Chapter 1319 is as proud as her

“They are very caring for me. I know that I will take time out to train with me so much that I can catch up with my comrades. The summer team can meet them and it is my luck.”

Together, I felt the silence of the water in the sea. Together, I carried the weight along the beach and walked together. When I was armed, I was almost flooded. When the comrades were drowned, I had a comrade in time to step on the water and run along the water in the morning. Tired and lying on the beach, letting the sea wash.

More than 50 days of living together, leaving memories that are shared and unforgettable.

Ye Jian used to live alone in his life. In this life, he seems to be making up for the regrets of his life. No matter where he is, he can always meet many people. Many things can make memories more. Precious scenery.

Watching her succinctly talk about the things in the training, when the water ghosts are mentioned, the brows are flying bright colors, and the smile is gentle to the sunlight falling on the leaves, full of vitality.

Xia Jinyuan listened quietly, watching her singularly, and she always had a warm smile.

His little fox grew up and changed a lot.

Once, her eyebrows only refused to be thousands of miles away, like a wounded little beast, no longer believe in anyone’s indifference. When talking to her, in the dark eyes, in addition to vigilance, there is no other color.

When I first saw it, the little ones were so bold, but they were full of “hard thorns” who didn’t believe them. They looked around with the eyes that were not of that age, very calm and very indifferent.

He worried that she would be too indifferent, too cold and indifferent to the group, and had talked with Chen Shu about this topic.

Until now, I am completely convinced that as long as his little fox is willing, wherever she goes, she will be able to harvest goodwill, get friendship, and be loved by her comrades.

His little fox grows up, no longer worrying about whether she is used to the army, whether she can get along with the soldiers.

The grown-up little fox finally had a bright smile in her eyes. She was no longer indifferent, no longer refused. She had something that would make her open, and her comrades who could remember her, let her persist in her goal.

“I am very grateful to them for their help. Without them, I will always be criticized by Li Mo Wang. There are such a group of comrades around me, and I am tired and tired again.” It’s thin, but when you talk, the sound is like a note jumping in the sun, full of vitality.

His girl knows gratitude, affection, and awesome girls, isn’t it?

The smile on the corner of the mouth is deeper and warmer, and even the twilight is like the gentleness of the water.

“It won’t be separated for too long. If you agree with the school in mid-October, you can come and join. At that time, you will fight as a naval frogman. We will test your training results and then take you The results are sent to the military, … the little fox, belongs to your sky, your life has just begun.”

He did not ask Ye Jian’s sunburned skin pain, pain, pain, how not painful, he also had sunburn, pain can not lie flat to sleep at night.

This is what every soldier will experience, not just her alone.

His little fox is not so delicate, a little fox who will not be easily knocked down has his own pride, and her pride tells him that this injury does not need to be concerned.

(End of this chapter)

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