Chapter 1315 Iron and Blood Tenderness

“You are the captain. Now that Ye has gone briefly, there are definitely a lot to say. When you eat, what do you say? Don’t let Ye Jian go, you can’t hear what you want to say.”


It was a bit quiet. I only heard the waves slap the stone pier under my feet and heard the sound of “哗啦啦”.

Li Lannian did not understand why Daxie had to say these words. “The plane at two o’clock, now eleven o’clock, the time is not early.” The gaze faintly passed from Ye Jian’s face, and the thin lips were straight. A little, “And, I should have said it, Ye Jian, have you remembered?”

Also said that there is no greasy! All that has been said is finished!

“Is it all finished? That’s good, then it’s good, don’t leave any regrets.” Dahao Lang Lang smiled, but he was the team’s spleen temperature and good talking team.

The heart converges a little. Li Xiaonian’s line of sight is very light, and he squints at it. It’s very light, but it’s a cold warning to stop talking.

When Xia Jinyuan retracted his hand, his footsteps seemed to be inadvertently approaching Ye Jian’s side for a small step, bringing the distance between the two people closer to the width of the fist.

Seeing that Li Xiaonian used his eyes to warn his deputy team, Xia Jinyuan could not help but laugh. “If there is anything wrong with Ye Jian, the Devil will not have any psychological burden despite pointing it out.”

“Since the Army sent her to your training, it was to see her progress. Moreover, with my understanding of Ye Jian, she would accept criticism and try to improve her deficiencies.”

In one case, the words that imply his intentions were brought to the training, and the topic finally returned to normal, and the atmosphere was normal.

The big cockroach who was warned by the eyes secretly sighed, and the devil, the demon king, and the excellent female soldier of Ye Jian, couldn’t you be tempted? Every time the new eight soldiers in the team saw Ye Jian appear, and they had the same light in the eyes, and they all wanted to show their hands in front of Ye Jian.

You are good! I only know that I’m blindly criticizing, correcting me, and I’m not at all!

“The female soldier you personally sent will not be too bad. The training for more than 50 days has been greatly improved.” Li Yannian did not have too much words, and while walking, he said something about Ye Jian’s training. The topic went to the match in mid-October. “…I have been training hard here, and the new soldiers will be on the stage together. If Ye Jian comes up, you need to adjust her time.”

Ye Jian couldn’t help but look at Xia Jinyuan and play it together? Adjust her time? whats the matter?

“At the end of October, our team will have a match with their team. The Army intends to apply for you to join.” Xia Jinyuan explained to Ye Jian: “There were some days before, and you still need the military to negotiate with the school.”

That is to say, whether or not you can participate at present is still an unknown number, mainly depending on the arrangement of the school and the curriculum.

Such a thing has no decision-making power, only the right to know.

Hearing words, nodded slightly and understood.

The four walked side by side, which greatly facilitated Xia Jinyuan’s secret movements. He seemed to inadvertently hold Ye Jian’s hand and rubbed his hands. He had a small movement in his hand. He looked at Li Yannian while he was walking. “We try to apply. Let her join and don’t want her to miss this opportunity.”

“Well, if you need us to come out, please call us anytime.”

Li Yannian also believes that this is a good opportunity for Ye Jian. Moreover, he would like to see her performance on land combat…. One person has a suffocating body and has been executed at a young age. The female soldier of the mission, how wonderful should the performance on the battlefield be?

Ten o’clock, eight thousand more ministers can’t do it, try to code another chapter…

(End of this chapter)

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