Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1346 - Hit the internal injury

Chapter 1346 hits internal injuries

Ye Zhifan, whose fists are tight, did not move. Instead, he blocked the daughter from going out at the door and whispered: “Yingying, go back and sit.”

“Why, Dad!” Where can Ye Ying accept it and directly fry it? “This is an opportunity, Dad! You said it, the opportunity is fleeting, I can’t go out, how can I perform well!”

When I think of Ye Jian, this time is infinite, and she is waiting for a notice without results! Qin Yi, who returned to Beijing, has no letter until now! If you can’t make it, you have to make a question mark!

In addition to a mind that wants to enter the army, Ye Ying has no other ideas. She sees that she has the opportunity to show her face to the senior officials of the army. She will not miss it anyway.

Seeing that her father did not move, she bite her teeth and took a deep breath, and when Ye Zhifan was pushed out, she also let herself plant it together.

Unexpectedly, Ye Zhifan, who was behind the daughter, almost fell down. When he stabilized his body, he found that his daughter and his daughter were so hard to block Ye Jian’s way, blocking the way of the officers and men who sent off the troops.

Someone appeared in front of it, and the officers and men who opened the road glanced at it. They walked straight and blocked it with their arms. “Please let me go, thank you!”

Ye Zhifan, who appeared in a shameful manner, adjusted his facial expressions in an instant, and looked at the black and white photos of the elderly with a smile. “Ye Jian, I represent the villagers… I sent the old man a ride. Uncle, the villagers have no way to one by one. Come and send me Ye Zhifan as the representative to send you the last trip.”

Since you want to know the senior officers of the army, you have to let them know what their name is.

After a slight sweep of the light, I saw the moment when the commander-in-chief of the summer, Ye Zhifan gently took a sigh of relief, … Lieutenant! Actually, I still have a lieutenant to see you off!

The lieutenant general, the university, the colonel, and the officers and men who opened the road are all lieutenants!

The big school, the colonel, and the lieutenant are the scope of his meeting, the lieutenant… he must know! For the daughter to enter the Beijing political group to fight for a chance!

Hey, Ye Zhifan immediately said: “Yingying, I’m going to stand with Ye Jian, and send the grandfather to the last leg together with Ye Jian.”

After introducing myself, I don’t think it’s too fast to arrange Ye Ying’s past, saying that it’s the last trip to the roots. In fact, I want the senior officials of the army to have a good impression on her daughter.

He said this, a few arrow-like eyes swept directly with the majestic momentum, especially the sight of the commander-in-chief of Xia, his eyebrows were not angered, and the pressure was like a mountain. Down, even let Ye Zhifan not blink from some guilty eyes.

Tears linger in my eyes, even thinking about how to cry, Ye Ying did not move, such as being struck by lightning, standing still, his eyes are straightforwardly eyeing Ye Jian, the eyes of the dead are full of Confidence.

Who is the person who is at the forefront?

Who is wearing a military uniform and his eyes are in his heart? !

How is she… dare, how… with… how can she make her bravely put on the uniform! Also, the dead girl is clearly a girl, why, and why?

False, it must be fake! It must be that the people in the army looked at the roots of the old man to die, deliberately took out a set of such military uniforms to smash the old man! It must be like this, it must be like this!

I can’t believe that all the Ye Ying’s five senses are so distorted that people can’t look straight, and the poison in the eyes is like the poison of the scorpion tail, revealing the coldness of the sinister.

(End of this chapter)

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