Chapter 1335 Suffering truth

President Chen patted the shoulders of Xia Jinyuan seriously. “Good, man, big man, a promise, I believe you with the same root! I believe you will take care of Ye Haotou.”

Xiazhong will know and personally admit that Liu’s head and the strict political commissar, who had some concerns in their hearts, let go of their hearts.

They all believe in Xia Jinyuan, I believe he will really take care of Ye Haotou’s life.

As a few people came out and immediately ran back to the office of the doctor on duty, An Jiaxin saw that he had not entered the ward, bite his teeth, picked up his toes, and gently moved his back against the wall… she wanted to move directly to the ward. Ye Jian said to speak.

She thought she was not found, she moved to the ward and patted her chest, and sneaked a sigh of relief.

Turning his head and seeing Ye Jian, both hands clasped the old man’s skinny hands, his back was filled with sorrow, and he stared quietly at the weak old man. Anjiaxin, who had a sore heart, walked over and gently called. One, “Little Jane.”

Outside, Xia Jinyuan took back the sight of the ward and explained: “An Jiaxin, Ye Jian’s best friend, her mother is a doctor at the town hospital. She didn’t go back so late, I was afraid to wait for Ye Jian to come back.”

“That kid, yes.” President Chen knew An Jiaxin, and she saw her body half-bent, her hands on the shoulders of Ye Jian, and her eyes softly said: “To be sincere, you can play with the leaves.”

It should be said that several girls in Ye’s bedroom are good. They often call in the summer vacation. A girl named Li Wei sees that she has not found Ye Jian, but she is afraid that Ye Jian will have her parents drive. Shuikou Village.

With these friends, they are also the blessings of Ye Shutou.

By about one and a half in the morning, An Jiaxin just walked out of the ward with red eyes, if Ye Jian advised her to want to accompany the dawn.

“Jane said to accompany the grandfather to dawn.” He walked out and heard the sound, and dragged his steps away.

She also can’t see these things dead.

Xia Jinyuan looked at the time, Shen Sheng said: “Chen Shu, I am here with Ye Jian, you are resting with Liu Tuan and the political commissar. I am afraid that there will be things busy during the day and I need to work hard for you.”

President Chen also wants to say what was taken by the strict political commissar. “Lao Chen, let’s rest, talk to Ye Haotou tomorrow morning.”

In addition, Xia Jinyuan persuaded that President Chen did not insist on staying. When he left, he repeatedly said, “There is nothing to tell me immediately, we are resting next door.”

Did not alarm Ye Jian, the three went to rest next door.

Around four o’clock, the old uncle blinked unconsciously, and the old man’s eyes were covered with a layer of fog. The gray eyes were not even clear, but only shouted and shouted “Ye Shutou” and slowly closed. eye.

Clenching the old man’s hand, Ye Jian’s voice screamed again and again. “I’m back, I’ll come back to see you, Grandpa, I’ll come back to see you.”

Looking at the old man with a nervous look, he was shocked to see the instrument that controls the heart. He saw that the wavy line representing the heartbeat was still undulating. Ye Jian raised his hand sharply and bit his wrist with his teeth. I cried.

Xia Jinyuan called the military doctor to come over and asked the military doctor to check it carefully. After two minutes, the military doctor sighed: “Be prepared mentally, the old man has already fallen into a coma, and maybe he can wake up, maybe… will leave in his sleep.”

When the military doctor finished, he looked down at the girl sitting, and when he saw it, his face changed greatly. “You have bitten your own hands! Quickly let go!”

Good night.

(End of this chapter)

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