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Meng Haoran was playing this happy play, and some things were in accordance with the original scriptures. Xiaogu City finally ushered in some late crisis, and Xiandu Wumei is handsome, but I still designed a bureau to let the ancient city first. I took over and summoned his genus.

"This magic is ... The real ancestral level, it is familiar, not good, is an ancient city." The Nanguang first responded in the first time, and immediately moved away.

Meng Haoran, of course, I felt this magic, said with a smile: "He finally got out of this step, and if it is not the case, his fourth true ancestor will not have the meaning of existence, but who is it?"

Looking at Nina, Meng Haoran said: "Do you want to see it together?"

"Go to see? Ok!" Nina is also worried, so agreed.

Meng Haoran stood up to Nina's side, let her catch himself, and then the two disappeared in the office, the office became air.


"You want to do it, do you have a stress." Xiaogu City is excited. For the Saxu Mu Ma, I feel very sad, I am willing to believe that the other party is what is done.

Xiandu Wapu's appearance is complicated to look at Xia Gu City. There is a kind of hesitation, but think of the mother in prison, she immediately firmly, but only borrowed his strength, and finally he won't have something. I apologize to him after the end of the matter.

"Be careful, senior." Not far from the snow, it lies in the ground, it looks some weak, she is just sucked, different from Xiao Gucheng, she looks in the eyes I know that the other party will not give up, so this is reminded.

However, the first-time battle of the ancient city experienced rich experience, plus some fantasies on Xiandu Wood, so it was immediately recruited.

There is no doubt that the body of the two is exchanged. The five senses of Xiandu Mu Ma Ma said that there is something to prevent, there is no preparation. Of course, this time this time, the reason is also a great intention, after all, his The strength is stronger than that of the fairy-beast is better after summoning the beast.

"What is going on ... you ... I" Xiaogu City only feels suddenly in front of him, once again, it is found that it is not far away, the head has turned to bend.

"Is this a true ancestor? What is the power of this magic! There is this vitality, no wonder the , now I only need to take advantage of this powerful magic." Xiandu Wumei The hemp did not hesitate to take a magic book, and the powerful magic sprayed, and instantly set off a wind.

Xiaogu City has not completely reacted what happened, and it can only be barely guaranteed that he is not taken by this magic frenzy.

"What are you doing in Qiaogu City? I will stop it quickly." At this time, the Nangong finally arrived. She didn't know that now, the ancient city has been exchanged with Xiandu Wumu, and it is also very The doubts, especially the magic books in each other, let her have an ominous premonition.

At this time, Xiandu Wumi will naturally not pay attention to her, continue to carry out the ceremony, which is constantly released by the magic of Xiaogu City.

"The teacher, now the ancient city has been toned to the body." As the side of the, Ji Snow dishes, it is very poisonous and seen.

"Just, that is, Shi Rai is still reliable!" Xiaogu City was in a moment.

Nangong is not ordinary people, seeing the signs, soon accept this statement, and suddenly the color of the color, she doesn't know what the purpose of the other party, but

"Since I don't know, wait until I will say it later, first uniform." The heart of the magistrate of the magistrate, the signature chain of the gap is in order to void, and go straight to the ancient city.

However, she is destined to be disappointed, the magic of the true ancestors is too powerful, the chain is simply unable to break through the other's magic shield.

Of course, this magic shield is actually excited by the magic branch in the hands of Xiaogu City at this time.

"Well, this is ..." Original Nangong still trying to continue, but suddenly she felt the heartbeat of the heart, a fierce feeling, her surrounding prison is being displayed.

The Nangong has been unbearable, and the magic guide in the hands of Xiaogu City has finally understood that all the priority is "Is A A night? I didn't expect that she still has this kind of backhand, but even if I miss my life. Will you succeed. "

"What happened? Take the teacher." Xiandu Wood is auspeted, and now it is manipulated by Xiaogu City and asks.

Nanguang saw him, saying quickly: "The current situation is already coming, I don't think you explain, wait for me to fall into sleep, or something wrong, you must protect me, wait for me to recover. "

After saying this, the Nanguo is ready to use some taboos to prevent the law to unwind prison.

However, when the Nangong has to do it, a word with ridicule has passed out from the air to let her stop the action.

"Hey, it is still very busy, do you want me to help!" Talking is Meng Haoran who followed, he stood in the void in this time, followed by Nina, but Nina is a bit nervous.

I saw Meng Haoran, and the Nangong did not think of Meng Haoran. I sent a breath. I have a breath. Everything can be easily solved, she doesn't have to take risks.

"I will stop her actions quickly." Nanguang pointed to the ancient city that was released by the magic, and the voice was very eager, and she had a feeling of time in the last step.

However, Meng Haoran did not do it in accordance with the meanings of Nangong. Instead, it was a flash to come to the Nanguang, and he turned her in the original place for her.

"You, what do you want to do? Do you say that you are a group." The face of the South Palace has become very ugly, even in the eyes, she knows that Meng Haoran is really coming to help each other, she No matter how you can't stop it.

Meng Haoran took a look at the head of the Nangong, and then said: "If I am really talking to the other party, is it so secretful? Direct light is big, it will be done, in my strength you know. "

Yeah! If it is his words, Nangong has been in this month to react, but it is more doubts.

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