, have you been here? How did you never see you?" The church outside the white eyes and the doubtful, for Meng Haoran actually found the church, and her heart is also some. Weird, after all, there is no one here, after all, is a church that has already been abandoned.

"No! This is my first time, but this doesn't hinder me, I know that there is a lot of mysterious means in the world." Meng Haoran replied.

Mysterious means? This is more confused, so I don't say that the person who likes to find the roots, she shook her head, shook her attention to the upcoming kitten, and her face showed a look Smile, don't know how they are?

"Let's go, I also want to see those cute little guys." Meng Haoran said to Ye Shi Xia Yin.

"Well" Ye Yu Xia Yun quickly walked into the church, soon with Meng Haoran came to a room.

"" seems to know the arrival of Ye Yuxin, the kitten ran quickly, surrounded around Ye Yuxin, Sprinking, Ye Xiaoxia tone showed a smile, cordial and kitten Greate up.

"Small black, big flower, grapefruit, flower ... I will see you." Ye Yuxia Yin will respond every name is a name, and a time scene is extremely harmonious.

Meng Haoran looked at the heart of Ye Xia Yin, suddenly felt particularly quiet when playing with kittens.

Ye Shi Xia Yin took out some milk and bread, and it began to feed the cats, apparent that these foods were ready.

When the cats were busy eating, Ye Yuxia sound suddenly found that Meng Haoran is still here, showing an apology to Meng Haoran said: "That, I am sorry, I just forgot the seniors is still there."

"Nothing, how can I blame such a good little girl? And say that I actually like these little guys, are they very cute?" Meng Haoran certainly won't blame the summer sound, but to Ye Xiaoxia The sound is pity, and Ye Yuxia Yin's life he knows very well, it is a poor girl.

"Really? The predecessors also like them very much." After getting Meng Haoran once again, Ye Yuxia Yin's face once again bloomed the flowers, so the innocent beauty.

Next, Meng Haoran also participated in the feeding, and the laughter and laughter were constantly.


"Do you really don't walk with your predecessors?" The time has been in the past 1 hour, Ye Shi Xia Yin has also reached the time of going home, but Meng Haoran is a bit of a thing to do, will not go in the moment.

"Well, I don't have anything such a big person, but you, a person is careful, I will come to see you later." Meng Haoran left the reason for the sage.

I heard Meng Haoran said that he would come to see himself, Ye Haoxia sound, I don't know how to make a breath, nodded to Meng Hao, and then left three steps.

After leaving the Ye Xiaoyin, Meng Haoran came to the hall of the church, went to a mural, and the eyes were like penetrating the murals in front of this eye.

"This technology so-called sage is the blood of the sages? If the truth is not good, it is not good, it is not very good!" Meng Haoran recalled the relevant information in the original, and also known this so-called sage. It is also a gemmachment product, which is able to carry out metal conversion. To tell the truth to achieve eternal life, it is already the right way, and the existence of this manise is worthless, and its strength is also extremely limited, any A true ancestor can be easily solved.

"In order to prevent the sage from resurrection, you also have painstable! I don't know what the sages in your eyes can't rise at the world. Nina Yadrad." Meng Haoran muttered, the language has a strange force spread to the mural, And crossing a place, causing a chain reaction.

I saw that the murals in front of me suddenly had a slight vibration, and finally began to melt.

Meng Haoran relieved Niña Dirade's self-seal, this is just a hand of hand, as for the release, there will be no consequences, it is not in his consideration, a waste, completely enter his vision None of qualifications.

The murals in front of Meng Haoran are completely melted into a bunch of red liquid. The body is still changing in shape, Meng Haoran can feel a long awake, a long awake.

Niña Dirad's consciousness is completely awakened, Meng Haoran in front of the red liquid in front of meng, also became a beautiful woman who didn't have seen Meng Haoran, is the original place of Nina Yada. Sample, Meng Haoran did not have seen because of the original blood, her strength has lost most of the body that can only be parasitic in the body of blue and white, has not changed its own body.

Nina's eyes began a little confused, and then quickly started the light of wisdom, and a little bit of appearance in the world, but Meng Haoran is completely ignored.

I saw my current situation, Nina's face changed, "It is the seal you unope, do you know what happens to do?"

Nina's tone is a bit rush, but it is obvious that she is a bit worried, thinking that Meng Haoran is the kind of person who is naturally released.

"Of course, know, isn't it a sage? Even if it is resurrected? How can it be solved? This world can solve it. There is more people, I can't help you." Meng Haoran didn't care. "Meng Haoran Say.

Nina is obviously that Meng Haoran is scared. It is stunned to look at this unknown youth, there is a ridiculous feeling, and it seems that the sage is the same as the A cat, you can happen casually, if it is really So, is she also used to sacrifice myself to seal?

Just say anything in Nina, let Meng Haoran know when the sage is terrible, suddenly an energy fluctuate is not far away.

Nina is suddenly changing: "Wat, it is found, hurry to go with me." After the words, Meng Haoran, pulled up Meng Haoran, who wanted to escape.

However, this time the energy fluctuation is close, "No, it is too late." Nina said such a sentence, put Meng Haoran behind him, put a battle posture.

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