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This is a world of two moon, wilderness, killing, one party is a robber, but a party is an ordinary tribe.

Both sides are wearing clothes made of animal skin. Working work is not very sophisticated, can only barely look.

Generally, it is facing the robber. This ordinary tribe should have no resistance, but the reality is not the case, it can live in the wilderness, even if it is very ordinary tribe, then there is a certain strength, otherwise it is early. The beasts in the wilderness were swallowed.

However, since the robber is dare to attack this tribe, it is naturally a full preparation, not only the sneak attack, but it is a strong stronger than this tribe, so it is natural to take this time.

According to this trend, maybe for how long this tribe will become the history of wilderness, this situation is in the wilderness, and there are similar things every few days, but this time seems to be different.

Jax is a 10-year-old boy. At this time, he is hiding in the cellar of his home. He listened to the tragic scream above, his heart panic, there is also a shaking in his side. Little girl, her face is pale, revealing the confusion and fear of the future.

"You can't be afraid, I want to calm, you have to calm." Jax knew that he had to give the sister at this time, otherwise the sister's situation would change worse.

"Brother, I want my mother." The little girl was full of praying at Jax, and she is now very nostalgic.

Jax is a glimpse, but also knows that it is time, even if they can escape this robbery is a luxuriousness, and the eyes flashed a smell, but it is said that the warmth is said to the sister: "Sister, you will wait, For a while, my mother will come to us. Now I am awkward, otherwise my mother will not want you. "

I heard that my mother, my father, don't want myself, and the little girl has to bear the grievances and the tears that will appear.

I saw my sister quietly, Jax was relieved in my heart, but she still is nervous, praying that the tribe can escape this robbery.

After all, it is a child, and thinking is more divergent. Suddenly, Jax is seen in the same thing, it is a statue of about 20cm in a few months ago, when he faintly Feel this thing is extraordinary, so I took it up.

Later, he constantly taking the statue, but there is no useful thing, but it is known that this statue is the origin. The figure of this statue is the Lord of the great gods in ancient times. It is said that the magical power is. Creating a world is between it.

Of course, Jax is just a legend, after all, now the same thing in their world gods, the existence of the gods is just as a laugh.

I don't believe in the existence of the gods, so Jax later lost interest in the statue, and put it in the cellar, but now I really re-see it.

"Well?" Jax is just a little miss, but he suddenly found that the statue seems to have changed, and there is a layer of white light in the statue of the statue in his eyes, like the legendary treasure.

I thought it was a photo of my eyes, I was blind, but I found that white light is still there. This time he is completely surprised, regardless of whether it will cause the outside person to pay attention to the attention of the outside person. Take the statue carefully observed.

In the moment of his hand and statue, the statue suddenly became a big light, this is constantly spreading, it seems to be the brightness of the oil lamp, suddenly become the brightness of the nuclear power station, this is actually penetrating The cellar is continuously diffused outside.

"what is that?"

"Good light? What is the treasure?"

Many people who are fighting have seen this scene, and they have a meal, and it is generally thinking that there is a treasure, and the robbers have dare to come through the source of the light.

"Bang", a large sound Jaxi is born. At this time, he is like the gods, and his hand is a statue, and it has a sacred to extremely light. The light is so dazzling, more than the sky. Two mons in the middle must be bright as the sun.

"This is ..." Jax looked around, just in his body, he could not help but rose independent, the shroud appeared directly to smash the wall on the cellar.

"Kids hand in treasures, otherwise I will kill your family." The surrounding robber saw this.

Jax is thinking about what happened, but it was shouting that the robber was shouting, and the looks of the words flashed in the eyes, and the idea of ​​thought that the people who did not find the two bodies in the distance, instant The pupil is tightened, that is the body of his parents, the death is extremely fierce, and the doubles are very unhappy.

"Father, mother!" Jax sorrow and anger, the heart got a very strong fluctuation at this moment, it is a power called hatred.

They are those robbers, they ruined their original happiness, killing their parents, why? Why is this unfair, how can people like this, or so arrogant?

The automatic brain in the mind has made up the scene of his parents being killed. Jax is in the heart, he wants to kill all the robbers during the world, so that no longer has such a tragedy in the future.

At the moment of Jax's heart changed, the statue in his hands changed again, no one saw the eyes of the statue suddenly looked up, just like re-lived.

"What is going on? Where is it?" Meng Haoran was slightly strange. How did you suddenly see these scenes, but a message has appeared in his mind, he got this information. He instantly.

It turned out that Jax was inadvertently summoned, but even he didn't know, while Jax is so easy to summon himself, that is because of the fact that Jax is this era of this world. The child of the air transport, according to the normal situation, he will escape this robbery with his sister, and then finally rule the world, become the existence of hegemon.

The reason why Meng Haoran's statue will react, but also because of the changes in this heaven and earth, this gas is eligible to transaction with Meng Haoran, and even Meng Haoran can get a lot, of course, Meng Haoran is just a little bit. This is not enough to be alarmed.

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