Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 682 tells why it is right?

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Finally, a certain moment, but when the two will was completely integrated, the eyelashes of the Nangong Month were slightly trembled, followed by their eyes slowly, and slept for such a long time was finally wake up by Meng Haoran. .

"You are ..." Nanguo naturally landed in the air, then the first eyes saw Meng Haoran, flashing a trace of confusion.

bad! Is there an accident! Meng Haoran has a sound in his heart, and it is very bad, thinking that he misses anything.

Fortunately, Meng Haoran is excessive. The Nangong has just wakes a little confused. After a moment, the Nangong has already remembered who Meng Haoran, and what happened.

"Meng Big Brother, thank you." "Thousands of words have made a sentence.

Meng Haoran saw this is also surprised, and there is no white fee to do.

With the thorough awakening of Nangong, the last marks of the prison nepons are also disappeared in the world. So many people have appeared in the world, and I really have a little lively for a time.

Many prisoners are all like colors, and even have individuals are already happy, but they have a slight convergence, after all, how they still have to see Meng Haoran after all.

For the culprit of this prison in the Nangong, they should be hated. Even if they think about it, they want to go to her, they want to kill her. People are not in a small number.

Meng Haoran has not made their hatred completely, I don't want to think, it is obvious that Meng Haoran has an legs and the South Palace, they still don't dare to show the hate from Nangong, think of Meng Haoran's terrible I have already given up the heart of retaliation, I only hope that Meng Haoran can put them a horse.

The appearance of the ontology of the Nangong has naturally represents some things. Not far from the fairy wood, the night color is responsible for watching the Nangong, the heart is suddenly a taste, want turning around, but there is an idea to let She firmly stopped in the original place, listening to her daughter's embarrassment.

"This is really a lot, but it is estimated that this should be able to solve it." String gods helped himself to help their eyes, I feel that today is really changed today, first, the prison nephew is inexplicably appeared in realities, then It is Meng Haoran, and finally even didn't even have a prison nephew, leaving such a rotten stall.

Although Meng Haoran has killed most of the prisoners, now there is still a few hundred prisoners, and these and Meng Haoran kills the differences, higher levels, and some brains, if they are killed, power type A lot of confidence, then the remaining is a smart shape, of course, their strength is not necessarily weak than before.

After all, I can't talk here. Meng Haoran first comforted the Nangong Month, and then reopened the remaining prisoners, I plan to go home early.

Everyone turned his gaze to Meng Haoran, waiting for the final pronunciation.

"Since you are all prisoners, most of them are made, but this is not much related, now the prison commented, I will do the exclusion of your sin, you can leave, as for the future If you are caught, then there is only one way, that is, the roads of those people, understand? "Meng Haoran's self-proportioned these criminals, according to the South Palace, they will oppose it, but Meng Haoran is the strength of Before. It was too amazing, so they actually the default of Meng Haoran practices.

I got the pardon, I was so fast, but I just not only traces, but I didn't want to stay with Meng Haoran. I can leave nature is struggling.

The short moments actually only have Meng Haoran, as well as the fairy mount, and her daughter, Xiandu Wood.

I know that Xiaogu City, the Xiandu Wumu, is of course forgive her, which does not start playing hot.

"You should have no place to go! How is it?" Meng Haoran said such a sentence against Xiandu Markia, so that the Nangong was so surprised, but she saw Xiandu Mu, I didn't know. What is a mood, and there is no opposition.

Nanguo did not say anything, others did not have an objection, so I saw her own.

Originally, Xiandu Mu night wanted to refuse, but he suddenly became "well!"

After that, the team is separated, Meng Haoran, Nina, Nangong, the moon, the fairy, the night, the destination is the office, the other people, the destination is unknown, Xiandu Wumi is also honestly wants to be with her mother, but It was pushed by Meng Haoran to Xiaogu City, telling her that a few days of Xiandu Mu Night will go to her.

Xiandu Mu, the night is going to take his strength, but in the end, it is suspended, and then it doesn't use it now.

Meng Haoran's appearance still disrupted the plan of Xiandu Mulu, the vowesten, there is no chance to appear, saying that Meng Haoran is ineffective to the so-called magic, and correct the power of this unsuccessful world or More interested, this ability is already comparing your high-end power, which is equivalent to the field of lesions, and research may be impact.


"You should also hold your hand and have a manual. It is for so many years for A night, and the night is also a long time to make it for so long. Do you have to be honest? Do you want to get a good and enemy The same, what is good. "Meng Haoran wanted two people and good at the first sentence of the office.

"Hey, you know what." Xiandu Mu Ah is just a glimpse, then it is proud, and there is no way to say that Nangong and good words.

The Nangong is a comparison, the big active, the night said: "Meng Da Ge said, we are still good! Forget the unpleasant, I know your heart is kind, but thinking has a problem "

"You have a problem, I am clear that I am clear." Xiandu Mu, the night, there is still not completely experienced her mistake, although it is a bit embarrassed to Nangong, but he still feels that he launches the vow The world should follow her ideas.

Meng Haoran looked at Xiandu Wood Ah Night Silent Silent, and the idea of ​​the heart seems to be inevitable.

"You are not wrong, then do you talk about why?" Meng Haoran suddenly spent the fairy wood.

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