Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1316 - Small hand hook small hand

Chapter 1316 Small Hand Hook

The leaf that was held by the hand was struggling a little. If he didn’t open it, he would be by him. The two walked close, and only a small finger hooked the little finger, and looked at it… I couldn’t see anything.

Forget it, I haven’t seen each other for fifty days, and she can’t help but want to hold hands.

Secretly hooked the little finger, listening to him chatting with Li Yinian in a serious way, Yan Yanjun to almost perfect as beautiful jade, his mouth will be lightly tightened when he speaks serious, and there is no coldness in his eyebrows.

When I laughed, the coldness was exhausted, like a branch full of spring breeze, so soft that I couldn’t help but look up and touch his eyebrows, feeling the warmth of the spring breeze.

I saw it for a long time, and Xia Jinyuan, who was talking, looked at it and looked at it. Then I saw the cockroaches in Ye Jian’s eyes. This kind of eyes… Xia Jinyuan only feels extraordinarily happy, even the heart is sweet. .

It turned out that only a small finger was hooked, and Xia Jinyuan, who had a heartfelt heart, directly wrapped his hand with his slender hand and wrapped it tightly. He held it tightly and could not hold up the Philip’s lips.

Mood, it’s good.

“…After the end, if we can, we can conduct an interactive training to promote the tacit understanding of the cooperation between the two detachments.” In view of the low sound of Li Xiaonian in front of him, “there are two to three.” The tacit training of the month is more gripping with the US side.”

When Xia Jinyuan, who had raised his mouth, opened his mouth again, the low-pitched sound was so light that Li Yannian and Daxie couldn’t help but look at them. In the face of the two of them, the summer major who took the hand did not see a slight panic, and the answer was clear and serious. “It’s a little difficult for two to three months. If you combine winter training, it might be much better.”

Looking at the serious Xia Jinyuan, Ye Jian silently put his eyes to the front… Compared with Xia Shao’s psychological quality, he is a loser. He is thicker than his face or a loser. He is more courageous… I’m afraid Lost words!

Holding her hand, her fingers are still hooking her palm from time to time, private little tricks, but also can face a serious face!

In front of the camp, two sentinels stood at the dock and sent their posts. Xia Jinyuan had to stop the small movements in his hands and loosen Ye Jian’s hand.

In the room, Ye Jian seems to hear his sigh.

The warningly slammed the corner of his mouth and sighed in the dark, as if…The summer major had a relationship with Ye Jianzhen. The two had been in the eyes of the exchange, and the relatives who were revealed could not be inserted. Go in.

From the military port pier to the camp but only ten minutes, Xia Jinyuan learned about the situation in Ye Jian training, and also talked with Li Lannian about the match in mid-October. When he went to the navy commander, he talked for about ten minutes. This is leaving.

The military jeep that was going to the helicopter airport was started. Watching the two people leave Li’s year until the car drove out of sight, he only took it back. Afterwards, the twilight looked cold and stunned. “Oh, you have more words today. point.”

“Hey, I just think Ye Jian… It’s quite like you.” Daxie took off his military cap and touched the top with one hand. The voice was a bit dark. “It’s not easy to find an object. You are again Not a girl, I have to solve it.”

“Ye Jian is a small point, but he can win in a calm, more people are not bad, everything can be taken out, not afraid of hard work, not afraid of blood and tears, but also a soldier… I will definitely have many common topics, but also It’s not easy to dry each other.”

“The following year, my heart, hey, not very good.”

There are eight more wooden, I am not going to make a debt, crying…, 10:30, sleeping and sleeping, good night, little goblins.

(End of this chapter)

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