Chapter 1343 is too shameless!

When Dr. Zhou came in, he heard his daughter crying for a while, and all the laughter was shocked. “Jiaxin, what’s wrong with you!”

“Jiaxin seems to have always been such a temper, quite real.” Someone spoke crisply and said with a bit of familiarity: “When I was in junior high school, Aunt Zhou, Jiaxin did not bully me.”

This voice, I rely on!

Ye Ying!

Even An Jiaxin, whose tears were not clean, suddenly looked up and stared at Ye Ying with a stern look. “Mom, I am not familiar with her. She has to say what you don’t have to take seriously.”

Half of the face is not given, so that the face of the face of the smile of Ye Ying suddenly froze, the watery apricot eyes more flashy.

“You are this child.” Dr. Zhou did not say much. He only took a face and took a picture of his daughter’s shoulder. He turned his head to Ye Zhifan who came up: “Ye Zhenchang…, wrong, wrong, I don’t know.” How to call it.”

Ye Ying grabbed the first, and smiled and said: “My dad is now the director of the Provincial Construction Bureau.” There is no lack of ostentatious tone in it.

“Ye, Secretary, let’s sit down first.” Dr. Zhou said with a polite attitude, and he was not constrained by the presence of a director. “The old man’s ward is afraid of being unable to stand up, wait for me later. Let’s take the leaf secretary in the past.”

On behalf of all the villagers in Shuikou Village, I visited the old uncle. The village head of Zhang Defu in Shuikou Village personally called and called… She didn’t want to help but also helped.

Ye Zhifan saw that the old man was a fake, and the high-ranking officials who stood in the ward were real. Hearing, he seemed to be a little surprised: “I can’t stand it? Are there many people?…There is no air in the ward. Circulation, does this not make the uncle more uncomfortable?”

“It should be a person, there is a military doctor, there will be no problem.” Dr. Zhou finished, pushed An Jiaxin, and scorned: “No breakfast, go down for breakfast!”

Ye Jian and Ye Yingjia’s things, she didn’t hear enough? Let this girl remind me? In high school for three years, I have to take care of Ye Jian, otherwise she will not turn around, I don’t know how much to eat!

Just like the Anjia Xin who had not wanted to stay, he had an excuse. He was not going to sneak out of Ye Ying, and strode out, and suddenly he came to the door and said, “Mom, I gave you the admission letter of Pu Da, you come here. People, not safe!”

… Ye Ying, this guy is too overcast, don’t tear her notice off!

The swaying face made the previous second show off his father. Ye Ying, the director of the Construction Bureau, secretly gritted his teeth. An Jiaxin, she was deliberate! on purpose!

Dr. Zhou really gave it, “What is not safe, go home after breakfast, don’t stand in front of my eyes.”

Yes, she is deliberate, how! An Jiaxin, who came back, looked at Ye Ying with a provocative look and took the notice… leaving.

She had to tell Jane that she would not be safe with Ye Da.

Turn left and go downstairs, turn right to the ward, An Jiaxin chose to go to the ward.

Ye Zhifan blinked slightly and gave her daughter Ye Ying a look, indicating that she would look at the situation first.

Dr. Zhou, who cleaned up the table, saw this and sneered in the heart…. She really didn’t understand how Ye Zhifan could step up and become the director of the Provincial Construction Bureau.

It’s not easy to go to the ward’s ward. The two sentinels stretched out their hands and blocked them. They said to Ye Ying: “Please go back, thank you for your cooperation.”

(End of this chapter)

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