Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 681 of the dispersion of prison neons

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"Mom finally saw you." Xiandu Wumu is a number of numbness, and it has been changed from Xiao Gucheng, and it has already had tears in the eyes of the mother of the day.

Xiandu Wooden night saw his own name, the actual cloning body is the lack of expression, her mind, Meng Haoran, the big hair, is still not scattered, still in a state of shocking, just I saw the Xiandu Wood of the Wood, nodded.

Of course, it is a good face when it is awake, and there will be no good face to Xu Tuku, and it is a tool that is in her eyes in her eyes. Tools to help her get stripped. ,

Xiandu Wumei did not find his mother's attitude toward his attitude, so his heart was still very happy, and he felt that he had returned together.


Meng Haoran rushed to the center of the prison, once again saw the door, Meng Haoran is a little emotion, Nangong is more excited, and he has guess Meng Haoran's gratitude to Meng Haoran is already unable to speak.

"What are we doing here?" Xiaogu City just followed the lottery, did not know the inside of them asked.

Although the Ji Snow Celetes in the side is a bit confused, but it is also a point from Meng Haoran and Nangong, and pulsate the ancient city to the side, so I will happen to the side of Meng Haoran and Nangong. Looking like a show.

"Are you ready?" Meng Haoran is in the Nangong, and then he has to do it is to wake up the body of the South Palace. In that, the jail nephew will disappear, and the Nangong in front of me will disappear.

The Nanguang is watching Meng Haoran, as if to put Meng Haoran in her heart, the last time is firmly nodded and turns it.

At that moment, Meng Haoran saw the trace of the air, she shed tears.

Meng Haoran poured an impulse that could not speak, there was a bit drop in my mind, but the body did a reaction directly. Suddenly hug her from the South Palace, there is no other action, Just just a simple hug.

Nanguang is only a symbolic struggling in Meng Haoran, and then she is hugged by Meng Haoran.

"Don't be afraid, if you are afraid that she woke up, I am no longer you, I can let you separate, then you are independent, don't doubt my ability." The ear suddenly came to Meng Haoran that Meng Haoran was extremely gentle. The heart of Nangong has finally been completely impressed by Meng Haoran. The previous feelings finally launched a love, she knew that she fell in love with him from this moment, maybe not this, it was earlier. indefinite.

Meng Haoran thought that the Nangong will accept his proposal, but unexpectedly, the Nanguang has finally refused, she said this: "She is me, wake up or me."

Meng Haoran did not continue to advise, this is what she means, and he also believes in her, but Meng Haoran is still a mental idea.

For Meng Haoran, I believe that my Nangong is very happy, even showing a smile.

When Meng Haoran touched the door again, it did not cause any reaction, as if it was a unique door, but when he entered it, it was found that the door was closed again, only him and South Palace Enter it.

"They should not have something!" Looking at the ancient city of sudden closed, there is a bit worry, but the other two are very calm, and they believe in Meng Haoran.


Everything in the room and before Meng Hao have not changed, as if there is no trace here, it is still the sleeping girl, but maybe some subtle differences.

"I don't know if it is the illusion, she seems to be alive? Always believe in the letter!" Meng Haoran didn't know because it was because I felt that the Nangui's borders, the southern signs of the Nangong, the signs of the Silk .

Silently gazing the body for a moment of Nangong, Meng Haoran is about to do something, intending to awake her.

"Let me come!" The Nanguang has made a light into its body, and the speed of the speed, Meng Haoran is not reacted.

When the south palace was put into ontology, the surrounding scenes had changed, and the entire prison juncture began to vibrate, just like an earthquake.

Not only that, but the prison nepons began to become illusively, as if they have disappeared again in this reality, but the real situation is not the case, the prison comment is really disappeared this time.

In the case of a lot of prison, the prison nephew disappeared, leaving only the last wall, everyone can see the body that floats in the air in the most central, it is the body of the Nanguo.

"What happened? That's ..."

"The body of Nangong, do you say this, the prison nepon will not exist."

"Hey, the original is this, is it not afraid of someone?"

"Weird crime! See that you did not, do you think that there is anyone to defeat him."

Many people discuss them, they have to completely disappear in this world, and many prisoners have emerged in their eyes.

"She finally wants to relieve it?" Xiandu Mum Afarn is the most shocking person, but she is a bit awkward, this is her goal, but now it is already completed, then she will What should I do?

The central, Meng Haoran is closely looked at everything in the South Palace. Whether it is physical condition or spiritual situation, he can feel a slow awakening in the body of the Nanguang, which is in the past. .

"I am sorry, I don't believe you, just for insurance." Meng Haoran went to the heart of Nangong, and then the huge mental force began to interfere with its integration.

Under Meng Haoran's interference, the will have a very fast and the main body integration, and have a subtle change, and finally the main body of the Nangong, the main body of the Nangong, and in other words, the Nanguang is still still The South Palace that Meng Haoran met, but this time is true, and it can grow up.

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