Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 686, three thousand protagonists

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"Interesting, if I change the trajectory of this protagonist, I can use this as an opportunity to intervene the evolution of this world, but also to take indirect control. The world can be said." Meng Haoran flicker, instantly make a decision , Today is still unobstructed.

Jax, who is in a grief, suddenly feels a piece of information appears in his own mind. It is probably that he needs to pay a kind of thing, and the other party can deal to give him strength, let him revenge and realize himself. Just set up the goal of killing the robber.

Jax didn't understand what the air transport is, but it is impossible to know that it is very important to himself. He is slightly excluded, but his eyes are seen to see the bodies of the parents, and the sister under the danger of the feet. The bite is ultimately choosing to agree.

In this way, the two sides of this transaction agree, and next, as long as Meng Haoran gave Jax's corresponding power.

"Little son, look at you the first time I first traded, this time I have a little cheap." In the eyes of everyone, the statue in Jax is once again bursting out endless rays, detachment Jax's control.

A lot of light column opened from the diffusion of Jax, scattered the darkness in the sky, with the roaring sound of the sky, and the scene was shocked.

Sparks in Meng Haoran, I still remembered a burst of BGM. It is the sound of digital baby evolution. It is only that people in this world don't understand, but even so, the robber and Jax family feel huge. Pressure and shock, I forgot where I am.

In the middle of the light column that no one, Jax is fell into a short coma, and the surrounding light is constantly incorporated into his body and starts to transform his body.

Originally just an ordinary person's strength is as constantly skyrocketing, according to the ability to upgrade the world's ability to upgrade, just after a few days, countless days will be a few decades or even a lifetime. Become a top power in this world.

Of course, the top-level power is of course not enough. Meng Haoran is still forcing to repair his swords in the world, and the power of itself has become the world's first strong, as long as it is not the world in the world. The siege will definitely not fall.

This is not insurance. After all, it is related to his plan, preventing Meng Haoran's statue from being integrated into Jax's body, turns a mysterious guardian force, which can break out the world's limit in the moment of his life and death. The peak is blowing, so that even Jax is dead.

The outer light column is getting smaller and smaller. Finally, everyone finally saw Jax, seeing all the rays poured into Jax's body, some people also noticed that the strange statue is already disappeared.

Jax's eyes have been stagnant at the moment that is completely disappeared, first is a little confused, then the information in my mind is that he understands his situation.

"This power is ..." Holding fist, but thinking about the air explosion around, feeling the power in the body, Jax also has some feelings in the dream, at this time, he still don't know yourself. It is already the first in the world, but I feel that the robbers you defeat the invasion are simply easy.

The eyes flashed, he began to revenge for his parents, just stunned in his ethnic group, a single stick rushed to the robber group, like the Tiger into the flock of the flock, no matter who is in his hands, A trick, this moment he seems to be a lottery of hell, harvesting the lives of robbers.

At the beginning, the robbers also wanted to kill Jax, but found that the gap between the two sides was simply a truth, such as the giant and antspelling a gap, and did not have an ending.

However, there are still some bones in the end, and finally there is no one to ask for mercy, it is rare to extreme.

When the last robber of Jax, he fixedly stood in the same place, his heart said that something was a taste, and the surrounding people cheered, for them, Jax is a hero, saved. they.

The people have not changed to Jax, or the same and good friendship, plus the existence of my sister makes Jax's heart returns to usually.

After that, Jax was finally got out of the tribe in his tribe, and started the legendary road in his destiny.


Pharmal cramps, Meng Haoran, who is being sleeping, is awakened by a system notice,

"Hey, host triggers hidden task, the gas transport of the three thousand protagonists, complete the progress of 1/3000"

"Three-thousand protagonist's air transportation description: the main achievement of the protagonist, you need enough protagonist air transport, you need an extremely three thousand protagonist, when you set up three thousand protagonist, there is a chance to impact protagonist God, if the impact failure next shock, the same needs to collect air transport again. Note: The god of the impact protagonist needs some conditions in addition to strength, the protagonist is one of them. "

It is a task, but it is not a reward, but even so, Meng Haoran has not felt unfortunately. After all, the news of this impact protagonist is really important.

When Meng Haoran got information, there was a moment of stunning, and there is still such a thing, Nima! Fortunately, I found out early, or I don't know what Oolong will make it, if the key moment is the chain, I don't know how to die.

"I didn't think that I didn't think of this news. I should say that my luck is good? But the protagonist is actually related to the god of impact the protagonist. It seems that I have to speed up the speed." Since it is three Thousands of protagonist shock the God of the protagonist, Meng Haoran can't guarantee that this success is successful, so this protagonist is collecting, the better, and more beneficial.

On the few days, Meng Haoran is also a bloody, and once again created millions of imprints, throwing them into the endless world.

Millions of imprints even if Meng Haoran is also a little, or if he is deep, it is necessary to drop the realm, but even if the realm does not fall, if you want to recover your vitality or take a long time.

"I can't help the child, I don't have the wolf, as long as it is useful, then everything is worth it." Meng Haoran did not retreat because it consumes large.

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