Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1318 - Then look at the fate

Chapter 1318, then look at the fate.

Behind him, there was a voice of a man talking to himself. Li Yannian’s footsteps were only one microton, and he never looked back. He took a long and powerful leg and walked into the military port.

Let Daxie alone caress, Ye Jian will have no male soldiers to pursue? There is a Xia Jinyuan who sweeps the army around him who dares to go on?

Xia Jinyuan has no thoughts on Ye Jian? Still have to ask a question mark.

Li Yinian did not remind himself of the vice team. He knew him too much. He didn’t want to go to the Yellow River and didn’t hit the south wall. He didn’t turn back to the south wall and found that things were not right, and he naturally stopped.

For Ye Jian, Li Lannian really does not have any other feelings. From the perspective of appreciation, there is no male or female feeling.

The excellent female soldier is very bright, but how can she like it because she is good, to talk about feelings?

Daxie didn’t think so much. He just wanted to solve the lifelong events of his comrades. The so-called concern is chaos, which is so reasonable.

Behind the military port of the military port was slowly closed. Li Yannian, a naval training suit, walked under a tall, large coconut tree, and turned to look like something turned around. His eyes fell slightly to the corner of the injured mouth. “How did the injury on the mouth come?”

Hidden, Li Yannian feels that this injury… may have something to do with Xia Jinyuan.

“When you return to Hong Kong, you will have a meeting with the summer major and be beaten by him within fifteen minutes.” The wound in the corner of his mouth was blue-red, and he touched it with a sigh of relief, and he took a cold breath. “I I have to find a hot egg to get a hot egg to roll. I don’t feel much pain just now. When you mention it, it feels a little painful.”

Sure enough, it has a relationship with Xia Jinshen.

As for the reason, Li Lannian did not want to ask.

Ye Jian is the person brought by Xia Jinyuan. Daxu wants to lead the red line and will first understand him about Ye Jian. The next step is to be beaten.

In the past few years, Xia Jinyuan was still the same as before, and he was black and embarrassed, but he could not find him.

Li Xiaonian’s thin lips smashed and smashed, and finally patted the shoulders of his comrades. “In the mid-October match, be careful.”

“You, I don’t understand.” Daxie also understood some things, shook his head and walked toward the canteen step by step…. I wanted to fight for the Lidun, but the other side did not need it.

If this is the case, then look at the fate.

However, he also came out, and the summer major is definitely different for Ye Jian! As for what was different, I asked what I had not asked for a long time.

Pressing the corner of his mouth, he sighed, he, what do you care about?

The devil is right, be careful when confronting the game, the soldiers brought out by the summer major are only more embarrassing, not the most embarrassing!

Near noon, the returning navy has been assembled by the whole team. The sound of the singer is accompanied by the sea breeze floating out of the military port. Sitting in the car, Jane is carrying it to the sea, and the training of the frogman is over for more than 50 days.

“Is it a bit sad?” Xia Jinyuan, who took her hand to the palm of her hand, has been restraining herself. She has resisted not putting his little fox into her arms, watching the sunburn behind her neck. He is I dare not hold her hand hard, … I am afraid that I have not controlled her grip for a while.

When the car turned, the mountain blocked the view of Ye Jian from the sea, regained his gaze, and gently smiled at the corner of his mouth and gently grasped his hand. “The place where I lived for fifty days, how much is a bit sad.” “”

(End of this chapter)

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