Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1344 - salute! Cover the national flag!

Chapter 1344 salute! Cover the national flag!

An Jiaxin, who passed the past smoothly, looked back and looked at her face. She was cold-faced and disgusted: “The daughter of the Secretary of the Construction Bureau should not be a shame here, cool there, cool down there.”

Then the two sentinels seriously said: “The two brothers, this woman is called Ye Ying, who used to bully Ye Jian every day. When he was in high school, he was calculating Ye Jian everywhere. You must block her and not let her in!”

The two sentinels kept their expressions unchanged, only blocking the anger of the lame, and not allowing her to go further.

The atmosphere in the ward is getting more and more depressed, and sorrow hangs over everyone’s heart. All the officers and men in the scene have tears in their eyes.

“Okay, okay… okay…, good boy…, you have to be good… well… good…” I finally saw that Ye’s roots in the uniform of the military uniform had been gradually swaying. Go, the breathing is getting weaker and weaker, and the sound is so low that you need Ye Jian to lean over to hear it. “Jade, don’t, … harm… harm people. Take your own road leaves, you will… go further, More…high…more…good…”

Good boy, you have not lived up to Grandpa’s expectations of you, and you have not so much military power, and you have become a military school student with a military rank, … the first one, the first one.

Going, I am also relieved.

“I, rest assured, … rest assured. Lao Chen, … handed it over to you, handed it to you…” The sound gradually fell, and the instrument that listened to the heartbeat made a sharp voice… The line of life was suddenly straightened, and Ye Jian was squatting tightly on the white sheets, and the teeth gnawed and did not let the tears flow out.

Grandpa said, can’t cry, he doesn’t like her crying.

He also said that he has valued his life and he has no regrets.

He also said that he had to go with the old comrades, and he had to go to the old leader and the old head.

Don’t cry, don’t cry, she can’t cry.

Take off the breathing mask, remove the drip that can’t flow, and carefully flatten the body of the old man with a kind smile….Every piece is made by Ye Jian, and even Xia Jinyuan does not intervene.

This is what she can do for the elderly. She just wants to finish it herself.


Deep and heavy breathing, Ye Jian stood up and joined all the officers and men to pay tribute to the old squad leader who had died in the military.

“Over the national flag!”

The four lieutenants in the spring and autumn uniforms held the national flag and walked into the ward. The lieutenant holding the national flag slammed the corner of the national flag. The other lieutenant took the corner. Then, each of the four lieutenants seized the corner of the national flag and sacred the flag. Cover it up a bit.

The bright red flag was overlaid, and the four lieutenants were saluting and sent their respects to the first-class sergeant.

The sentinel standing at the door saluted, and the two sentinels who stood in front of the same salute, both sent their respects to the first-class sergeant who died.

Uncle Root chose the cremation and needs to be sent to the city.

Xia Jinyuan carried a corner of the hospital bed, and President Chen, Liu’s head, and the Zheng political commissar each lifted a corner. They were saddened by the soldiers and walked out of the ward step by step.

The commander-in-chief of Xia and the two leaders of the military academy were on both sides, and the photos taken by Ye Jian’s old man wearing a veteran military uniform were at the forefront.

She took a steady pace, her eyes straight on the front, like a steel gun, with a brave shackle, obeying her promise to the roots of the old man, … no tears to see off for her closest relatives .

The little goblins, the activities of the monthly ticket are all concerned. In the future, I will choose two lucky goblins in the little goblins who have voted for the monthly ticket, and send a beautiful sterling silver gift.

Today is updated, good night, little goblins.

(End of this chapter)

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