Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1337 - Commander-in-chief of Xia

Chapter 1337, Commander-in-Chief of Summer came.

Xia Jinyuan accompanied the old gentleman to talk softly. The forty-year-old military doctor cleaned the wounds for Ye Jian, and he said with a strong heart: “The old man has already reached the age of sorrow, and can still laugh at us when he is awake. It is obvious that the old man is very spacious. Since you are the only relative of the elderly, how can you use the self-harming method to make the old man feel uneasy?”

“Being kind to yourself is the most filial to the elderly, understand? Girl.”

In fact, Ye Jian did not know how to bite it. If it was not for the military doctor, she did not feel the pain.

I nodded awkwardly, and the leaves on my face were smeared with tears to adjust my emotions. She had to control her emotions. Everyone knows that Grandpa’s most uneasy is her, how can she make her grandfather? Disappointed.

The military doctor saw her twilight gradually clear, and the sorrow that was visible between the eyebrows was hidden little by little. The only bright eyes had a firm look, and the medic’s face could not help but smile.

Ten minutes later, Ye Jian, who had wrapped a circle of gauze on his wrist, thanked the military doctor and got up and went back to the ward to continue with the old man.

Xia Jinyuan is still talking softly to the old man, knowing that the old man can’t hear it. He still whispers in a sentence. “With you, Ye Jian went there to know that a relative is waiting for her to go back. There is a home waiting. She goes back.”

“Uncle, when you sleep well, just open your eyes, we are waiting to hear your voice, I am still waiting to go fishing with you. Also, when I was holding a wedding with Ye Jian, I would like to give you another cup of tea. Thank you for your teaching. Thank you for cultivating her and making me a cheaper one.”

Ye Jian, who stood at the door, heard a smile for a while, and cried for a while. Grandpa is her relative, and Chen Shu is also her relative. Later, the summer team is also her relative.

For them, she has to cheer up and not let them worry.

Wiping dry tears, and then gently patted his cheeks, taking a deep breath of leaves, Jane heads up, and took a firm step into the ward.

When Xia Jinyuan, who heard the movement, turned back, he saw that Ye Jian, who had come in, swept away the decadence and showed his tenacity, just as he faced the training and faced the war with no trace of Ye Jian.

She has adjusted her emotions and mentality.

“I am guarding, you sleep by the bed, one person sleeps for an hour.” Xia Jinyuan took her hand and took her to sit on the stool. “There will be people in the army during the day to visit the uncle, you are an uncle.” The only relatives, the only granddaughter, should get up and know.”

Ye Jian did not refuse again. “Well, you wake me up in an hour.”

She must have a spirit, let the waking root grandfather see her best mental outlook, can not let him worry, let alone worry him!

Although I adjusted my mentality, I did not sleep well, but I still slept until half past six in the morning. I was confused and heard that Xia Jinyuan was talking. “Dad, come over with the leaders of the military academy. You brought a few. Guards? Private helicopters are arranged. The captain can only take five people. The military school leader has two people. You can only bring one guard.”

“Yes, everything is properly arranged, the aviation line has been approved. The two leaders of the military academy can arrive at Anyang Railway Station at eight o’clock. Dad, you are going to the railway station and other two school leaders.”

Can directly arrange for Xiazhong to go to somewhere and so on, and only Xia Jinyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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