Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1336 - You are self-harming

Chapter 1336, you are self-harming

The previous generation of Ye Jian has become a habit of repression. Although this world has changed a lot, it will still be affected by the past life. When it is grieved, it will suppress itself again.

The snoring of the military doctor made Xia Jinyuan’s face “brush” and changed greatly. Junya’s black moon in the moonlight passed a very cold smear, from the other side of the bed to the front of Ye Jian, dead and dead. Live her wrist, “Know what you are doing? Need me to tell you?”

The sound is low and low, and it is only for the anger of the heart, the anger in the eyes, and watching the smear of the lap of the skin, Xia Jinyuan feels that there is a beast in his chest, “self-mutilation, you This is self-mutilation! The roots of the old man teach you with the wisdom of a lifetime, let you learn to face, learn to be strong, Ye Jian, you use the way that the root uncle is most unwilling to see to reward the old man’s **** education for you. ?”

Only did not say that she was too disappointed with the roots.

The military doctor looked at the two men, one anger was tight, one grief was suppressed, and he quickly persuaded the Xia Jinyuan, who was in a tight air pressure. “Okay, well, the excuses are justifiable, and the circumstances are extenuating. Let’s get rid of the poison first.”

I am still afraid that Xia Jinyuan will pull the leaf Jane again. He has grasped Ye Jian’s wrist from his hand, and then he took a closer look, and he could not breathe a sigh of relief.

… too awkward! I bite myself and bite so deep!

“First disinfection and debridement, and then a shot of tetanus.” The military doctor whispered and told Ye Jian to go out with him. “You, this girl, can’t hurt, you can’t hurt yourself, seeing you is also a sensible thing.” Children, how to do things without worrying about it.” And looked at the eyes and anger, Xia Jinyuan, the pressure is tighter, “She went to clean the wound, you guard.”

Xia Jinyuan’s jaw was a little tight, and he said that he was very polite and said: “It’s hard for you.” Then I looked down at the leaves and said that she was sorrowful and fragile. The fire finally turned into a distress. “You go to the wound with the military doctor, I am going to guard the old man.”

Uncle Root is the only relative of the little fox, and she is the pillar of her way. She has always regretted how she has not accompanied her…. The heart is not only regret, but also deeply blamed.

His little fox would rather use his self-harm to vent his self-blame, and he would not let everyone see the pain in her heart, and then grieve and know how to care for their little foxes… How can they be willing to be angry with her.

There is still a little confusion in Ye Jian’s eyes. She doesn’t know how to bite herself.

Seeing the tight expression of Xia Jinyuan, Ye Jian bite her lower lip. She wanted to explain a few words. She finally said: “I will come back soon.”

When the military doctor took her away from the ward, Xia Jinyuan gently sat down on the chair, holding the old man’s skinny hand and whispered: “Old man, Ye Jian listened to your words, and you must talk about it when you wake up. She is right. You have to raise your body and teach her a lot.”

“This girl is listening to you most. Whatever you say, she will listen. You haven’t watched her go into the military camp. We are waiting for you to send her to the military camp as a soldier. Also, tell you a good news. The military decided to send her to my team, and my team is a special special operations force, you must not know?”

“When you wake up, I will talk to you about what I can say in my team and let you know what troops Ye Jian will go to.”

(End of this chapter)

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