Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 677, Meng Haoran, blocking at the gate

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Since it is not a group, why do he want to put me, and look at him is not like it will stop each other, and even faintly expect it?

"You don't know if she liberates the jail nephew. If there will be countless fierce prisoners to run out, what kind of blow will cause the society." I thought of the sinner who was honored Hero. It is a chill in that month.

Meng Haoran did not think about it, but said: "Well, I know that if I really have the case, I will solve it in one time, and then put such a big responsibility is in your little Loli. Responsible, you will be free after this time. "

"You already know?" Nanguang heard the words of Meng Haoran in the month, and he was in the heart. He was for me.

"I don't know anything in this world." Meng Haoran said.

"No, if you do this, they will ..." Nanguang, this month, I wanted to say that many forces would not be willing to see this situation, I will be unfavorable to Meng Hao, but I saw Meng Haoran laugh, even with a silk The murderous face, she suddenly reacted, what kind of existence of Meng Haoran, before summoning the fence of nearly 10,000 children and beasts, he is in the world, he is the first to be the world, and the major power strives to exist, he If you do this, no one dares to say something.

"It seems that you also want to understand, then look at it here, I am afraid it is to use your true body." Meng Haoran said with a smile.

"Well" Nanguang is no longer saying anymore, nodding.

The other two of the side did not understand some difficulties. Of course, Ji Snow cream heard some. She knows that Meng Haoran is strong, so the mood is also relaxed. There is Meng Haoran to open the Xiangdu Wood. There is no much relationship with the so-called prison juncture.

Xiaogu City is also particularly stupid. Seeing that Ji Snow cream did not say anything. He also understood what he had solved, but he was still worried, his body's problem was not solved, so some would wait.

Meng Haoran naturally discovered the concerns of Xiaugu City: "Reassuring, waiting for you to give you a complete body."

"That Mi Ma?" I got a guarantee that Xiaogu City began to worry about other things.

"She will not have anything." Meng Haoran was very solemn, and he believes in the understanding of the ancient city.

So, they started to look at the play.

Over time, the movement here is getting bigger and bigger, causing a lot of attention, but when Meng Haoran is also left here, they left.

Seeing the Nanguo, they actually not stop themselves, and the Xiandu Wumu is strange but continue to focus on his duty, and there is no one in order to interfere.

Finally, when a critical point is reached, a loud noise, existing prison nephew in other spaces is here.

The prisoners of prison have also begun to appear in front of Mint Haoran.

"What happened? Here is ..."

"It seems that it is the outside of the knot, I remember it seems to be a place in the island!"

"Is it true that we are free, walk, hurry to leave this ghost, I have already stayed upset."


Because there is no interference, this time even ordinary criminals can leave the jail nephew, but this is not a good thing, because Meng Haoran is in the gate of the prison, they will face the prison nephew. The presence.

"Kid! You block the door, let the big door, let it open, don't you kill you." A big man with faces looked at Meng Haoran said that it was because of the vigilance or not immediately, after all, Meng Haoran appeared, and his look Over calm.

Behind the big man in the meat is also a group of fierce and evil, but they have not spoken, a pair of meat big man is looking forward, but carefully find that it is indeed that the eyes of many people in them look at the eyes of the big man. .

Let the across the big man to make a pioneer, see if this is their thoughts, you can enter the junction of the prison is not ordinary, the brain is not stupid, so I know that this is still waiting to be watched, if Meng Haoran is really just one Ordinary people, then killing, that is, the opposite is that Meng Haoran is a strong, strong to them can't resist, they also know what to do next.

What happened today, I revealed a strangement, I know that almost never appear in the real world, there are actually unexpected appearance in the string island, there are several doors, I don't seem to know here. People, if this is there in it, I am afraid that no one will believe.

The desire for freedom, most people still want Meng Haoran, he is not a happens here.

And even if Meng Haoran is a strong, as long as it is not the existence that is completely unable to resist, they will fight for a fight, and the life of the prison nephew makes them enough, as long as there is a moving opportunity to escape the birthday, they all Don't mind it.

For the heart of these prisoners in front of him, it is very in place, but his main energy is not placed on their body. The strong people in the real prison nephew have not appeared. These small interest of.

And Meng Haoran ignored them, but it was a little in the face of the big man took the lead, and the brain rushed out, and the face of the face.

"You die." Not a strong magic wrapped. On his fist, this fist will be exploded.

Meng Haoran looked at the big man in a big man, but the consequences caused by this eye were not the big man with a large man.

I thought at least to cause harm to the other party, even directly killing each other, where to think that he encountered the people of Meng Haoran, actually even the beast did not summon, but he felt a unparalleled one with a look. The power is coming in his body.

"Was bad" in the last moment of life, the eyes of the whole meat have finally regretted, and I want to ask for us to come.

"" The crowd only saw that the big man with Meng Haoran was suddenly exploded, and the fried powder bones were unbound.

This scene looked at the eyes of the prisoners, and they got to Meng Haoran's eyes changed, and they were afraid.

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