Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 683 of the initial thought

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"I have not failed. The magic this kind of thing should not exist in this world, and this world is also fictional. As long as I launch the vow, I can prove everything, my purpose is just that this already The wrong world is restored. "Xiandu Wumi said.

"Is this your reason?" Meng Haoran did not disdain.

Xiandu Mu A night saw this thought that Meng Haoran did not believe in himself, and his heart was slightly embarrassed.

However, the Mint Haoran said to: "Even if you are really true? Even if the magic book doesn't have, we can use magic, the magic has been integrated into everyone. Even a lot of things are developed by magic. You want the world to reform into a world with no magic, but you have a wishful idea. You consider no other people's ideas, most people have habit This world, you have to change them, that is, it is the same as the world, then, even if you change the world, how can you change the world? "

Meng Haoran's words made Xiandu Wooden night in meditation, right! Even if your idea is correct, but what is it? When most of a world in the world accepts one thing, even if that thing is not true, 3 people tiger's story she doesn't know, but the reason is to be.

But what is the use of this one? Just to meet yourself? In order to destroy millions of life, such a practice and the true witch have any difference. In that, people hate the witch will have a reason. I really have a self-ending, I don't want to be like this, but ... but ...

"It seems that you also understand a little, what you want to do is meaningless, don't you really kill madness, is you fun?" Meng Haoran is a bit ridiculous.

"No, I am not a murderer, I just want ..." I mean that my wrong fairy wooden A night night is getting lower and lower.

Seeing the fairy wood began to reflect, the South Palace is very happy, of course, more curiosity, she wants to say why she said so many truth, Dumei, night, did not look back, and Meng Haoran casually Xianxu Mu A night accepted it? It is necessary to know that she has said similar words with the fairy Mu Night, but there is no ovulation.

The reason why Xiandu Wood Ah Night is listening to Meng Haoran, the words of Nangong did not listen, there are many reasons, the first South Palace and Xiandu Wood A night are too familiar, and her persuasion is too frequent, leading to Xiandu Mu Night has antibodies, this is like in real society, parents make you study, don't learn, no matter how much it is, then you think that a very successful host suddenly said to you. When you have a doctor, you will change your horse.

Here Meng Haoran is the big figure, after all, his strength, Xiandu Mu, I have seen it, think that Meng Haoran is not necessary to deceive himself.

Second, Meng Haoran is a man, Nangong is a woman, okay, this reason is very strong, the most important reason is of course only one is that Meng Haoran, just because he is Meng Haoran, this is only.

Seeing the fairy wood a bit depression, Meng Haoran knows that it is time to say something: "In fact, you have to prove that this world is not a magic is not because of this reason it itself! Think about what you originally thinking. "

What did you think? Meng Haoran is like a bright light, and there is a somewhat dimly dim.

Under the guidance of Meng Haoran, Xiandu Mu Night can't help but remember how the initial one is.

This memories of Xindu Mu Night Nights found that he had already deviated from the original intention. It was originally happy, but because his own witch's identity is not good in the book, he is disgusted, coupled with the mandish It is not good enough to make fear.

At that time, Xiandu Mu Night produced if he was not a good idea, and finally he was tallow his own witch identity. I want to get rid of it. I thought that as long as I prove that this world was originally there is no magic. I am a victim of the witch. If you don't hate her, for this purpose, she gradually incorporates a lot of things, which has triggered a series of things.

Meng Haoran did not know that Xiandu Mu A night did not have received the discrimination and exclusion of ordinary people, after all, she didn't say anyone who knows her is a witch, all this is because she is a library administrator, read the book More self-thinking results, it concludes that she has caused the excessive self-cultivation.

If Meng Haoran knows the truth, it will say a sentence: the child you think more.

"It seems that you have been connected." Seeing Xiandu Wood A night showed a sudden look, Meng Haoran, also relieved, he was really afraid that Xiandu Wood A night was brainstorming, so it didn't do it.

"Thank you, the words of , let me wake up." United Xiandu Mu Night feels that the whole body is relaxed, but it is the meaningless thing that is nothing to do so many years, it is a little squat, wasted so much time It's already unable to make it back, so I am not finished now, I still have a lot of time to enjoy this world.

Without the heavy goal in my heart, the fairy Mu Night feels that the thinking is particularly active. Suddenly see Meng Haoran who exposed the mild face, there is some strange in the heart, and there is a numerous love story you have seen, I feel that I should also Want to try it?

The night of Xiandu Mu, Of course, Meng Haoran and the Nangong have a little unusual, but who adds her to the book of books, knowing that men only love a woman is not realistic, that is only the most ordinary in the world. Men is likely, Meng Haoran is of course not in it, then there are many women in the same time, she will not mind, especially the South Palace is still their own girlfriends, and the servant is not.

Meng Haoran didn't know what the mentality of Xiandu Mu, when he was successful, and it was a fooling of himself. In the side of the South Palace, the moon felt what was in the night of Xiandu wood, but there was no Lenovo for a time. Arrived to Meng Haoran in the night of Xiandu Mu.

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